All Profile Comments for TheVenus
Times Rated: | 1,396 |
Rating: | 9.899 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 1,396 |
Greetings to the Rave, my friend! I believe you are new to this wonderous site; therefore, if you have any questions and/or concerns about the Rave, please feel free to ask me. I will reply to any message you send. ^_^
You have been rated by Leo8280.
The Mother of light and dark
Is here to give a spark
I will rate, to elevate
Stop in and don't be late.
Greetings. I hope you enjoy your stay on VR.
If you ever run into trouble dont hesitate to message me for help.
Feel free to add me to your friends list. If I have rated you low and you have updated let me know. I will rerate you.
The Coven of Hidden Moon
You have been rated by the News/Trade/Forum Master of the Coven of Hidden Moon!
Greetings and enjoy the Rave. Let me know when you update and I will re-rate.
" In her was found the blood of prophets and of saints,
and of all who have been slain on the earth "
...and to speak thy true name, is death upon the soul that utters it...
Welcome from;
The Covent of the Stone Guardians
dark greetings and welcome to the rave.
please enjoy the addiction.
may you find what you are looking for
I am the Mystery that embraces the wandering mind, the Compass of the fearful, the Banner of the victor. Those who take my hand and travel the depths of my mind find rich and wonderous treasures.
Stand in the light of the Moon, feel my Presence and touch my Magick.
Greetings! I hope this day finds you well! Great Profile! I really enjoyed my visit here! Please feel free to stop by & rate or message me anytime! *10*
A proud member of
See this Lil' vampire, may turn spooky vampire if you don't rate him back *Smiles*, Nice profile you have, let me know when you update it, please feel free to add me to your friends list.
Sep 06, 2006
Welcome to the Rave, have a 10 for your start , tell me when u update!!
Have a nice stay on VR
P.S.: IF u have something to ask about vr just add me to your friend list and when u see me online just ask !!!
~You have been visited by minamurray~
~Assistant Coven Master and Sensei of Laughter~
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 1,351 - 1,375 | 1,376 - 1,396 |
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