All Profile Comments for bloodyneck
Times Rated: | 215 |
Rating: | 7.879 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 215 |
Dec 20, 2007
Proud Member of the Coven of Extreme Rainbows!
If you update your profile please let me know and I'll re-rate you :)
You've been fairly rated. Please let me know if you update I will gladly return to update your rating. I don't care about pictures, I don't care about pretty backgrounds...I rate based on information and if you don't have a lot you won't get a high rating. And by information I mean things about you, not vampires, not myth, you. If you don't like the rating I give you all you have to do is update and let me know I will immediately come back and rerate you. If you don't like what I rate you and come to give me the same...well that just pisses me off...I rate fairly I expect you to do the same...I will come back and rate you a one. And if you update or not won't matter you lost your respect from me and don't deserve anything better in my opinion. If you ask me why I rated you what I did you will be ignored.
there is no back ground the html is on your page
Proud Assistant Coven Master of The Coven of Extreme Rainbows. Rate me, stalk me, and/or add me if you wish.
Please return the favor of rating me back. Add me to your friends list or stalk me if you like.
Please return the favor.
Feel free to Bite, Stalk or Add me to your friends list.
Welcome to VR Enjoy the Addiction, You have been rated by:
~10 ~
Feel free to Stalk Me, Bite Me or Befriend Me if you wish. Rate me back when you get a chance.
Dec 23, 2007
You have woke the demon, "Ut sementem feceris, ita metes!"
Dec 23, 2007
just stopping by to rate you a 10. feel free to rate back sometime
have a insane day :)
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 176 - 200 | 201 - 215 |
Venerable Sire (134)
Diabolist (91)
Premiere Sire (126)
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