My Name is Kiera Romaya. I come from a parallel world to yours it is called Rusalka. I am a half Vampire. My Father, was a King, Elethan Romaya, and a Vampire. My Mother, Zenobia Romaya, was a Queen and a powerful Witch. And because i was descended from Vampire and a Witch i have grown to become the most powerful being of both mine and your world.
I posess many powers. i posess Psychic powers such as Aura Reading, Telepathy, Premonitions, Mediumship, Death Warnings, Clairvoyancy and Automatic Writing. I have unparalleled senses. my sense of smell, sight and Hearing are incredibly hightened to 50 times the strength of a regular humans i also have a sixth sense which comes from my Psychic side.. I can run at super speeds and i have inhuman and incredible strength. I have an Unlimited knowledge of Martial arts and use a sword like you have never seen. I can Shimmer from one place to anther. Many call it Blinking. I also posess Telekenetic and Telepathic powers. i see visions of not only the future but also the past. I can control the weather with the mind and I can also transform into the form of a rare White Tiger. These are just some of the powers that i posess. I also posess many Vampiric traits aswell. Such as the Venomous bite that can transform any human into a Vampire and that can poison any Werewolf. Many humans have their own idea of what a vampire is such as....Unable to go out in sunlight? Myth. Can be Killed by a stake throught the heart? Myth. My skin is like Marble nothing can penetrate it. But i do Drink Blood. i do not eat or drink any thing except blood. My skin is pale white and ice cold and i never sleep. Ever.
I was forced to leave my home and journey to your world to escape an Evil Vampire. Xancou was my Father's brother. he was extremely jealous of my Father and wanted his Throne he killed my Father and my Mother and I escaped with my life and nothing else. Being away from my world is excruciating. Xancou has taken over my home and rules with a black heart and a dark soul. But i can never return to Rusalka because if i am killed there will be no one to protect my people.
I am afraid I cannot reveal any more of my life to you as I have already shared too much. i hope you will welcome me to your Bretheren. I have much too teach the Immortal Realm. Blessed Be.
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