All Profile Comments for Druidic
Times Rated: | 778 |
Rating: | 9.426 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 778 |
Darkest Greetings from DarkAngelDevina proud member of The Coven of Lux Aeterna.Come by and say hi anytime..I have rated your contribution to vr, and look forward to seeing you soon...
Enjoy the addiction...
Nice start,Feel free to,aadd me to your friends list and such anytime,I'll come back sometime and see when you've updated so I may rerate you~Arella~
The life of O Riley? Hmmmm.... not sure what that is.... hehe
You've been rated by Quiliai! ;D
welcome to the rave.,,.do enjoy your stay.,,..,,.10".."
~Welcome to VR Hope you enjoy your stay~
Greetings, Druidic, from Le Coven de La Rose Noir...
Coven Defender
Stopping by to check you out
Warm, dark greetings
Greetings, Druidic. Have a 9
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 751 - 775 | 776 - 778 |
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