Times Rated: | 260 |
Rating: | 9.147 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 260 |
Hello and welcome
Hi and welcome, if you update and would like a rerate just message me.
Darkest of greetings to you vdracula2008. I come to bless thee and high magickal and mysterious 10 rating. Please do visit my page and return the favor back when you find the time of course and thank you. ~Nico~
Hello. I have just rated your profile according to what I see as fair based on the content of it. Please let me know if/when you update as I will come back and rerate.
Welcome to the Rave.
Here's a 10 to get you started.
Message me if you wish.
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 260 |