DONT GREET ME IVE BEEN HERE FOR A LONG TIME!!!...even when the people online was like 15 people....i like people to talk to me but dont give me any thing like welcome to rave or any thing that makes it sound like i just got here
i like people to talk to me but plz have a firm grasp of the english language....
I dont feel like putting pearsonality in to lazy ill just use nnys crap:claymation
/booglens /
stars /
the emotionless function of insects/seeing the joy in someone when they think they have gotten smarter/
waching people getting abducted by alens/ anything cherry flavord...sept cherrys
/ brain freezzies
/ all kinds of movies/ the moon/ little chubby babies
/poprocks and soda/ floating around/falling asleap in your arms/
dead frogs lol
/ absolute and total insain violence/ smiles that make people nervous/
the sound of hearts betting /driving
/seeing vital things from inside a pearson come out
/ fast electronic music-Oonce Oonce /carring change in my pockets
/really sharp things/ knifes/knowing every thing ends eventualy ends
/when little kids drop there ice cream and jump off a building in a fit of dispai r/
ghost stories
/painting/ drawing
/ writting/ driving with the sterio on loud/ reading / lizards
/my stuffed animals and sqeeky toys /the little feathers on the end of pens
/making out/bondage
/ romance / moshpits / RPGs/
eating out girls ;-) /Edgar Allan Poe
/ being a pyro/my boots/
certain words
/my warlock gutair/violin/piano
attacking people with really sharp things/ chess/ karate/ roses/
incence/ being conseous/ pirats/ complements/staples/
cutting and passing out / cuddling/ when a girl takes charge during sex
/ sex/ being submissive during sex/cutting/the voices in my head/
talking to my stuffed animals and sqeeky toys/fortune cookies/
music/ writting music/
pants with lots of metal(i.e. bondage pants)/
capes and old renacance cloths/ poetry /attacking people with really pointt-sharp things /merecats
/all kinds of animals...
Theese people: Kaleigh, Dylan ,Krystal ,Lauren ,Ashley ,Saturne, Lex, Nicole, Laure ,Tamra, the people on my im list, the people on my friends-favorits list, Charlie, Hector, Mona, Tina, and a FEW other people whos names escape me at the moment.
Nnys crap again...Humidity
/ sleep/ the physacal and mental need for any thing/being abducted by aliens/ceartain words/
loosing my mind/ saitans attitude/getting shot in the head/k nowing that every thing ends eventually
/ animal fur patterded any thing
/the sound of people sleeping /
when popcorn gets burned/
/ when people look hopefull/ being conceous/ not being a refrigrator/
not being made of styraphome/
most guys i meet /your not even reading this fuck youz demon crack baby!!!!!....oh your here ....sorry
/people that have a I-like-being-myself-so-long-as-it-looks-good-and-people-are-waching complex.../
not liking guys enough to give up on girls/ being attacked with really sharp-pointy things /MY FUCKING MOTHER!!!!
/ hot topic/
GUNS!!!!!ohhhhh your tough if you can pull a triger!!! ~*~FUCK OFF~*~ /people that lie/cooties(heh no...i just kid) /
popular kids/unpopular kids that think there popular /people that cant see beauty is more than skin deep/guys that hit girls
/girls dooing puppy dog eyes or crying(im a sucker[they get me to do whatever they want])
/people that fish for complements or sympathy
/people that start shit for no reason at all/ people that got to be better than you no matter what it is
/my brothers(sept dylan and ryan....and tyler)/
the little squeeky sound an old pencle makes on paper /the cream filling in tweenkys /
people that cut them selves and put pics of it a cutter but still you might as well carve i want attentionin your arm / people that put pics of others arms up....fucking coward. im always adding stuff to the dislikes and likes read them often...k...
Favorite Music:
...heres a pledge of aggrevence: I pledge agreivance to the flag of the united states of hipocracy, and to the republicans, who I cant stand. One nation under smog, indispicable, with justice for some but not all.
i have an aim now its