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I'll Kill Your Fucking Father, I'll Rape Your Fucking Mother.You Want To Fuck Around Then Maybe You Can Fuck Eachother.-song by Cist.
Sometimes i imagine how i wish you will die, heh but sometimes i think about how i will die, and laugh, yet you are left out of the loop, and shall never know
i need to think of something smart and witty, or just plan catchy that goes with me to place here. so for now it shall be this.
i have been told i am abusive.
some from ex boyfriends. saying i bite to much. saying i hit and tease them to much.mostly from my mother, saying im mentally "abusive". meh. doesn't bother me. if you cannot deal with my little games, and me being"abusive"
then you are probably not ready to deal with the lying, deceiving, selfish world.
years of age
fond of older
heh, if you haven't noticed, i like bright lights. and LOOOOVE the flashy.
Please note: its not my fault if you have a seisure
YoU sPiN mErIgHt RoUnDbAby
RiGhT rOuNdLiKe A rEcOrDbAbYrIgHt RoUnD rOuNd RoUnD
I like to be true to myself. and if what i do appeals to others, or it is what others are doing.
good for it. im not going to stop doing what im doing to be different. its what i like. who cares. its not like im seeing
whats in to see if i like it. i just do what i want. sometimes it happens to be whats in. so do not say that im copying.
Anime is the best thing that has ever happened to the world, i think we would die, well i would die if i couldn't watch anime.heh, pathetic i know, but still....
oh and here is some more color to hurt your eyes.
I'm not a huge fan of people. to tell the truth most people annoy the living fuck out of me. so usually i will be a bitch, but sometimes, i will grit my teeth and smile. and TRY to be nice...but anyways i got a gift for you, and it comes gift it is....
just don't give them to me
hehe its kinda strange because i really like lights, and i like traffic(believe it or not) and i like big cities...but i do not like people. i like to be around a lot of people. mostly to observe them. not to actually mingle with them. let alone. touch them.
people are quite disgusting. but so interesting to watch. and sometimes pretty to photograph. when they do not know you are watching them. and they are just doing something. like watching a leaf fall to the ground. it can be beautiful
heh. i really love pokemon. they rule. heh
heh, i am overweight, you must know this. do not think im thin. because im quite far from it. and if you think its all about weight. then please do not talk to me.
looks are not everything. i am actually someone that would prefer a personality over looks. the way you look shouldn't have anything to do with if someone likes you or not, they should be able to make up their mind without you have a nice face, and a body to match. i actually look worse than i do in pictures, because i use lights, and angles, and camera settings. it makes me look good. heh i do not know why i do it.
are so cute!
so cute that you just want to eat them all up.....before they eat you! heh. RAWR ZombiEs!!!!
RAWR RAWR RAWR ZOMBIeS! lol. fleash eating virus infected AWESOMENESS! heh.... i like to spell zombiE, with a capital E at the end. im not sure why....but i do..haha.
Exit to the left......and...
please put hands in your pockets
speak none of this with another.
sew your mouth shut as you leave.
and never return.
and remember........ keep your hands to yourself....because...
Chyeah, im learning how to do things in photoshop. so i made this banner for my WONDERFUL coven!!!!!!YAY!!!!!