All Profile Comments for immortalkitty
Times Rated: | 411 |
Rating: | 8.641 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 411 |
hey there .. this is awsome.. if ya wanna add us, stalk us, or message us its all good. check us out and leave a comment. till then... big 10 for you...

enjoy the darkness!
If you have any questions message me or any acolyte
Stopping by to welcome you to Vampire Rave.Enjoy your stay and please check my profile out when you get a chance! =)
...and Dark Greetings immortalkitty :)
Welcome immortalkitty. I hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome to Vampire Rave
Enjoy the addiction....
Feel free to message me anytime


greetings and enjoy the rave :)
Good Eve. Welcome to this haven. May this help you find your guiding light. *bows and leves a black feather*
Greetings, look within the shadows to find your kindred following closely behind you. Proud Member of La Bella Oscuridad

Greetings from House Lunazure
*hands you a ~10~*
Carpe Noctem
Greetings from Nightwolf

"You are not alone...welcome fellow Kindred."
Welcome to the Rave...

Greetings i wish you the darkest of blessings
i am Twilight
Prince Twilight of the House of Eternal Shadows
Feb 03, 2006
Welcome and enjoy your stay here among us.
If you need help with anything, please feel free to stop by and ask. I shall be here for you.
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