All Profile Comments for GodsJoke666
Times Rated: | 400 |
Rating: | 8.826 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 400 |
nice pro...very simple...check ya later
Greetings. I hope you enjoy your stay on VR.
If you ever run into trouble dont hesitate to message me for help.
Youve been hit by the Proud Jester
of the Coven Of The Ancients.
dont take it personally
~A Raver is as a Raver does, Rave on and Do your part, Rate and be Rated~~
welcome to the rave hope you enjoy your stay here, feel free to stop by and rate me.also let me know when you update and I will rerate you . Blessed Be !!
Jan 31, 2007
Darkest Greetings and welcome to the Rave
You have been rated by a proud member of House Eternal.
hmmm... what to talk about....
as i go along learning of my new friends, i rate fairly and learn.
You have been rated by Crossoflorraine1.
Please let me know when you update and I will be glad to return for a re-rate!
The Beautiful VampiressNatalia
welcome to the Rave. ejoy the Insanity
Jan 31, 2007
The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas welcomes you to the Vampire Rave if you have any questions just message me.
Greetings and enjoy the Rave. Let me know when you update and I will re-rate. Also, feel free to add me to your friends list or stalk me.
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 376 - 400 |
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