Last Updated: Feb 23, 2021
Websites Quote:
Does anyone actually read text on a profile? It does not seem as if they do, so I wonder why I bother. Later in this section, I clearly and unequivocally state that I despise receiving non-substantive messages from people I do not know such as "hi" or "how are you?" I also state that if you are one of those VR males who enjoys messaging every female profile on the site with the same canned message, I will block you. I have several profiles on this site, so when I receive cut and pasted messages on several profiles, I become irritated and annoyed. Irritated and annoyed KillOfTheNight=your ass blocked. I am not here looking for a date or to meet people who do not take the time to put together two thoughtful sentences when messaging me. It is that simple, but I digress.
I generally do not post many details about my personal life on my profiles. Over time, I have shortened this section and will continue to edit it. As with most people, I have both hard and soft personality traits. I am often kind and express a caring attitude toward others. I am compassionate, considerate, and enjoy extending assistance to someone in need. Still, I am a dominant (not domineering) person. I do not put up with excuses and cannot stand insensitivity, idiocy, or ignorance. I loathe drama, although occasionally, I am grudgingly swept into it based on a need to defend myself or others. I am fiercely protective of those I love, including myself. I know how to listen and am confident and fully self-sufficient.
Additionally, I am a private person and carefully choose with whom I share my life. I am an introspective introvert and I ordinarily find it hard to confide in others I meet online. While VR is near and dear to my heart, I have found it particularly difficult to trust most who frequent this website. Most people who know me apart from VR think I must be kidding when I tell them I am an introvert. If you asked someone to describe me who knows me reasonably well offline, they'd presumably characterize me as outgoing, extroverted, and social.
I am an attorney by profession and have practiced for more than 21 years. For 21 years, I was a litigator. Two and a half years ago, I closed my private practice and accepted a non-litigation position at one of the nation's largest law firms. I work in risk management which means I advise attorneys regarding potential conflict issues with clients and with business relationships. I am responsible for assisting with the review, identification, and resolution of potential conflicts issues with respect to lateral candidates and firm growth opportunities. I also ensure compliance with ethical professional rules of responsibility and risk. I work with my firm's conflicts department, recruiting department, and partners. Since this is a new position in my firm, I have been responsible for establishing and training others on the process I use to effectively screen new lateral associate and partner hires. If this sounds complex, that is because it is.
I have been on VR for about 10 years now. I do not remember the exact details of how I came to find VR; I just know that I did and was immediately drawn to the site. Despite taking many breaks from logging in, I have always returned to the site. It is a place where I feel free to express myself in whatever way I choose. Although VR has changed drastically, I still love it here and enjoy freely expressing my personality's darker sides.
During my time on VR, I have had two Covens. The first, I established immediately following leveling my main profile, Theodora, to Sire. VR was much more active at that time. Path of Ecstacy was a great deal of fun, with playful banter, sarcastic sexual quips, and fun threads where all type of information was exchanged. I have had a Mentorship since I reached level 80, which was also very active for quite some time. When first established the Mentorship was called Succubus Seductions. When I returned to VR a few years ago, I rebranded the Mentorship, Violet Dreamscapes. I overhauled the member pages and the forums. Sadly, Covens and Mentorships on this site are not active as they once were.
Because my life off VR is of a serious nature, you will find me to be quite silly, often joking. I am also quite perverse and have never met a dirty joke I did not like. Although I am difficult to offend, I have a few ground rules. I expect to be treated with respect. If you respect me, I will respect you. The converse is also true. If you disrespect me, expect to be disrespected in return. I do not put up with people's bullshit, delusions, name-calling, whining, or drama. I loathe misogynistic misanthropes; I do not think journals of women's bouncing breasts are amusing or appropriate. While they might well be within the TOS on this site, they are tasteless and vulgar. I am not a vampire or were-creature and cannot turn you, so please do not ask me to do so. I am also not here to edit or evaluate your profile, so please do not ask me to do this either. I come here in my free time for enjoyment and to talk to a few close friends that remain on the site. Do not flirt with me, period. I am in a long-term relationship.
Also, do not message me and simply say "hi." I despise non-substantive messages. If you are one of those VR males who likes to message every female on the site, I will block you. If you call me, my friends, pets, or family names, I will block you. Cancer created the block button for a reason and I do not hesitate to utilize it when needed.
In my minimal spare time, I enjoy creating. I love to develop new and different coding and delight in creating exceptional, one-of-a-kind graphics. Coding and creating graphics are one of the ways I express my more creative side. I am classically trained on the violin although I do not play much anymore. I use a violin hand-crafted by my grandfather prior to his passing. It contains a scroll from a famous violinist's violin; my grandfather acquired it many years ago in New York at an auction.
If you add me, rate me, or add my journal, please let me know so that I can do the same. Thanks for visiting my profile, and if you have read this far, compliments to you!
This section is my least favorite part of any profile, but I feel I must mention my thought process regarding rating profiles. My rating approach has changed over the years and has metamorphosed again recently. In the past, I have rated compassionately, generally giving a 10 to those who attempted to decorate their profile. You see, I realize that not everyone is a coder by profession or has the equipment and software to code a profile elaborately. I was always conscious of that when I rated. However, recently, I have rethought my rating policy due to some unnamed individuals rating low. I would not describe this shift as revenge rating but more constructive criticism as to how I see your profile rather than “rubber-stamping” everyone a 10. If you are truly new to the site or are not a premium member, I will consider that when rating your profile.
The VR Manual states: “A valid rating is between 1 and 10 with 1 being the lowest score and 10 being the highest. How you choose to rate a profile is totally up to you. Different members will have different criteria for profile rating. When you rate a profile, it will have more weight the higher your status level.”
If you use a tiny font that I have to find a microscope to read, I am not rating your profile high. Likewise, if you utilize a color scheme that makes it difficult, if not impossible, to read your profile, you will receive a low rating. If you do not possess a basic knowledge of grammar and spelling, there are free sites such as Grammarly that you can utilize. There is no excuse for poor grammar or misspelled words on a profile, in my opinion. If you make changes or edits to your profile, you are always welcome to ask me for a re-rate which I may or may not do. Notwithstanding the previous, if you rate me a 10, you are much more likely to receive a favorable rating from me.
If you need assistance with graphics or coding, you are always welcome to reach out. Because I love to code and make graphics, I am usually happy to share my knowledge. I also do not use expensive software to create my graphics. Everything I have learned regarding coding and creating graphics is self-taught, with occasional help from a few dear friends.
Although I detest focusing on negative matters, I need to address those on the site who are spiteful and purposefully rate profiles low. I believe those who down-rate due to some irrational, dreamt-up policy do so because they are miserable people, throwing a tantrum because someone disturbed their King/Queen of VR crown. Enjoy your perceived power over others. These childish, negative drama queens derive joy from antagonizing other site members by passing judgment on their creative works without considering the merit of the profile’s coding, graphics, or text. Besides a few admittedly neat coding tricks, these boorish individuals do not have elaborate profiles and have only a few rudimentary pictures to adorn their profiles.
From dealing with children for years, I have found it best to ignore their tantrums and histrionics. But they will come; they always do. And, except for this statement on all my newer profiles, I will quietly take my 1. You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. However, I recommend seeking counseling from a licensed psychotherapist; therapy is even available online now. Also, you may wish to consider stepping away from the computer now and then, keyboard warrior. The sunlight might do you some good. Don’t forget your sunscreen. Good skincare is essential even for waste-of-time troglodytes.
Member Since: Jun 13, 2016
Last Login: Dec 15, 2023
Times Viewed: 20,147
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…
You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.
Enjoy the darkness..
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