Times Rated: | 2,039 |
Rating: | 9.861 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 2,039 |
My dear scarlett
For words are just a gesture to speak good will, I can only give you these few.
Friend, companion, the devil herself, what more can one say....
You know who I am
miss Scarlett it's nice to see new pictures of you :) your smile is more mischivious then ever *grinz*
Hey your profile kicks major ass. I love the layout and all the content.
I love the celtic death poem aswell ^.^ lovely profile by the way, see you around *hugs & kisses* =)
Its great to see you here Mom
I submit myself to your judgement Dark Mistress, and bow my head to you for the places our lines have crossed. One day I shall see your face in more than dreams.
Perhaps you will teach me your waxing techniques? LOL
It was a pleasure chatting with you Miss. Scarlett that doesn't liked to be touched.
tnx. lookin forward too...*smile*
close.....1492....i remember it well :P
And the winner for Coolest f'n picture is...
Thanks for the warm welcome and rate, great profile - 10
thanks for rating my profile
Thanks for the kind words about both of my heads. LOL
Lovely true profile.
And as a reply on your question. I dont toss it around that much, but there is always a way...
Thank you very much for the compliment scarlett.
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 2,039 |