Times Rated: | 1,341 |
Rating: | 9.631 |
Showing: | 176 - 200 of 1,341 |
thanks for stopping by my profile..... and yes i do love the tat on my back thanks for thinking it was nice.... loved your profile..... 10
SWEET PRO! 10 4 U!
I pro you have to read ... refreshing !
Excellent work -10- and thanks for the rate
Religion is fine its just the god thing that bothers me lol Id be a very old man when I got out of confessional (you could be an old man going in ... shut up!)
'10' i enjoyed reading your pro! very interesting!
Thanks for the rate! the comics were hilarious!!
A 10
form The House of Madadh~Alluidh.
9, because the bold type is an abrupt first impression... okay 10, because you obviously did some studying up on your astrology for this one...
-points- I'm takin' you to Maury to prove you're mah baby's daddy after you knocked me up. -snapsnap- You must not know bout me, cause all your booze is in the box to the left!
hahahahaha omg that vidoe was so funny! stay away from the elves lmfao!
those comics are so funny. i loved them
You've been rated by a proud member of: The Coven of Lux Aeterna...I hope you enjoy yourselve on the site...feel free to add me to your friends/Stalker list...let me know when you do, so i can add you too! If you rate my profile please rate my portfolio too! Have fun.....BYE :o )
Showing: | 176 - 200 of 1,341 |