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03:22 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing something Mysterious. 03:22 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing something Mysterious. 03:22 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing something Mysterious. 03:18 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing Premium Member stuff. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was editing their Profile. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was in the Message Center. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing something Mysterious. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing Premium Member stuff. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing Premium Member stuff. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was editing their Profile. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was in the Message Center. 03:17 Jan 02 - Cruella was doing something Mysterious.
"There is something about poetic justice that's just so.... poetic."
Darlings, this profile is not meant to be viewed on a cellular device. If you wish to view this magnificent work of art to it's full glory, you will need to use a device a bit more classy and sophisticated (like myself, mwah ha ha) such as a computer of some sort.
I am a firm believer that deep within every being there is a side we keep hidden never allowing it to surface. It is a side that we suppress for fear of how society, loved ones and those we care for will think of us, that part of us that we ourselves may even stop and wonder "what in the hell is wrong with me?" This profile is absolutely that side of myself. From the very beginning, I’ve always made a statement. Not everyone appreciated that, but I wasn’t for everyone. Don't worry, we're just getting started. There's lots more bad things coming, I promise.
Some may wonder who I am, well how does the saying go? I am woman, hear me roar. The thing is, I'm Cruella. Born brilliant, born bad and a little bit mad, at least for the identity of this profile. People do need a villain to believe in, so I’m happy to fit the bill.
From an early age, I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else. That didn't sit well with some people. Being a genius is one thing. Raising a genius however, does come with its challenges. I guess they were always scared that I'd be.... a psycho. Am I going to have to catch you up a lot or are you going to keep up?
Rebellious would be an accurate description of my teenage years followed by years of misery spent with a complete imbecile. They do say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I consider that to be the truth with myself. Life did come with many bumps and bruises along the way, but I have reached a point I consider myself winning and on top of the world.
Fun facts: Clearly, I am not new here. No I am not the original owner of this profile, it was gifted to me. No, I will not tell you who I am, however I may consider it if you sort it out for yourself. I am happily married, so don't bother. I will rate you as you rate me. No, I will not add you simply because you add me.
For now, this will have to do. Perhaps one day I will consider adding more. Anyway, must dash. Much to avenge, revenge, and destroy
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)