
User is SUSPENDED until: Infinity

Set at 08:27 on February 23, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Scrounger (4.88)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?

were fate takes me


Bite HighLander

Stalk HighLander




I was born
400 years ago in the
highlands of scotland.
and i am not alone.
now is the time
When a stroke of a sword
will release the power of

Here is a timeline of my life so far


-- The Chronology --

c20000 BC

* Emrys is the Shaman to his tribe when he becomes Immortal (N-"Shadow
of Obsession").


* "The Great Flood", according to Methos ("Methuselah's Gift")

c4000 BC

* The Watchers begin protecting their secret ("A Matter of Time")

c3500 BC

* Kurgan peoples cross the Dneiper.

c3000 BC

* Methos remembers that this is about when he took his first head,
before that, things get a bit hazy" ("Methos").

c1700 BC

* Methos visits Egypt (N-"The Captive Soul").

c1675 BC

* Methos travels to Albion (N-"The Captive Soul").

c1575 BC

* Methos leaves Albion (N-"The Captive Soul").

1573 BC

* Methos vists Hyksos rules Egypt, and meets the Immortal Khyan (N-"The
Captive Soul").


* Methos may have seen Helen of Troy ("Comes a Horseman").

Before 1015 BC

* The Kurgan was born somewhere along the Caspian Sea (N-"Highlander").

Before 1010 BC

* The Kurgan's father tries to kill him, and leaves hims for dead. The
Kurgan kills him in revenge, and takes the families sheep home,
claiming a bear got to him (N-"Highlander").

Before 1007 BC

* The Kurgan left his tribe and joined a group of bandits preying on
caravans traveling the steppes between India and the Mediterranean

c1000 BC?

* "The Bronze Age" Methos, Kronos, Silas and Caspian are the Four
Horsemen. They enslave Cassandra, after wiping out her tribe and
making her Immortal ("Comes a Horseman").

Before 990 BC

* The Kurgan becomes Immortal. Some time after that, he eventually
encountered a Bedouin Arab who taught him about his Immortality

896 BC

* The Immortal Tak Ne ("Ramirez") was born in an Egyptian city. (H1,

c840 BC

* Tak Ne was run over by a runaway cart in the streets of his city. He
was mortally wounded and became Immortal. The fearful people banished
him from his home. (H1/s,N-"Highlander")

593 BC

* Tak Ne married his third wife, the Japanese princess Shakiko. Her
father Masamune forged a magnificent Samurai katana for Tak Ne.

c540 BC

* Tak Ne's wife Shakiko died and he buried her. He then presumably left
Japan. (H1,H1/s,N-"Highlander")

c400 BC

* Methos may have known Socrates ("Messenger").

c300 BC

* Methos may have known Mencius ("Chivalry").

74 BC

* Methos loses money when the Immortal Titus Marconis loses his head to
the Immortal Marcus Aedieus. Marconis' Watcher lies in his Chronicle,
ascribing the death to the much better Peter Gaecus ("To Be").

c55 BC

* "Alexi Raven", a member of the Carvetii people of Cumbria is alive
when the Romans come to Britain ("Sins of the Father").

30 BC

* The Egyptian Nefertiri and the Roman General Marcus Constantine are
lovers under Cleopatra and Antony. After the Octavian defeated Antony
at Actium, the Roman Army marches on Egypt. Cleopatra commits suicide
rather than be taken back to Rome in chains. Nefertiri turns on her
lover, poisons herself and is entombed in a sarcophagus ("Pharaoh's
* Methos may have known Cleopatra ("Messenger").

c1 BC

* Methos last saw Silas before this time ("Revelation 6:8").


* Methos is Remus, a slave in the house of Valerius Petronius


* Darius is born, and is raised by the Goths (N-"Shadow of Obsession").
[Actually based on the vagueness of MacLeod's statement in "Band of
Brothers", this could be anytime in the 100 years after 10 BCE.]


* Ceridwyn dies in an unnamed fight against the Romans ("Take Back The
Night"). She becomes Constantine's student (N-"Zealot").


* Methos has seen Nero ("Comes a Horseman").


* 9 April/14 Nisan The defenders of Masada commit mass suicide rather
than submit to the Romans. Avram ben Mordecai dies and becomes
Immortal (N-"Zealot").
* 10 April/15 Nisan Masada falls to the Romans. Avram ben Mordecai is
found by Constantine and becomes his student (N-"Zealot").


* Pompeii is destroyed in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. A Watcher legend
describes this as the outcome of an Immortal killing another on Holy
Ground ("Little Tin God").


* Darius is killed and made Immortal leading his tribe in battle. His
teacher is Ahasuerus the Parthian (N-"Shadow of Obsession").


* Methos is in Rome, where he watches Christians being fed to lions
("Finale, pt. 2").


* Darius and Grayson team up with Alaric. Darius becomes lovers with
Alaric's sister, the proto-Immortal Callestina (N-"Shadow of


* Visigoths under Alaric and Darius sack Rome. Marcus Constantine may
have been there ("Pharoah's Daughter", N-"Shadow of Obsession").
Callestina is killed and made Immortal. Darius leads his army away
from Rome towards Paris. There he meets and kills Emrys, the oldest
Immortal (N-"Shadow of Obsession"). [According to Duncan, 1500 years
ago, Darius led a Barbarian Army, swearing not to stop on his march
from the Urals to the Sea. He turned back his army at the Gates of
Paris (Possibly after killing a holy man, the oldest then known
Immortal, and this Quickening turned him from being an Evil Immortal)
n.b. Darius refers to this as being "1400 years ago". ]


* The Kurgan fights in Attila the Hun's army. (H1/s)


* Atilla is turned back at the Battle of Catalaunian Fields.


* Hamza el-Kahir born (N-"The Scimitar").


* Amanda born? (estimated)


* Methos accompanies a group of seven Irish Monks in a rowboat across
the Atlantic [Voyage of St. Brendan] ("Till Death").


* Kamwulf born ("Homeland"). [Estimate based on his equipment and the
comment that he had been rampaging the coast for "800 years" before
"Duncan MacLeod came back from the dead to kill him." He is called a
"Viking" but his axe and shield are more Saxon in design.]


* Amanda is caught coming out of a Plague house, and is killed by the
Collectors of the Dead. Rebecca Horne rescues Amanda from being burned
along with the other corpses.Amanda tries to steal Rebecca's
crystal. Rebecca takes her in and trains her to use a sword, as well
as the more civilized arts. ("Legacy", "Methuselah's Gift").


* Amanda is chased and challenged by her first Immortal ("Methuselah's
AQ: Hengist the Saxon


* Kasim begins to work for the House of Al-Dineb ("Promises"). About
this time, Carter Wellan becomes Harish Clay's student ("The End of
the Innocence").


* Xavier St. Cloud is born in Morocco ("Double Jeapardy").


* Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral built.


* Amanda comes across a peasant household in England, just after the
Normans have killed the father, mother and son. The son, Kenneth,
recovers, and Amanda takes in the young Immortal ("Reunion").


* After waylaying tax collectors for a year, the Normans capture Amanda
and hang her. Kenneth escapes and abandons her. She searches for him
for three years ("Reunion").


* Amanda is supposed to have met King Richard the Lionheart ("Lady and
the Tiger", R-"Love and Death")


* Kane fights in Genghis Khan's Mongolian army. At some point he finds
two Immortal warriors who look to him as their leader. (H3/s)


* The Immortal Nakano was born in Japan and studied Zen Buddhism under
Nichiren the monk. (H3/s)


* Mako is a Lawman, even before he becomes Immortal ("Under Color of


* Amanda is godmother to one of 11 children. (R-"Love and Death")


* Katia of Greenhill is involved with William of Godfrey. She is
executed and becomes Immortal ("Justice").


* The Kurgan spent time in Florence during the reign of the Borgias as
Popes. (N-"Highlander")


* The Immortal Kane studied under the Immortal Sorceror Nakano. He later
betrayed Nakano and tried to take Nakano's head to gain his magic, but
Nakano defeated him. Kane left, promising to return someday for his
revenge. (H3,H3/s)
* Gabriel Llorka is an Immortal Lawyer in Portugal ("Little Tin God").


* 20 March Northern Russia. The Kurgan becomes Immortal ("The
Watchers"/v). [This contradicts Ramirez's statements about the Kurgan
being old and powerful.]


* Methos studies medicine in Heidelburg ("One Minute To Midnight").


* The Kurgan in Moscow ("The Watchers"/v).


* Moorish rule in some city presumably in Spain ends with the invading
Christian army. The Immportal Kasim promises to defend the descendants
of Bu'adin al Dineb ("Promises").


* Kurgan takes Ivan Trotski's head ("The Watchers"/v).


* Warren Cochrain is born near the Clyde in Scotland ("Through a Glass,


* The "5th Chronicle" of the Watchers disappears ("The Watchers").
* Tak Ne/Ramirez visited Nakano in Japan and learned the skills of
swordmaking and metallurgy. (H3/s)
* Sometime after this date (upto the 1990s), Amanda stole a Gutenberg
Bible in Paris. (?)
* Sometime between 1505 and 1564, Amanda is supposed to have had an
affair with Michaelangelo.


* A Watcher reports Gabriel Llorka as a pirate in the Caribean ("Little
Tin God").


* Warren Cochrain dies with his parents at the Battle of Flodden Fields
("Through a Glass, Darkly").


* Connor MacLeod is born in Glennfinnan, on Loch Shiel (H1). (January
1st? H1/s)


* In Spain, Tak Ne, now using the identity of "Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos
Ramirez", was appointed Chief Metallurgist to King Charles the Fifth.


* Gabriel Llorka lands in the New World with Pizarro. He vanishes into
the Jungle where he encounters a lost Mocha tribe ("Little Tin God").


* The Kurgan beheaded a Mongolian Immortal, then set out to find Connor
MacLeod in the Scottish Highlands.(N-"Highlander")


* The Kurgan in Scottish Highlands ("The Watchers"/v).


* In a battle between the MacLeods and the Frazers, Connor is killed by
the Kurgan (H1). Was almost beheaded by the Kurgan after gaining
Immortality; Accused of being a demon and banished from his village;
Later met and married Heather McDonald. (H1,N-"Highlander",H1/s)
His father changes the family's Tartan to honor the death of his son


* Connor learns the skills of blacksmithing from Heather's father; Moved
to the Jedburgh forge with his wife. (H1,N-"Highlander",H1/s)


* "Ramirez" learned of the Scot from the clan MacLeod who was killed in
battle in 1536. He set out to find the new Immortal. (H1/s)


* Connor meets the Immortal "Ramirez"; Learned about his Immortality,
the Rules of the Game, and the Kurgan (H1,H1/s)(The Highlander:Endgame
timeline has this at 1542)


* Ramirez is killed by the Kurgan (H1). Connor acquires Ramirez' katana
after Ramirez was found beheaded by the Kurgan. [the Watchers list
this as 1601 ("The Watchers"/v)].
* Connor and Heather move from the forge to a farm outside the town of
Montrose. (H1,H1/s)


* Jeremy Dexter and Amanda steal from Queen Mary of England (R-"Thick as


* Living in Glencoe, Connor learns that his mother, Caiolin, is to be
burned at the stake. He returns to Glenfinnan to help her. He fails,
and accidentally kills a unarmed priest, Father Alasdair Rainey, and
also kills Jacob Kell, making him Immortal (H4).


* In Bourgoyne, France, Amanda befriends Christina, the daughter of the
Duke. The young woman is killed by Immortal Vladimir Rankov (R-"The


* Heather McDonald dies, Connor burns their Montrose farm and begins to
wander the world in search of answers. (H1,H1/s) (The
Highlander:Endgame timeline has this at 1590)


* Connor leaves the Highlands for Edinburgh where he learned to read and
write. (N-"Highlander")


* 21 Dec Duncan MacLeod born in Scotland, in Glennfinnan, on the shores
of Loch Shiel ("The Gathering"; "Homeland"). He is born on the Winter
Solstice ("Prophesy"). The parents of Duncan MacLeod (Ian/John and
Mary), grieving over their still-born son are presented with a
foundling by a peasant woman. Although the midwife declares the infant
a "Changeling", they take him in and raise him as their son ("Family
Tree"). As he grows he hears old stories of Connor McCleod, a man
during his grandfather's day that was killed and did not die.


* Connor leaves Edinburgh and travels to London, England.


* Connor travels through Africa where he meets the Immortal Sunda
Kastagir. (H1/s,N-"Highlander")


* The child Duncan meets the Immortal Cassandra, a Witch in a nearby
forest, and nearly meets Roland Kantros ("Prophesy").


* The ship Jugleor finds Connor McLeod off Cape Horn (N-"The Element of
Fire"). He works on the ship for awhile and befriended the Captain,
* Amanda discovers that the Immortal Evan Peyton poisoned his adopted
brother to get the Inheritace (R-"Dead On Arrival").


* The Kurgan in Milan ("The Watchers"/v).


* Duncan is forced to kill his cousin Robert over Deborah Campbell.
Deborah dies accidentally, although her death is assumed to be a
suicide ("Homeland").


* Duncan is apparently killed in a battle. He awakens shortly after, and
is denied by the man whom he thought his father for a Devil. He
wanders in the Highland wilderness for a short while after learning
his origins ("Family Tree"; N-"The Element of Fire").
* Duncan meets an old Immortal ("Archangel").


* Duncan returns to Glenfinnan to find that his father has been killed.
He hunts down and "kills" Kamwulf (an 800 year old Viking)
("Homeland"). (The Highlander:Endgame timeline has this at 1618)


* After a battle at Glen Fruin, Connor finds Duncan and takes him on as
his student (H4).
* Duncan and Connor meet Nerissa and Khorda (N-"The Element of Fire").


* Marcus Karolus is betrayed by his mortal lover, and is burned as a
witch ("See no Evil").


* Duncan and Connor are in Ravenna, Italy (H4)


* Nerissa's "Quickening" as Duncan takes his first head (N-"The Element
of Fire").
DQ: Nerissa
* Duncan kills an unidentified Immortal as his first Quickening
(N-"Scotland the Brave").


* Duncan is on his own, when people start dying around him, killed by a
faceless Immortal. He leads that Immortal, Martin Hyde, back to
Scotland, where Hyde hopes to find Connor. When they don't find him,
he humiliates Duncan in combat, but lets him live ("Prodigal Son").


* Connor and Duncan part company (The Highlander:Endgame).
* Duncan is present in Scotland when he witnesses his first Immortal
being made, Devon Merrick, son of the Duke of Willoughby ("Black


* Duncan is in Paris (Or Verona?) were he is set upon by two women
Cavaliers, Amanda and Rebecca. Rather than taking his head Amanda
takes his money-pouch. Duncan regains his money, and eventually
becomes friends with the two women ("Legacy").


* Duncan is riding near Paris when he meets a group of peasants who are
hunting a "monster that is impossible to kill". They come upon Ursa, a
hulking giant of an Immortal who is more beast than man, who has spent
much of his life living in caves. Duncan "kills the Monster" then
later takes him to the Abbey of San Gustan where he would be protected
("Beast Below").


* Duncan is in Verona, Italy, protecting the virtue of a nobleman's
daughter. While so doing, he meets Hugh Fitzcairn ("Star Crossed").
* Duncan decides to learn to read.


* Duncan and Fitzcairn, having been acting as bodyguards for the Duke of
Milan, are discussing traveling to London, when they are attacked by
three sword-wielding roughs. They defend themselves, but one of the
roughs accidentally kills a man in what looks like clerical robes and
wearing a large pendant with a Watcher's sigil on it ("The Hunters").
* Duncan and Fitzcairn return to England, where they meet Mako ("Under
Color of Authority"). They are barely able to read. [Date is assumed]


* In France, Duncan meets the Immortal Kira ("Prisoner Number Seven").


* Duncan learns to read ("Leader of the Pack")


* Connor leaves Scotland again and began his journey across Europe and
Asia to find the legendary Immortal Nakano, whom Ramirez told him
about long ago. (H3/s)


* Amanda is accused of witchcraft in the Black Forest and setanced to
burn by the Immortal Julian Heller (R-"The Ex-Files").

Before 1644

* Methos is in Ming China ("Till Death").


* Connor travels to Japan where he studies with the Sorceror Nakano. He
is present when Nakano encounters Kane, and narely escapes when
Nakano's quickening brings down Mt. Niri on top of the evil Immortal
and his two immortal henchmen (H3).


* Duncan travels from Italy aboard a Venician Galley, which is captured
by Pirates. Duncan is sold into slavery, and purchased by Hamza el
Kahir (N-"The Scimitar"). Duncan is in Algiers with his friend Hamza
el-Kahir. Hamza is killed during Duncan's first encounter with Xavier
St. Cloud ("Finale", N-"The Scimitar").


* Duncan is in Algiers (N-"Measure of a Man").


* Oct-Nov Duncan is in Venice, where he meets the Immortal Nicolo
Machiavelli and his Immortal "Beauties" (Bernardo Caprio, Eugenia de
la Croix, Sergei Aloysovitch, Annette Rouens, Cristofori, Paloma
Alcina, Giuletta Fantini, Ruffio Mocenigo, Jean-Pierre) (N-"Measure of
a Man"). (Also mentioned is Brother Andre).


* Duncan is in "Southern Europe" learning from the Immortal swordmaster
Graham Ashe (who claims to have taught Ramirez), when he is killed by
Harish Clay ("The End of the Innocence")


* Duncan is in Swiss Monastary in Switzerland, meets Brother Paul and
Kalas. Duncan finally learns to appreciate reading ("Song of the


* The Kurgan kills Flavin Parrochi ("The Watchers"/v).
* Duncan is an actor in England with Walter ("Timeless").


* Duncan is almost burned at the stake for being a witch in England
("Shadows"). [Note: the clergy shown were inappropriately Catholic,
and the English hung witches and heretics, they only burned those few
witches convicted of sorcery against the Crown]


* The Great Plague and Fire of London. Duncan may have been present
("The Blitz").


* Duncan is travelling in France when he hears a woman screaming.
Rushing to the rescue, he chances upon Grace delivering a baby girl
("Saving Grace"). They eventually become lovers. [Actually, this could
take place anytime between 1660-1680. It has been suggesed that Duncan
is wearing some form of uniform, and I must agree that the trim
patterns resemble an early version of a British "Red Coat", and the
flashes on the turned-back cuffs are a green-blue/gray (as they are
during the Napoleonic period, suggesting he is in a British Highland
* Duncan acts as a Weapons Master and military tutor for a Scottish Clan
chief's son ("Unholy Alliance, pt.1") [Dating is a bit difficult since
both he and his charge are in blue sett kilts].
DQ: Michel de Bourgogne
* Sometime during this era Duncan meets Warren Cochrane ("Through a
Glass, Darkly").


* Duncan encounters Kristin Gilles in Normandy, where she tries to teach
him to be a gentleman ("Chivalry").


* ??? [Date given in 4th Season Intro].


* Duncan is in China ("Road not Taken").

Between 1685-1715

* Amanda is supposed to have taken a seven course dinner at Versailles
with King Louis XIV (?)


* Duncan is at Killiecrankie, Scotland, in the army of Dundee against
the English (N-"Scotland the Brave").


* Duncan and Hugh FitzCairn are in Paris, where they vie for the
affections of the Immortal Lady Angelina. She marries the Immortal
Baron Robert de Valincourt ("Till Death").


* The Kurgan in northern Africa ("The Watchers"/v).


* Duncan meets "Dennis" in the Highlands. They return to England where
they come into contact with Queen Anne, trying to come to end the war
with France. Dennis is killed in a duel with the paid killer-fop Paul
Kinman. The Queen forbids Duncan to take his revenge ("Reluctant
* Duncan travels to Kildare, Ireland with Connor, where they meet the
proto-Immortal Kate Delany (H4)


* Duncan marries Kate in Dublin. On their wedding night, he kills her,
making her Immortal (H4)


* Duncan is attempting to steal the Stone of Scone when he meets
FitzCairn under Westminster Abbey (Fitz' is trying to blow up the
Abbey and King George). After a deciding game of Golf, Duncan helps
FitzCairn to try and steal the Crown Jewels ("Stone of Scone").


* Amanda is on board the Maria Rose when it sinks. She was helping two
recently freed slaves going home with the deed to their land


* Amanda and Mozart had an affair (R-"Love and Death")


* Duncan is travelling by Coach from London, 25 miles from Dover
(between Sittingbourne and Faversham), when he and his fellow
passengers, Charles Guilford, Earl of Covington, and the Earl's
mother, are attacked by the Immortal Highwayman, Walter Reinhart.
Duncan claims that he's just a merchant. He lets Reinhart live rather
than take his head in front of mortal witnesses. [NB: He used a Common
accent with the nobles he was traveling with and his Scots accent when
he spoke to Reinhart.] ("Revenge is Sweet").


* Duncan is caught hunting a bear in an English Forest, and is nearly
beheaded by the local Sheriff. He is rescued by another Immortal,
Charles Browning of York, who takes him to a nearby Inn. Browning gets
Duncan drunk, then tries to kill him ("Counterfeit, Pt 1").


* Duncan is in Paris, undergoing a crisis of aging after the death of an
old man Duncan saw being born. He goes to visit Segur, an older, more
experienced Immortal. Martin Hyde shows up and kills Segur ("Prodigal


* Duncan visits Glenfinnan and Loch Shiel ("Homeland"). [He doesn't
return for 250 years, according to Dawson.]
* Duncan fights with Warren Cochrain against the English at Erishkay
Island ("Through a Glass, Darkly").


* Warren Cochrain is killed publicly before the Battle of Culloden.
Duncan fights with Bonnie Prince Charlie against the English at
Culloden. ("Take Back the Night","Forgive Us Our Trespasses",
"Through a Glass, Darkly")
* Duncan may tell Connor about this battle shortly afterwords (H4).
* ??? becomes immortal in the battle (N-"Scotland the Brave").
* Cerydwin (as Flora McDonald?) helps Duncan smuggle Bonnie Prince
Charlie out of Scotland ("Take Back the Night").
* After Culloden, Duncan goes on a killing spree, killing the English
responsible for the slaughter ("Forgive Us Our Trespasses").


* Duncan visits Jerusalem for the first time (N-"Zealot").


* Duncan meets Kristov and band of Cossacks in Russia ("Testimony").


* Mako is a Sheriff in England [According to Dawson] ("Under Color of


* The Kurgan encounters Kastagar ("The Watchers"/v).


* Duncan is a guest of a Sultan in Turkey (Probably Constantinople as
referred to in "Lady and the Tiger"), where he encounters Amanda in a
seraglio. He frees her before she can have her hands cut off as a
thief (for trying to steal the "Star of Allah"). The authorities
almost flay him alive when they catch him ("Lady and the Tiger",
"Finale, pt. 2","The Devil You Know").


* In North Africa, Duncan runs afoul of Kasim, who still serves the
House of Al Dineb ("Promises").


* Connor serves as Captain of the The Thunderer in the British navy


* In Virginia, Connor, using the identity of "Adrian Montague", visits
with Thomas Jefferson while artist Mathew Lennox painted a portrait of
Jefferson. MacLeod and Jefferson discussed the importance of an
American navy and the chances America would have in the Revolutionary
War. (H1/s)
* In British held New York, Amanda encounters the new Immortal Liam, and
fails to save his mother. (R-"War and Peace")


* Connor spent the Winter with Immortal friend Kastagir at Valley Forge,
both fighting with George Washington's troops in the Revolutionary
War. (H1/s)


* Duncan is serving as an officer aboard an English Merchantman,
captained by Immortal Terrence Kincaid. Faced by starvation and dying
of thirst, the crew mutinies and abandons Kincaid on a desert island,
and attempts to return to China to reprovision. This condemns Kincaid
to a century of death and rebirth of starvation and thirst
* Duncan is shipwrecked in Japan. He becomes friends with the Hideo
Koto, the Samurai who is eventually ordered to commit sepukku for
allowing a Gaijin to live. He gives Duncan his katana, for his
assistance in the suicide. Duncan swears to defend Koto's family if
they ever ask him ("The Samurai").


* Duncan is in China. Duncan returned to visit Kiem Sun who had
perfected his mind control drug--except it killed the subjects ("Road
not Taken"). He meets Mei-Ling Hsin, and learns "Way of the White
Crane" ("They also serve").
* Some time around this, Amanda "liberates" Marie Antoinette's tiara
("The Devil You Know")


* Duncan visits the Dalai Lama in Lhassa (N-"The Path").


* Connor is in Boston, where he duels Bassett for calling his wife a
"bloated warthog" (H1). He is accompanied by Sunda Kastagir who posed
as an eastern prince. (H1,H1/s,N-"Highlander")
* Duncan acts as a bodyguard French Baron during peace talks with the
British. The absinthe-addicted Immortal, Kuyler, disquised as an
acrobat/Magician kills the Baron ("For Evils Sake", Highlander:Endgame


* Duncan carouses with his friend, the thief Gabriel ("Eye of the


* Duncan has an affair with a English Duchess. Kanus threatens her over
the life of a common boy, and Kanus is hanged ("Leader of the Pack").
In a fight with Gabriel over a stolen necklace, Duncan grants his
friend his life ("Eye of the Beholder").


* Warren Cochrain has a falling out with Duncan over Bonnie Prince
Charlie at Auberge aux Arts, in Normandy ("Through a Glass, Darkly").
* Duncan is riding hard through England when he meets Terance Coventry
("Dramatic Licence")


* Connor is in England, where he meets and falls in love with Sarah
Barrington; He leaves her to join the Revolution in France. (H3,H3/s)


* The Abbey of San Gustan is destroyed. Ursa, the undying gardener flees
into the Catacombs [where it is possible that he formed some basis for
the "Phantom of the Opera" legend as he is gradually drawn to the
music] ("Beast Below").
* [Duncan tells Tessa thhat he lived through the Reign of Terror
("Counterfeit, pt.2")].


* Connor is in France. He returns to Paris where his is imprisoned and
convicted of "Treason" and sentenced to the Guillotine. His Immortal
friend, Pierre Bouchet, takes his place at the execution Pierre,
allowing Connor to escape (H3).


* Felicia Martins forges the Coronelli Map of London ("Free Fall").


* Traveling around France with a Duke, Amanda is captured and sentenced
to execution. The Immortal Talia Bauer who sentenced Amanda freed
her asking for a future repayment (R-"Inferno").


* Duncan is in England, where he is training a young Immortal,
Jean-Phillipe ??? The Third ("???").


* Connor is again in England where he secretly visits the home of Sarah
Barrington to see her once more and finds that she is now married and
had children. He leaves England and travels back to America. (H3,H3/s)


* Connor McLeod, using the identity of "Adrian Montague", buys property
on Hudson Street in New York City. (H1/s)
* Duncan and Hugh FitzCairn are in Paris, invited to the 100th
Anniversary of Robert and Angelina de Valincourt's marriage. They must
help Gina in rescuing Robert from the guillotine ("Till Death").


* Duncan lives with Amanda in a Bavaria. She left with Zachary Blain,
stealing Duncan's horse, leaving Duncan "holding the bag" ("Lady and
the Tiger").
* Duncan witnesses the Quickening of an Imortal named "Gerard" being
taken by "Alexi" ("Sins of the Father").


* Morgan DeStaine is disinherited and then killed by his mortal family.
He becomes Immortal and is found by Xavier St. Cloud ("Double


* Duncan just returned to England with a mortal friend and hangs in his
place when the friend is accused of murder ("Blackmail").


* Morgan DeStaine returns to his family's estate, just before the
arrival the English Army (including Duncan) arrives. DeStaine and St.
Cloud murder the family ("Double Jeopardy").


* Duncan travels through Switzerland to French border with Immortal
friend Brian; both drinking ("Courage").


* Duncan is in the British Army, a Highland reg. (Probably the Dragoons
Regiment, The Scots Greys, according to his uniform ("Band of
Brothers") in the early Napoleonic Wars ("Unholy Alliance, pt.2").
* This is probably when he fails to save an innocent man's life
("Nowhere to Run").


* 15 Jun Connor is in Belgium where he fights alongside Wellington
against Napolean in the Battle of Waterloo. (H1/s,H3/s) Duncan fights
at Waterloo, alongside the Watcher Rodney Fergus ("Little Tin God").
* Duncan meets Darius on a battlefield and joins him. They return to
Darius' church in Paris ("Band of Brothers", N-"Shadow of Obsession").
They help out the young Immortal Violane (N-"Shadow of Obsession").


* Duncan leaves Darius at his chapel in Paris, intending to go to
America ("Band of Brothers"). Duncan sails to America along with the
Watcher Rodney Fergus ("Little Tin God").


* Duncan is in Snake River, Montana where he runs across the Immortal
John Durgan. Durgan kills a priest to steal the Cross, and Duncan
promises the priest he will return the cross to the church. ("Cross of
St. Antoine").
* Rodney Fergus puts in for retirement from the Watchers ("Little Tin
* Methos is at the birth of Frankenstein's Monster with Percy Shelley,
Mary Shelley, and the Immortal Byron ("Modern Promethius") [Methos is
supposed to be filling the role of Dr. Polidori].


* GH is Herbert Gris, "lost at sea" ("Finale"/v).


* Connor vacations with the Duke of Wellington. (N-"Highlander")
* Amanda claims to have stolen the Star of India from the Duke of
Wellington (?)


* Duncan is in Philadelphia where he is friends with Immortal David
Keogh, who wants to marry a wealthy man's daughter and is refused


* Callestina as Sharon Talbot rejoins with Grayson in Canada (N-"Shadow
of Obsession").


* Duncan encounters Gabriel Llorka in Peru, where the latter is living
as an incarnation of the Mocha "Decapitator". When Llorka fails to
defeat Duncan, the tribe turns on their false god ("Little Tin God").


* Duncan meets the Immortal bounty hunter, Regan Cole, who arrests him
"dallying" with a Duke's wife ("Deadly Exposure").


* Duncan and Connor are together in London. Connor gets the red-headed
lady ("The Gathering").


* Connor assumes the identity of "Jacques Lefeburt" who died as a baby
in 1819. With his new identity he inherits the New York Hudson Street
property from Adrian Montague. (H1/s)


* Duncan 1st meets Kronus ("Comes a Horseman")


* Duncan returns to Paris to visit Darius (N-"Shadow of Obsession").
DQ: Violane


* During a visit to Paris, Duncan tries to warn Grace not to go to
Carlos Sendaro's Amazon plantation, that Sendaro is not a good person
("Saving Grace").
* Still in Paris, Duncan is looking for business investments and his
partners are killed by another Immortal who wants to marry the
daughter of one of the victims for her money ("The Vampire").


* Duncan is in a Gypsy Compagnie, traveling with his friends, the
Immortals Jacob Gollati and Irena ("One Minute to Midnight")
* Duncan is in a gypsy camp, where a gypsy lover of Duncan's, curses him
when she sees in his palm he will never marry anyone, even though he
said he would marry her ("The Darkness").


* Duncan is in Madrid, where he dances Flaminco, while learning a
fighting style from Otavio Cossone ("Duende").


* As Captain of the ship The Rosemary, Connor gives fellow Immortals
Duncan MacLeod (on his second trip to America) and Amber Lynn passage
to America by way of Asia; During the voyage in early 1854, the ship
was attacked and destroyed by the Immortal pirate Khordas. (H2,N-"The
Element of Fire")


* In San Francisco, Duncan meets Brian Cullen again. He discovers that
Brian has begun to loose his nerve and is addicted to opium
* Duncan visits Madrid ("Duende").


* ??? [Date given in 4th Season Intro]
* Connor MacLeod is captain of the Rosemary (H2).


* Carl Robinson dies for the first time in Louisiana ("Run for your


* Mako becomes a Federal Marshal [According to Dawson] ("Under Color of


* Amanda is supposed to have spent a springtime in Paris with Marco
Becker (?)


* Duncan and Connor are in the American Civil War. Duncan is helping
slaves escape to the north. [Connor's participation is presumed from a
photo on his wall in H3] ("Innocent Man").


* Duncan is hung as a spy after being caught helping slaves escape
without his uniform. Capt. Lucas Desiree, CSA, an Immortal, is a
witness to the hanging and later digs him up ("Innocent Man").


* GH is Confederate officer at Battle of Gettysburg ("Finale"/v)


* Also while helping slaves escape, Duncan finds a child Immortal;
unfortunately the child is decapitated when Duncan leaves him. ("The


* Amanda is supposed to have modeled for Rodin ("The Lady and the


* In Annapolis, MD Duncan is challenged to a duel by the fiance of Bess,
with whom he is found literally rolling in the hay. Bess is killed by
accident ("Epitaph for Tommy").


* Duncan is in Mexico fighing against Maximilian with an Immortal
friend, Paul, a former Roman slave. He realizes Paul fights for the
love of the fight ("The Revolutionary").
* Amanda is in Manchester, working with the Immortal Derek Markham. He
teaches her about kidnapping, but she eventually turns him in
(R-"Love and Death")


* In the Dakota Territory, Duncan tries to help Cheska, an Indian slave.
Cheska is killed by a townsman, irate from the Indian Wars ("The


* Duncan begins living with Little Deer's Tribe ("Something Wicked")


* Felicia Martins kills Devereaux's wife and adopted child ("Free


* Duncan is living with a Lakota band (with "Little Deer"). He meets up
with Connor about the time that the band is massacred, including the
woman Duncan loves, by soldiers when he wasn't there. The soldiers
were led by an army scout, the Immortal Kern. Duncan begins to track
Kern ("The Gathering","Line of Fire","Something Wicked").


* Duncan meets up with Kol'tec. They cure Duncan's hate. Duncan flees to
build his cabin on Holy Ground near the Pacific Northwest ("The
Gathering","Line of Fire","Something Wicked").
* Duncan meets Carl the Hermit who teaches him to track ("Mountain
* Duncan and Gregor, an Immortal doctor, try to help during a cholera
epidemic. Gregor is shot by the father of one of the Cholera victims
("Studies in Light").


* Duncan deposits 10,000 francs in a bank in Paris ("Reasonable Doubt").


* Connor fights in the Zulu Wars with the 17th Lancers as a private
soldier; Captured by Cetewayo's troops, he kills one of Cetewayo's
best warriors. He is freed by Kastagir and escaped to the English
troops in the north (N-"Highlander",H1/s).
* [In N-"Highlander", Connor tells Kastagir that he's spent most of the
1800s living in London. He's obviously lying.]


* In San Francisco, Duncan is visiting Kit O'Brady, the Immortal owner
of the Double Eagle Saloon, when Amanda cheats Kit out of his Saloon
("Double Eagle").
* In London, Connor tracks and beheads an Immortal who had been
murdering many prostitutes in the Whitechapel district of London's
East End for several months. (H3/s)


* Eiffel Tower is built for the World Exibition in Paris. Duncan may
have been present ("Finale pt.2").


* Duncan is in Seattle (?) Duncan fights in an illegal bare knuckle bout
for his Immortal friend Thomas Sullivan ("The Fighter").
* Duncan is in Pacific Northwest working for a newpaper. Duncan falls in
love with Sarah Carter, and only later discoveres that she was already
married. When he finds out, Duncan almost beats her husband, Henry, to
death in a rage. Later Henry shoots Duncan while ordering him off his
land, in front of Sarah, who rejects Duncan is in terror when he
revives ("Obsession").
* Methos claims to have ridden with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
("Judgement Day").


* Duncan is in the Pacific Northwest, editor and publisher of the North
West Ledger, when he tries to protect Tim Ramsey, a young man who rode
with the Daltons ten years earlier, from Nako, an Immortal US Marshal
[This one is hard to date since Ramsey mentions The Alaska Gold Rush
(1895), Duncan mentions the Territorial Government (Washington becomes
a State in 1889), Mako has US jurisdiction, and it is ten years after
Ramsey rode with the Daltons (who robbed trains in the early 1890s)
("Under Color of Authority").
* Duncan and FitzHugh travel to Alaska to search for gold (N-"White


* In Boston, Duncan is set up by a helpless female Immortal, Sharon, for
Axel, an evil Immortal who uses her as bait and kills her when she
tries to leave him ("Rite of Passage").
* Robert and Angelina de Valincourt's 200th Anniversary ("Till Death").


* Duncan owns a hotel in Nantuckett. Connor, using the identity "David
Carruthers" as Captain of the ship "The Dido", helps Duncan defeat the
Immortal Khordas (N-"The Element of Fire").
* Amanda is in New York, where her friend Morgan Kenworthy is killed and
becomes Immortal (R-"Bloodlines")


* Amanda is involved with Andre Korda (R-"A Matter of Time").


* Connor attends an Ivy League college (possibly Harvard or Princeton)
and plays on their rugby or football team. (H2)


* Duncan is in New York's Little Italy where he tries to help a grocer
named Giuseppe fight the Black Hand. The grocer is shot for not paying
protection ("Revenge of the Sword").
* Between this and 1917, Amanda took some lessons from Mata Hari in
Paris. (?)


* Off the south seas, Amanda is "Mentored" by the Immortal Korda (R-"A
Matter of Time")


* In London, Amanda runs into her longtime competitor, Jade. (R-"The
* In Paris, Amanda poses for Antonio Ravelli's "Nude with a Cabernet"
(R-"The Frame")


Amanda is supposed to have met Florence Nightengale (1820-1910) (?)


* 12 Apr Amanda goes down on the RMS Titanic (R-"The Devil You Know").


* Tarsis takes in Kagan ("Reasonable Doubt").


* Connor fights for the Allies in World War I. (H2)


* GH is publisher English publisher Benjamin Tyson ("Finale"/v).
* Duncan is in Arabia with Lawrence (N-"The Scimitar").


* Duncan is in World War I as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross.
Xavier St. Cloud steals the army payroll by gassing everyone, but
fails to kill Duncan. Duncan meets the Immortal psychoanalyst Sean
Burns ("For Tomorrow We Die", "Deliverence", N-"Zealot", H4)
* Amanda is on the Western Front, and winds up stealing some important
documents (R-"Unknown Soldier")


* In France, Duncan is in the trenches, collecting the wounded, when he
meets Col. Simon Killian, who receives word that the war has ended,
just before leading his men on one last rush "over the top", causing
the deaths of 300 German and British solders. Later, Duncan is in
London at Killian's trial. When the Colonel is sentenced to be
executed, Duncan convinces the Tribunal that Killian is insane and
should be committed instead ("The Colonel").
* Duncan is in Russia staying with the family of a countess. She and her
children are arrested and condemned to be shot under the orders of a
People's Commitee led by the Immortal Drakov. Duncan saves the family
by promising Drakov that he would not fight him unless they were the
Final Two ("Warmonger").


* Duncan is outside Dublin. Annie Devlin and her mortal husband try to
convince Duncan to join the Irish revolution. He refuses and Annie's
husband is killed. Annie refuses to escape with him ("Eye for an


* Duncan is in Paris. He introduces Maria Campolo to Anthony Neri, "the
World's Greatest Tenor" (actually Kalas). They fight and Duncan
destroys Kalas' voice ("Methos"). (The Highlander:Endgame timeline has
this at 1923)


* Duncan visits his friend, Jessie Collins, who has left college
serrupticiously to work in his father's coal mine. A six week long
strike has been taking place among the workers, led by an agitator (A
"Wobblie"?), and the workers are considering escallating to force.
Duncan tries to convince Collins not to join the strike. Collins is
killed by Pinkerton agents hired by his father to protect the mines
("The Zone").


* Duncan is in Seattle, visiting his friend, an Immortal, Michael Moore,
a Doctor at a Lunatic Asylum. He arrives just after Michael's wife
Jeanette is killed by Quentin Barnes, Michael's alternate personality


* In Paris, Tarsis makes Kagan immortal ("Reasonable Doubt").


* Duncan is in unnamed east coast city, where the New Year's party is
raided for liquor. Duncan tells his girlfriend he can never father
children ("Bless the Child") .


* Marcus Karolus brutally murders five women, scalping them, in Seattle.
He is finally stopped by Duncan ("See No Evil") (The
Highlander:Endgame timeline has this at 1921)
DQ: Marcus Karolus


* Connor assumes the identity of "Alfred Nicholson" and inherits the
Hudson Street property in New York from Jacques Lefeburt. (H1,H1/s)


* Duncan spends some time traveling with Amanda in the Barnum and Bailey
Circus ("Lady and the Tiger"). They leave the circus in Missouri, and
Amanda begins a five state bank robbery "spree" with Immortal Corey
Rains (a la Bonnie and Clyde). After Duncan refuses to dig them up in
South Dakota, he is somehow left "holding the bag" with the Federal
Marshals ("Lady and the Tiger", "Money No Object").


* Connor attends the World Series (New York Yankees vs. Pittsburgh
Pirates) and recieves an autographed baseball from Babe Ruth. (H3)


* Duncan is in New York CIty where he meets and tries to mentor the
brand new Immortal, Johnny Kay, a punk kid ("Glory Days").
* Duncan is in Louisiana, where he helps Carl Robinson, another
immortal, to evade a lynch mob ("Run for your life"). [I assume that
this is about the same time that he is in New Orleans referred to in
"Pharoah's daughter" (c.1930)]


* Duncan is in Paris, where he is caught up in a gangster-style bank
robbery committed by Tarsis and Kagan ("Reasonable Doubt").
DQ: Tarsis


* Duncan is a smuggler in Berlin. Duncan helps a physicist escape the
Nazi's while Amanda steals plates for US dollars. He lets Amanda
escape in the airplane in his place ("The Return of Amanda").
* 9 March Watcher Hans Schultz photographs Duncan in Berlin


* Duncan is a reporter in Spanish Civil War. He has dealings with Cage,
who betrays the Republican forces they are with ("Blind Faith").


* GH is SS Officer Heinrich Greich ("Finale"/v).


* Duncan is in Russia, trying to to get people out of Stalinist Russia
with his girlfriend Niva. He is betrayed by Alexei Voshin who wants to
kill him ("The Sea Witch").
* Duncan is in an unknown city where he meets a photographer named Linda
Plager. They become lovers, and he teaches her to look for the good in
her work. She eventually tells him to leave because loving him is a
distraction to her work ("Studies in Light").
* Duncan is in an unknown city, where he meets the Immortal Benny
Carbasa, and is "killed" by Sid Langkowski, the gangster who would
become Simon Lang ("Vendetta").


* Duncan is in London during the Blitz, where he loves and loses Diane
Terrin, a reporter ("The Blitz").
* Grace finally leaves Carlos Sendaro ("Saving Grace").


* Duncan is in French Resistance around Paris ("For Tomorrow We
Die","Mortal Sins").
* Connor McLeod finds the orphaned 9-year old Rachel Ellenstein hiding
in the middle of a town destroyed by a raging World War II battle and
takes her with him to safety; He returns to New York City to raise
Rachel as his adopted daughter. (H1,H1/s, H4)
* Alex Raven is in the Warsaw Ghetto ("Sins of the Fathers").
* 18 Jan Duncan meets Avram ben Mordecai in Warsaw (N-"Zealot").
* 18 Apr-8 My Duncan takes part in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising along with
Avram ben Mordecai (N-"Zealot").


* Ingrid Henning fails to kill Adolf Hitler ("The Valkyrie").


* Duncan meets with the Immortal Liam O'Rouke and his mortal love, Tara.
They are Irish terrorists who blow up the Light Horse Bar ("To Be").


* Duncan, Amanda and FitzCairn steal the Stone of Scone and play some
golf ("Stone of Scone").
* Duncan becomes involved in a scheme to steal the Stone of Scone from
Westminster Abbey (N-"Scotland the Brave").


* Grace becomes involved with Paul Warren ("Saving Grace").
* Elena Morena is born in Buenos Aires ("Justice").
* 12 Apr Amanda is involved with a bombing in Warsaw, tricked by the
Immortal Mario Cardoza (R-"Full Disclosure").


* GH is Chicago banker Harold Grimes ("Finale"/v).


* Duncan is visiting Carl Robinson, who is pitching against Sacho Page,
when segregation is declared unconstitutional ("Run for your Life").
* Amanda might have served as technical advisor on "To Catch a Thief",
but was busy stealing the Brendisi Emerald (R-"The Devil You Know").


* 24 Aug Tessa Noel born [According to both her stated age in "The
Gathering" and the date on her gravestone in "Counterfeit, Pt 2",
* In Greenwich Village, Duncan is about to fight Bryce Korland when
Korland is killed by Kol'tec ("Something Wicked").
* In Buenos Aries, Katia adopts Elena Morena ("Justice").


* The Dalai Lama is exhiled from Tibet (N-"The Path").


* Quentin Barnes is executed in the electric chair for some unspecified
crime. He is buried ("Turnabout").


* In New York's theater district, Amanda meets up with her old lover,
Marco Becker, and meets his wife Lucy. They are premiering their play
"Timeless" (R-"Passion Play")


* Joe Dawson, "Boyscout", is injured in Vietnam, losing both legs. He is
carried to a field hospital by Sgt Andy Cord, an Immortal who had been
"killed" in the same attack. While in the hospital he is recruited by
the Watcher Ian Bancroft ("Brothers in Arms")
* 20 Aug Amanda is in Prague, where she meets a spy named Charlie.
(R-"So Shall Ye Reap")


* Joe Dawson meets James Horton ("Unholy Alliance").


* Consone murders Anna Hidalgo's fiancee in Madrid. She moves to Paris


* Duncan is in Paris where he sees Anne Wheeler's artworks


* Approximate birth date for Richie Ryan.


* Duncan is in Cambodia where he is attempting to help a nun to evacuate
nearly a dozen children from the Kmer Rouge. He encounters Cage
("Blind Faith").


* Connor assumes the identity of "Russell Nash" who died as a baby in
1945; he inherits the Hudson Street property in New York from Alfred
Nicholson; He opens an antiques store on the first floor of his
building. (H1,H1/s)


* Emily Ryan, Richie's foster mother, dies ("Family Tree")


* Joe Dawson is assigned to "Watch" Duncan. [Dawson says he's been
watching Duncan for "13 years" in "The Watchers"; Date given in
"Finale pt.2"/v]


* In Paris, Duncan is battles Kuyler, who has become an assassin and a
terrorist. They are interrupted by the Gendarmerie, led by LeBrun.
During his flight from the police, he meets Tessa, where she is
working as a tour guide ("For Evil's Sake", "The Darkness").
* Lucas Desiree moves into a cabin in the north woods ("Innocent Man").
* About this time, Caleb Cole's wife dies. He drags her son Josh into
the Mountains ("Mountain Men").


* Warren Cochrane assumes the identity of Warren Goddard ("Through a
Glass, Darkly").
* Consone runs over Anna Hidalgo in Paris ("Duende").


* Highlander: The Gathering (H-1). Six Immortals (Osta Vazilek, Iman
Fasil, Sunda Kastagir, Yung Dol Kim, Connor MacLeod, and the Kurgan)
are compelled to gather in and around New York City to kill one
another until only one remained. Connor MacLeod was the victor, and
thus the prophetic "Gathering" began. To this day. the "Gathering"
continues. Connor tours Scotland with his new wife Brenda Wyatt after
the events in New York City. (H1,H1/s,N-"Highlander",HTV). Connor and
Brenda open an antique shop on Camden Alley (N-"Highlander").
CQ: Osta Vasililek?
CQ: Iman Fasil
CQ: Kurgan


* In Scotland, Connor attends the annual meeting of the Clan MacLeod in
Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye and applies for membership under
the name "Russell Nash", claiming to be the only living descendant of
Connor MacLeod. (H3,H3/s) Brenda dies in a car accident in Scotland
* Methos begins to work for the Watchers ("Methuselah's Gift").


* Connor adopts "Johnny". They live near Marrakesh (H3).
* Col. Simon Killian is released from the insane asylum he's been locked
up in for 70 years ("The Colonel").


* 31 Dec Duncan fights Walter Reinhart on a rooftop, over a New Years
Eve party (It is unclear where the rooftop is, or even if it is a
building or a liner) ("Revenge Is Sweet").


* The Immortal Irena is killed by James Horton in the presence of her
husband, Jacob Gollati ("One Minute to Midnight").
* The Gathering
DQ: Slan Quince
Connor McCleod visits Duncan McCleod. Richie tries to rob MacCleod's
* Innocent Man
21 Sep [Date based on "Finale, pt.2"/v]
An old friend of Duncan's, Lucas Desiree, is found decapitated in his
cabin. A reporter, Randi McFarland, is investigating the murders Slan
Quince and Lucas Desiree.
DQ: Sheriff Howard Crowley
* Road Not Taken
* Bad Day in Building A
While trying to pay for Tessa's parking tickets, she, Duncan, and
Richie are taken in a group of hostages by the gang of a murderer
trying to escape.
* Free Fall
Felicia Martins kills Devereaux. She is a suspect in the rash of
decapitations in town after she jumps from a skyscraper and escapes
from the Morgue.
* Deadly Medicine
Reporter Randi McFarland tries to learn more about Duncan.
* Mountain Men
Duncan Returns from Beijing to discover Tessa has dissappeared.
DQ: Caleb Cole
* Revenge is Sweet
DQ: Walter Reinhart
* The Sea Witch
DQ: Alexi Voshin
* Eyewitness
Duncan returns from New York to discover Tessa is in trouble.
DQ: Andrew Ballin
* Family Tree
Ritchie tries to discover who his family was.
* See No Evil
"The Slasher", a mortal serial killer duplicates the murders committed
in 1925 by Marcus Karolus.
* Band of Brothers
14 Feb [Date based on "Finale, pt.2"/v]
Duncan, Tessa, and Richie move to Paris for Tessa's job.
DQ: Grayson
* For Evil's Sake
Duncan and Tessa move into their Barge.
DQ: Kuyler
* For Tomorrow We Die
* The Beast Below
Ursa is returned to the Monks of San Gustan.
* Saving Grace
DQ: Carlos Sendaro
* The Lady and the Tiger
Duncan encounters Amanda and Zachary Blaine.
AQ: Zachary Blaine
* Avenging Angel
DQ: Alfred Cahill
* Eye of the Beholder
6 May [Date based on "Finale, pt.2"/v]
DQ: Gabriel Pitan
* Nowhere to Run
* The Hunters
30 May [Date based on "Finale, pt.2"/v]
Darius is killed by mortal "Hunters"


* While excavating for a new hospital, Quentin Barnes/Michael Moore is
exhumed ("Turnabout").


* The Watchers
Duncan, Tessa and Richie return from Paris
* Studies in Light
Duncan meets with two old friends. Linda Plager dies and Gregor/Greg
Powers is reborn.
* Turnabout
DQ: Michael Moore/Quentin Barnes
* The Darkness
Duncan discovers DeSalvo's Gym. Tessa and Richie are killed in a
normal mugging after she is rescued from the Hunter Pallin Wolf.
Richie becomes Immortal. [Tessa is buried in Paris]
* Eye For An Eye
Irish Terrorists try to assasinate the Irish Ambassador. Richie has a
run in with Annie Devlin.
* The Zone
Duncan gets involved with the poor being exploited by a thug named
* The Return of Amanda
* Revenge Of The Sword
Duncan helps Charlie deal with a former student turned movie star in
dealings with the Tong.
* Run For Your Life
* Epitaph For Tommy
DQ: Anthony Gallen
* Bless the Child
* The Fighter
31 Jan [Date based on "Finale, pt.2"/v]
DQ: Thomas Sullivan
* Under Color of Authority
RQ: Mako
* Unholy Alliance, Part 1
* Unholy Alliance, Part 2
22 Feb [Date based on "Finale, pt.1"/v]
DQ: Xavier St. Cloud
* The Vampire
28 Feb [Date based on "Finale, pt.2"/v]
DQ: Nicholas Ward
* Warmonger
President Chesko (of a Soviet country is killed)
DQ: Drakov
* Pharaoh's Daughter
Cleopatra's handmaiden Nefertiri is uncovered. Duncan meets
DQ: Nefertiri
* Legacy
8 May Luther kills Rebecca Horne, and tries for Amanda and Duncan.
[Date based on "Finale, pt.2"/v]
DQ: Luther
* Prodigal Son
DQ: Martin Hyde
* Counterfeit, Part 1
Horton returns.
* Counterfeit, Part 2
Horton tries to use a fake Tessa to mess with Duncan.


* Highlander 3 (H-3). The cave of the Sorceror Nakano, under Mt. Niri is
excavated, freeing Kane and his henchmen. Kane travels to New York
City where he meets Connor. Connor leaves his home in Africa and
returned to New York in search of an old enemy; Confronted the
Immortal Kane and one of his warriors in New York City; Afterward he
returned to Scotland and married his third wife Alexandra Johnson, a
descendant of his old love Sarah Barrington. (H3,H3/s)
CQ: Kane
[Sometime shortly after this, Alexandra presumably dies, and Connor
returns to New York, where he rejoins Rachael in the Antique Business,
under the banner of Ellenstein/McLeod Antiques at the Hudson Street
address. Their shop is destroyed by an explosion, killing Rachael.
Connor goes into seclusion with the Watcher's sanctuary program.
(H-4). The Highlander:Endgame timeline lists this as 1990]


* GH is Industrialist Graydon Hammer ("Finale"/v).
* The Samurai
DQ: Michael Kent
* Line of Fire
DQ: Kern
* The Revolutionary
DQ: Paul Karros
* Cross of St. Antoine
DQ: John Durgan
* Rite of Passage
Amanda gets a new student, the new Immortal ...
DQ: Axel Whittaker
* Courage
2 Nov [Date based on "Finale, pt.1"/v]
DQ: Brian Cullen
* The Lamb
* Obsession
Duncan meets up with David Keogh
* Shadows
DQ: John Garrick
* Blackmail
DQ: Lyman Kerlow
DQ: Peter Matlin
* Vendetta
* They Also Serve
DQ: Michael Christian
* Blind Faith
* Song of the Executioner
Duncan "dies" in a fight with Kalas.
* Star-Crossed
Duncan returns to Paris. Kalas kills FitzCairn.
* Methos
Duncan meets the "Oldest Immortal". Kalas goes to prison.
* Take Back the Night
* Testimony
DQ: Kristov
* Mortal Sins
DQ: Ernst Daimler
* Reasonable Doubts
DQ: Lucas Keagan
* Finale, Part 1
Kalas discovers the Watcher's database.
* Finale, Part 2
Duncan and Amanda tango on the Eiffel Tower.
DQ: Kalas


* Homeland
Duncan returns to Glenfinnan. He meets his "cousin" Rachael MacLeod.
DQ: Kamwulf
Duncan and Dawson return to Seattle.
* Brothers in Arms
DQ: Andrew Cord
* The Innocent
DQ: Tyler King
Richie is forced to take responsibility for Mikie, a mentally
handicapped Immortal.
* Leader of the Pack
DQ: Kanis
Richie catches up to the man who killed Tessa and made him Immortal.
* Double Eagle
Amanda returns, as does Kit O'Brady.
* Reunion
Kenny returns.
* DQ: Terence Kincaid
* The Colonel
DQ: Col. Simon Killian
* Reluctant Heroes
DQ: Paul Kinman
* The Wrath of Kali
DQ: Kamir
* Chivalry
Kristin Gilles enters Richie's life. Methos takes her head (the first
he's taken in 200 years).
MQ: Kristen Gilles
* Timeless
Pianist Claudia Jardine is killed to preserve her talent
* The Blitz
Duncan rescues Amanda. Mary is born
* N-The Path (Sometime in 1996).
Duncan meets with the Dali Lama.
* Hayoka
DQ: Kol'tec
Duncan's "Dark Quickening"
* Deliverance (Was: Leap of Faith)
DQ: Sean Burns
Duncan returns to France. Methos helps him recover from his "Dark
* Promises
DQ: Kassim
Nasir, the last scion of the House of Al Dineb is killed.
Kasim burns Duncan's Barge, and kidnaps Rachael MacLeod.
* Methuselah's Gift
Amanda is attacked by mortals seeking the last piece of the
* Methuselah Crystal.
* The Immortal Cimoli
DQ: Daimon Case
Duncan and Amanda visit Moscow as part of a Circus.
* Through a Glass, Darkly
Duncan meets his old friend Warren Cochrain/Warren Goddard.
* Till Death
Duncan helps the Marriage of Gina and Robert de Valincourt.
* Double Jeopardy
DQ: Morgan DeStaine
* Judgement Day
Joe Dawson is called to France where he is put on trial by the
Watchers for his crimes.


* In Buenos Aires, Armando Batista kills Elena Morena ("Justice").
* One Minute To Midnight
DQ: Jacob Gollati (n.b. Jacob is killed by the Watcher Jack Shapiro,
though Duncan is close enough to trigger a Quickening)
* Prophesy
DQ: Roland Kantros
* The End of the Innocence
Richie returns.
DQ: Harish Clay
* Manhunt
* Glory Days
DQ: Johnny Kay
* Dramatic Licence
Blade of the MacLeods is published.
* Money No Object
* Haunted
Richie takes Alec Hill's head.
* Little Tin God
DQ: Gabriel Llorka
* The Messenger (was "Old & Wise")
A false Methos turns up, teaching peace.
* The Valkyrie
* Comes a Horseman
* Revelations 6:8
DQ: ?
DQ: Kronos
* The Ransom of Richard Redstone
* Duende
DQ: Octavio Consone
* Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Duncan is forced to pay for his crimes after Culloden.
* The Modern Prometheus
Lord Byron turns up
* Archangel
Ahriman awakens after a 1000 year sleep.
DQ: Richie Ryan


* (Duncan spends a year in seclusion on holy ground (referred to in
"Avatar" and "Armageddon")


* Avatar
* Armageddon
Duncan defeats Ahriman.
* Sins of the Father
[Alex Raven episode]
* Diplomatic Immunity
* Prisoner Number 7
[Kyra episode]
* Black Tower
* [Unusual Suspects - Air schedule - actually takes place in the past]
* Justice
[Katya episode]
* Deadly Exposure
[Reagan Cole episode]
* Two of Hearts
[Katherine episode]
* Indiscretions
* To Be
* Not To Be
DQ: Liam O'Rourke
* 6 April/14 Nisan N-Zealot [This is the date of the 1998 14 Nisan,
since the peace talks are currently going on (as of November 1997).
* N-Shadows of Obsession
* N-The Captive Soul
MQ: Khyan


* Amanda moves in with her old friend Lucy.
* R-Reborn
Amanda meets Nick Wolfe.
* R-Full Disclosure
AQ: Mario Cardoza
* R-Bloodlines
AQ: Morgan Kenworthy (Nick?)
* R-Immunity
AQ: Stephen Collier
* R-So Shall Ye Reap
* R-Birthright
* R-Crime and Punishment
* R-The Unknown Soldier
* R-Cloak and Dagger
* R-Passion Play
* 12 Oct R-The Devil You Know [Date given on the security camera]
* R-A Matter of Time
* R-The French Connection
Amanda and Nick travel to Paris.
AQ: Frank Brennan
* R-The Rogue
* R-Inferno
* R-The Frame
Amanda encounters her old competitor, Jade.
* R-Love and Death
* R-Thick as Thieves
* R-The Manipulator
* R-The Ex-Files
AQ: Julian Heller (n.b. Nick took his head)
* R-War and Peace
* R-Dead On Arrival


* Highlander: Endgame
[Dating is unclear - it is ten years after Connor disappeared after
his Hudson Street shop was destroyed, killing Rachael]
DQ: Connor MacLeod
DQ: Jacob Kell
{The Watcher database lists that Duncan has killed 174 known
Immortals, Connor has killed 262 and Kell has killed 661 - Kate was
his 666th)


Irreconcilable Continuity Problems:

Age of the Kurgan.

In the first movie, Ramirez refers to the Kurgan as being "old
and powerful". The Novel version has his being born before 1015
BCE around the Caspian Sea. This is not entirely inconsistant
with the Kurgan people's, an ancient people who came west off the
Asian Steppes, leaving behind their burial mounds, or "kurgans".
However, in the TV series, in the Watcher Database in the episode
"The Watchers", the Kurgan is noted as becoming Immortal in
Northern Russia, on 20 March 1452. (Obviously the Watchers
aren't perfect. It's possible that the Kurgan changed his
identity and the Watcher's didn't make the connection...)

"Little Gathering of 1985".

The Origin of the Immortals.


1. In 1995, Connor's "Final wife" dies of solar
radiation poisoning in New York. The implication
is that this could be Brenda, although she died
around 1986 in H3. Also, during this time, in
H4, Connor was drugged at the Sanctuary in H4.
2. In 1999, Connor MacLeod builds "The Shield" to
protect the Earth from the Sun's ultraviolet
radiation coming through the depleted ozone
layer. Again, during this time, in H4, Connor was
drugged at the Sanctuary

Member Since: Feb 23, 2011
Last Login: Feb 27, 2011
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