I am 17 at the moment, eating pocky, that of which i'm addicted to, and drinking Dr.pepper. I am insane :P and love change. I'm not one to judge right away. I love to swim and cook. I want to go to college to become a pastry chef and own a cafe where anybody can hang out. I love to hang out in the cometary. I wish my mom would stop getting mad at me every time i go for a walk at night. Its kind of wierd but i love blue roses and don't really know why. Sometimes i walk into a room and just want to cry or jump for joy or tear peoples hearts out for no reason at all. I have accidently put holes in the wall when i got mad. My legs seem to be the strongest part of my body but still tingle when i jump from high places and land on solid groud. I fell through a tramp when jumping on it with 6 other people but before that i loved to fall off the porch backwards onto it. One of my favorite things to do is jump on the tramp, I don't know why that is either, i just do. My mom doesn't know that i am not christian (she's a strong christian) About a year and a half ago i started to learn Wicca .I have also learned other religions but Wicca seems to be the one calling out to me. After that i keep drawing a pentacle on my ankle. I want a necklace but never seem to have enough money to get one. I wish i had a job. I also wish that my mom would let me dress the actual way i really want to. Sometimes Lolita dresses and sometimes renaissance dresses. Wow that's kinda a long description. Be prepared for more in the future :}
Last Updated: | Sep 24, 2010 |
Times Viewed: | 1,162 |
Times Rated: | 102 |
Rating: | 9.488 |