Saudações, eu sou Forbukeni. Eu sou um viajante nômade na escuridão.
Ele que tem relações sexuais com uma mulher no chão ter pedaço na terra.
Og mens jeg reiser jeg finne ting og legge merke til ting. Ting jeg ikke liker. Ting som jeg ville bli kvitt. Ting som verden ville være bedre tjent med uten.
Un avertissement à tous. Ne suivez pas le politicien car il peut tourner et frapper. Pour frapper des choses qu'il ne aime pas serait facile à faire. Il ne serait pas très sage.
Heimurinn sem hefur verið dreginn yfir höfuð til að dylja þig frá sannleikurinn staðar. The ský er sinnuleysi. Aðeins þegar þú opnar huga þinn getur þú séð framhjá sinnuleysi. Aðeins þegar þú byrjar að hugsa um aðra og ekki sjálfur. Aðeins þegar þú grein fyrir því að heimurinn er ekki snúast um líf þitt. Aðeins þegar þú hættir að hugsa um hvernig ytri hlutir hafa áhrif líf þitt munt þú vita alvöru frið innra með þér.
Merħba lill-ħmar il-lejl...
Now that we have that out of the way: I'm just a normal everyday guy trying to make his way in this world like everyone else. There's nothing extraordinary about me. Here's a hero of mine:
I tend to enjoy most everything life has to offer from movies to music to sports to people. Life is too short to waste on trivial things or things you have no control over.
I'm not very artistically inclinded, but I am creative in my own way. I'm shy and reserved and tend to be fair. I recognize my flaws as challenges to overcome.
I try not to judge people and would like to think I'm open-minded about everything. I welcome change and the inevitable.
I was thinking about making a list of music, movies and likes, etc. But do people actually go through the lists? Rather than write the typical likes and dislikes, such as "I like honesty, love, etc", just assume I do. You can also tell a lot by a person by what you observe, if you observe close enough. For example, do I like storms?
Let's put it this way: I probably like the same music you do, same movies you do, same likes you do.