Times Rated: | 795 |
Rating: | 9.546 |
Showing: | 126 - 150 of 795 |
my bologna has a first name it's O-S-C-... oh sorry i was miles away
Thanks for the rating and the welcome. Nice pro.
Love ya quote very cool!!
Have a 10.
Nice profile. Let me know when you add more so I can rate you again and do stop by and rate me also OniKage
Greetings OniKage *10*
Love the profile, spent some childhood in Gorsbrook. You may know where that is. Well met
may your stay be eternal...and...the bites be contagious....
hey coven mate, enjoy a 10 from me
Thanks for dropping in and rating. If you want any help making the page smaller, but keeping all the content, I can help you out with some HTML.
OniKage, great profile. It's awesome that you love to be with your son.
I love your main picture, it's so awesome, and I know what it's like to have a horrible job, but I love my job now. ^.^ Good luck is all i can say with finding a better job.
10 back at you and welcome to the Coven. Nice profile you have.
very nice profile. Thanks for the compliment:) ~10~
Showing: | 126 - 150 of 795 |