My name is ambyre, I've researched vampyres, the real and the fictional for years, I would have never thought for a million years I would be sending this message.
I started on my spiritual journey years ago, as a witch, opening myself up to the universe, being guided etc. My spells for years worked, until recently, I felt disconnected from them, now mind you I've been interested in vampyres for a very long time, but never researched covens or paths etc, just vampyres themselves.
I did a meditation to see why my spells didnt work. The universe talks to me through things that I like, that's how they send me messages. So I was asked what have you been watching non stop lately?... So I thought and I thought, and I realized I've been watch vampire diaries, now mind you I refused for years to watch that bc it was NOT my forte, to girlie, then all of the sudden out of nowhere I start watching it non stop...yes I've suspected for a long time that I may be one, bc of my lack of energy I've always had since I was a kid, but doctors couldn't figure out why.
I've always been told to go out in nature to get energy. I've accidentally took people energy, and those are the few times I've ever had full energy in my life.
Ik this is long but I just wanted to explain myself...ik vampyres are a certain type of energy being( starseeds even) and for the life of me I could never figure out what my origin story was...until recently.
So the universe cut off my witch magick bc that was only to get me into the metaphysical world, and to help expand my mind and to grow, it's more believable to think one to be a witch versus a vampyre. I wasn't ready and had I been told that, the results wouldn't have been good. This is a hard pill to swallow to be honest, I basically have to start over.
I hope this is all making sense to you...I need help finding my way, it's alot easier getting info on witches and witchcraft then it is on vampyres.