
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Serpent (52.03)
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?




Bite Cerberius

Stalk Cerberius


Mess whit the best rot whit the rest

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I did alot already but the end is in sight
then again the road is far though

~~~~~~~~One Warrior Worth A Thousand~~~~~~~~

~~~~the great God of the Dragons watches over us all~~~~
this is to you Lord Bahamut
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~~~~~~~~~~~~I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF~~~~~~~~~~~~

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~~~I am the Commander of the~~~
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First of al I'l update my profile every month mayby more mayby less but if you wanna rerate me I would say check again in a month cause if you ask to send a sign when I update I wil probebly forget .(I should fix the holes in my head :D ) and please rate my portfolio as wel if you find the time

I also have Yahoo mesenger you can contackt me there on the adress the_prime_reaver@yahoo.com

and you can also find me on myspace just use search for my e-mail adress and you'l find me

~~this is me and my brother Dante (aeidail on vr)~~
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I am also a follower of Thor so ofcourse his symbol can't stay away here

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My name is Yannick De Vos. I am 20 jears old, I live in Belgium (the
Flanders to be exact). I am a knight, I fight exelent whit a bastardsword (the persian type) and halberd type weapons, the warscythe on the last pic is the weapon I'm gonna buy soon and that helm as wel . I am also a fine archer. Over time I want to start a cavalary of my own couse that is the most powerfull, exept for cannons, on the battle field. If you are intrested in joining it feel free to ask any intel you want. All above is for my hobby named reënactment.

For the rest I like to game on the PS3, pc and ps2 and gamecube, I also like role playing games like d&d and shadowrun.

I am fasinated by Mythics, this goes from legends, objects, animals and locations.

I am an animal lover I just love animals the dog on my foto isn't mine it's my uncle's his name is Kenzo and I like him very much. I always get a hug from him when I come there. The moment that I am going to live by myself I am going to buy a siberian huskey, couse those dogs are the best.

I have a girlfriend who I am together whit for more than 2 years. There is a foto of her on my portfolio. She is quite a vampire, myself am part Vamp and part Lycan. I am also have an allergie for silver, too bad cause I always wear it but it loses it collor very fast because my body repels it. There go's the silver fangs :(

I am a very gentle and loving person but I have my own oppinion and I wil never supress it so don't feel offended if I say something that sounds negative, cause I am not trying to hurt you that is something my code won't allow. I don't like people who give up without good reason, but I respect them none the less. I think you must be yourself at all cost and never give up your personality, be who you are and be proud on it. If somebody doesn't agry whit that it's their loss and they can go ...(fill whit what you think would be best)

be honest,
never betray one,
respect is earnd,
give everyone a fighting chance,
never attack in the back,
do what you think is right,
protect the one's who need protection,
not everyone is equal,
but treat everyone equal,
fight for your believs,
and NEVER give up

And for the rest I am in my final year electricity but I want to join our country's special intervention squad. And I am always thirsty for some female's blood.

the things on my journal are from the vampire princess you will know as poisend. The Girl I respect very much.

I want to say something over the band Theatres des Vampires. I saw them on Metal Female Voices Fest 4 and it was the first time I ever saw them and the Impact they made on me can not be described by words it was more than breathtaking. I saw them once and I find them the greatest band ever. the link to the site is on my profile so check it out.
Scarlet and the rest of the band I thank you, you shall be in my hart and soul forever. Bloody kiss back Scarlet XXX

O and if you wanna add me to msn please do but first send a message to me here ok? Sorry but I had problems whit strangers in the past that tryed to hack me so.

wel the pic of the dragon was my first design for a tattoo but it turned out to be another as you can see. I realy like this tattoo and I'm thinking of placing the Soul Reaver blade on my left underarm but my girlfriend doesn't like the idea. so if you think of a way to convince her please tell me, it would mean alot to me and I won't forget it

This is written by Tif one who is very close to me

At the gates
Of the realm of the dead
A place known as Hell
His home
The keeper of the underworld
The dog of Hell
Who kills the souls
Of mankind blind
No escape from fate
At His gate
There’s no more bliss
An eternity of pain
Guardian of the
Resting place
Of Death

---a friends list will come here so be pacient cause it is alot of work---

Your Results:
Shadow Dragon
Dark, evil, you are the evil breed of dragon. You lurk within the shadows of the night and attack with surprise. You prefer to stay alone, solitude is your best friend within your deep, dark cave or den.

here you know me as Cerberius (and yes it is correctly spelled it is just spelled in my own language) but here in Belgium I am known as
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here are the logo's of the best games ever made (more will come, and you can always say if I forgot a game to your opinion cause I do forget some titles so just send to me if you want to see another name on the list)

~~~Legend of Zelda~~~

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~~~Resident Evil~~~

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~~~Silent Hill~~~

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~~~Devil May Cry~~~

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~~~Final Fantasy~~~

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~~~Command & Conquer~~~

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~~~Metal Gear Solid~~~

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~~~Word of Warcraft~~~

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~~~God of War~~~

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~~~Armored Core~~~

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~~~Legacy of Kain~~~

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~~~Forbidden Siren~~~

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~~~Alone in the Dark~~~

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~~~Resistance Fall of Men~~~

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~~~Dynasty Warriors~~~

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Member Since: May 07, 2006
Last Login: Nov 14, 2007
Times Viewed: 6,489

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Oct 15, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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