All Profile Comments for Demitri
Times Rated: | 398 |
Rating: | 9.277 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 398 |
dark greetings and welcome to the rave.
please enjoy the addiction.
may you find what you are looking for
Wicked Kisses! Feel Free to Bite Me, Stalk Me or Message Me Anytime, Darla... You Have Been Rated by a Proud Member of The Coven of Inari! Enjoy The Addiction And May You Find What You Are Looking For Here On "The Rave" Please return the Favor, It will be greatly appreciated... Blessed Be...
Hello. Stop by to visit, read a little about you. Hope you return the visit when you can.
You bear the mark of Nthaniel's rating! Bite me, stalk me, whip me, beat me, rate me back, baby!
You have been rated by Leo8280.
hope your stay has been as bouncing good time as mine watch out my pounce is as good as my bite *smile* lol
Thanks For The Rate
Soullie - The Dark Soul Reaver, is pleased...
Wicked ass page! Love the pics! Thanks for stopping by!
that guitar is MYYYYY baby hehe i have the same one
Dec 18, 2006
nice profile!!10 enjoy the rave.....
Welcome to the Rave!
As you enter the darkness, you can feel a cold hand of welcome, grip yours. "We are all visitors to this time. To this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe. To learn. To grow. To love. Then we return home." You have been graced by the presence of Chordewa.
Greetings welcome to vr please feel free to stop by and rate my profile as well
Cool profile and a wicked guitar - thanks for the rate Sir, giving you a *10*
Dec 18, 2006
Thanks for the rate - maybe next time you could use a bigger stamp.
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 351 - 375 | 376 - 398 |
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