Times Rated: | 762 |
Rating: | 9.606 |
Showing: | 426 - 450 of 762 |
Greetings ~10~
yo here's a ten check me out some time ~*NSW*~
Thanks for stopping by my home. Now here I am stopping by yours, and a great place it is I must say. I have updated recently so feel free to stop by again.
May the darkness treat you well!
good taste in films :)
Wow...just simply...wow. Easily one of my favorite profiles to date.
i like your pictues cute very cute.
Rerate from your housemate!
Dreas, nice pro....
Dreas, Great profile, and no you did not offend. A lot of good words and thought in there A ten for you.
your pro is awesome!! i love ur pics and ur quotes!! good job, xxx
Love the profile
~smiles~ Great Profile...
Thank you for visiting, me.
x's and o's
awesome pro, i agree with your points of view, you have very strong beliefs! but i have to say that i couldnt help but laugh when you pointed out the fact that everyone prays to god on his day off... nice!
you've been rated by lost darkangel
-lost cause they took everything away-
very nice profile
xxx-ses darkangel
Showing: | 426 - 450 of 762 |