Are you a Vampire, human, or Gaurdian? |
You are a creature of a dark kind. Your hunger is only stopped by the feeding off of the human souls. You are of my kind... |
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Name: Theadora Isabela Black Crawford
Age:Older and wiser than I look
Height: 5ft3
Eyes: Green/Grey
Hair: Black
Body: Average with curves
Which Demonic Eyes do YOU have??? |
Lustful Eyes
Lustful Eyes, to seduce & blind your enemies with lust, letting them die in pleasure yet painful death |
How do you compare?
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My hobbies and interests: Poetry, I like Keats.I also love to write my own poetry, check out my journal. I love to read , I like Lovecraft, Wilde, Rice and Poe. I'm also a music lover I like alot of different music, sometimes some industrial, some metal, a bit of 80's rock and some more electronic music. I also like to take a trip into the dub step universe every now and then. Art is a big part of my life, I hope to go to art college after school and my mum is an artsist. Some of my favorite artists are Dali, Aubrey, Hockney and Monet.
I often am in a bad mood but I feel I either rant or just leave it out instead of letting my mood affect everyone else. I enjoy having a good time and I dont think my bad mood should get in the way of that. I dislike alot of stuff, I dont really like when people label (an obvious one I know but still) and i also dont like bitchy people but then again who does. I do really hate alot of things but dont see the point in listing them.
Now my religion. I was supposed to begin learning the Wiccan way but unfortunatly a series of events happened and i had to leave that for a while. I was told I have an affinty with the Goddess Freya. I grew up in a country where religion is everything and the cristian orthodox religion was forced and i was as a 6 year old was very much intimidated and still am by it. I was also singled out as the only child who had not been baptised in my school and bullied by teachers and children.
I am a dreamer. I live with my head in the clouds, but i am also very grounded. I am aware of everything around me and try not to attract negativity. I try to solve my own problems but always find a little help never harmed and I also find that helping others can be extreemly rewarding.
So come ask me more because there is so much more of me you dont know. =) and this is me =)
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