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In the year 2000 Anno Dominae, at the beginning of the Third Millennium Reign of Christ, it was whilst I was in the process of transmitting via shortwave radio my dayly education service "AlphaKuomi" that my schizophrenia returned, but in a more angellic form. I recieved the audio clairvoyant revelation of the PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM [tm]. Which I give to you here below.

The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm). I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000. Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence. (1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One True God. Her names are many but she be the one true God there be no other God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La Deus Nostra, Notre Dame, Our Lady, The Holy Spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving Her Holiness Above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to Her Holiness Above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception [parthenogenesis] reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright NGL(c)2000.


Long years ago when as a child I heard about such creatures that are human by day, but then shapeshift into vampires and werewolfs, my first reaction was that such things are fantasy stories. However, since reading a very interesting book I am now completely believing that such shapeshifting is fully possible. In deed only to be expected. The book is called THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE by MICHAEL TALBOT publishers Harper Collins. ISBN 0-586-09171-8. You can get it by searching in Amazon Books.

The fabric of reality is not exactly what our mind is having us believe it to be. Particals do not exist except as a construct in the consciousness. Mass is equally as etherial in that it too is merely a fabrication of the consciousness. The fabric of reality is in deed no more real than is a holographic projection. Atoms and Electron and Photon are simply the three state of particulate manifestation. All are simply relative to the field of reference adopted by the observer. The speed of light is another one of those relative states. So the entire fabric of reality in which we live is entirely etherial and no more than a construct in the mind [consciousness] of the observer.

In this regard one must realise that we are surrounded by invisible dimensions that our consciousness is ignoring. The consciousness filters out all that chaos so as that we can get on with our life in relative sanity. So if we turn off the filter we immediately come into communication with dimensions and the beings there of. Ghosts of all many types then can communicate with us. Taking a hallucinogenic drug like as LSD or DMT will turn off the filter. Transcendental Meditation and Brainwave Entrainment Therapy can also help to turn off the filter.

In our subconscious mind there is no separation. In the subconsciousness every atom is at one with every other atom. My psyche is in your subconsciousness the same as your psyche is in my subconsciousness. This is what is called the Oneness of All Things. Albert Einstien called it the Folding of the Fabric of Time and Space. Others speak of it as "Worm Holes in Space and Time". To others it is the "Quantum Entanglement". The ancients called it "Star Gate". Take a sheet of paper. It is a two dimensional surface. Draw a point A and a point B. The distance between point A and point B is about three inches. Point A and point B are separated by space and it takes time to travel the three inches between them. But that is only because they exist in two dimensional space. If we introduce a third dimension we are then able to fold the paper in that third dimension. In folding the paper we join point A to point B. Then the separation between point A and point B is zero. No separation.

In actual reality [higher dimensionality] what we experience as "particularization" is no more than illusion. We imagine such "particularization" because our mundain consciousness sees thus. In reality however there are only potentials [vibrations] within the ether [which itself is also a vibration of higher frequency acting as the carrier-wave-medium]. All "things" are merely vibrational in nature. Standing waves. Holographic in nature. Multidimensional. We see only one line of conduction [with in the fabric of time and space] as the materiality. The other potentials are ignored by our consciousness and none the less continue to exist but not to our consciousness. Thus when we enter our subconsciousness we are able to experience alternative lines of conduction. Dreams.

The Chinese sage LAO TZU wrote in the TAO TEH CHING [chapter 47] "Without leaving his door one can understand the world. Without glancing out of his window one can see the Tao of Heaven. The further one travels then the less one knows. That is why the sage does not travel and yet understands, does not look and yet names, does not act and yet completes".

As a further ellaboration try to understand that the "photons" only exist as and when you see [measure] them. They are not "particulate" until you "particularize" them by observing them. If no one is looking then they remain as mere [vibration] potential [not actual] and as such do not have the particulate substance that your consciousness percieves them as possessing. In fact if you adjust your consciousness [hypnosis] then absolutely any substance becomes transparent to your perception. Thus using hypnosis many things become possible. Walls become transparent or the subject can see distant locations in time or and space. Dreaming.

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Last Updated: Jan 08, 2012
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