Slave to Socitey

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Author: ogunshi
VR Publish Date: Mar 04 2006

Okay please understand that this is just me point of view on things. But it is an article I wrote and am rather proud of. I thought I would share it with everyone

I'll try to be as honest as I can, you are a slave to a harsh master. One who has spies watching over you all the time. Every time you go out to eat, hang out with your friends, anytime you are around other people, your master knows everything you do. It has watched you from the day you are born and, most likely, well for the rest of your life.

Should you even begin to think of disobeying its will, you are punished. This punishment comes in many forms. Sometimes it is ridicule from your friends and families, other times you are locked up until you get those ‘evil thoughts' out of your head. No matter what the punishment, it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Who is this master you may ask. How come I have never seen him or her? The answer is simple. Your master is the master that does it's best to rule everyone. That master is society. Everyday we, as part of human society, blindly follow this non-existence master and do its bidding. Most of us never ask why or how, instead we just blindly do what is expected of us. We believe that if we do not do exactly what is expected of us, we will lose everything we have to the evil master, as well as be shunned by those who we love.

Some of us are so deep in denial, we choose not to accept that we are slaves to its whims. We believe that if we have money or the right friends, we are no longer a slave. This is WRONG! If you believe that, you even more of a slave then the person next to you. Its goal is to have you believe that it doesn't exist. That you are you own master.

Stop living your life as a blind man, open you eyes and look around you. Look at the world you live in. Look what the master called society has done to you. You, like most people start off the day with some electronic device making noises to wake you up. You run out the door to the local coffee shop and get your triple espresso lotee with non-dairy creamer. You rush to work where you sell your soul for so many hours a day to get money to give to your master. After a long days work, and paycheck in hand, you leave.

But the fun doesn't end there. When you get off of work, you want to have fun, but only if the fun is acceptable to your master. You feel the urge to go to the most popular nightclubs, but only wearing the latest trends in fashion.

You are a slave to society, a make believe master who is only as powerful and harsh as you let it be. It is time to wake up, and learn that you have been fed shit for most of your life. Break free the chains you have bound yourself in and live your life with a free mind and soul.

All I ask of you, as a reader, is to be honest with yourself as you read this rant. If nothing else it is my goal to have you come to terms with who and what you are. If we are lucky, this rant well help you open your eyes and mind to the lies that you have been told, as well as the rules that we all ASSUME are there.

What is Society?

Society is an illusion of what the public defines as normal, acceptable and trendy. Ever sense one man was jealous of what another had; society had played a role in our lives. The best example I can give is teenagers. Almost all of them are slaves to society and its demands.

Have you ever heard a teenager say "I'll just die if I don't....", or "But everyone else is doing it". Both of these are cries of the slave to society. A teenager believes he or she needs to have the latest, trendiest items out that week. One day a style of blue jeans are cool, if you don't have a pair within a week you are uncool and cast out by your social group. That poor slave was not fast enough or good enough, and for that the master punished him or her for his or her inability to act correctly in a reasonable amount time.

Another case is the latest nightclub. The teenager, or now young adult, needs to go there. Why? Because all his or her friends are going to be there. It is a status symbol to get into the nightclub. Sometimes even standing in line outside the front door, for hours in the cold is enough to show your master that you tried your best to get in the door.

In New York City in the 70s was a little nightclub. This nightclub was the trend setter at the time. They found the key to using society to their advantage. They claimed that only those who were worth knowing were on the inside and if you were cool enough you might, just might, be able to get inside.

This is where things get funny their lie was so believable that everyone, including themselves, believed it. Society was fooled for a bit, but soon became the master again. People lined up outside, in the cold, in hopes that they were cool enough to get inside.

The need to be accepted, to be part of the ‘in' crowd, was the only thing that mattered to those out in the line. It is here that the oxymoronism takes full effect. These people went there with their friends, their chosen family, in hopes that they can get inside. Should one be chosen to be lucky enough to be allowed inside, most of the time they would abandon their friends to get inside. Why? To be part of the ‘in' crowd.

Oh but the story gets better. Those lucky few who were cool enough to get inside found out the best tricks society has to offer. Most of the time, there were more people outside then inside. The real party was outside the door. Oh don't get me wrong there are legends still out there about what really was going on behind those closed doors. But the truth is that, by their own standards, no one was worthy enough to be inside.

Another thing to think of is the little wanna-be punk. He wants to rebel against society. He goes out of his way to make an outcast of himself. He spikes his hair and wears the ripped jeans and a leather jacket. He is making a stand of individualism, just like all his friends. He isn't rebelling against society, but rather changing one type of cage for another. Not to mention getting his parents pissed off. Just because you change who you are because it is the ‘cool' thing to do is pointless. All you are doing is bowing down even further to your master, as well as giving your hard earned money away for the pleasure to live by more rules set by the new prison you have put yourself in. And add onto that the label of outcast.

You may think "Well those are teenagers; I would never act like that". But you do. Everyday you are bombarded with orders from your master on what to do, what to see, what to read, where to eat. Every time you watch TV or listen to the radio, you are given orders on what you should do. Why do you follow these orders? Because it is what society expects you to do. You are given orders and are expected to follow them without question.

If it is not advertised, saying that it is good, you won't go near it. If your friends don't accept it, you won't either. Most people confuse this as trust. And it is somewhat true. You are trusting others to make your choices for you. And within that inaction you are giving away your last bits of freedom as well become even more a slave to society and it's demands. Every time you do this, you lose more and more of your freedom and rights. Maybe even your own soul.

Somehow through the ages we as a people have made up an imaginary set of rules that we feel the need to follow. They have been around for years and we follow them without thinking or even of why we do follow them. We have learned to assume if these rules are not followed to the letter there is going to be a punishment.

The sad thing is that this is ingrained into our minds at such an early age; we believe that we have no other choice, but to blindly follow them. The reason why is fairly simple. In kindergarten we are told to color within the lines. If we go outside those lines we are doing something wrong, and are shunned for it. Also at this age we are taught our ABCs as well as that society does not like those who question the world around us. We learn that there are acceptable questions, and then those that we should not ask. If we do ask those questions that we are not to, we are taught that we are going to be in trouble. Society, as a whole, is afraid to ask questions. Why? The answer is because most people are afraid that they might find a problem. And if a problem is found then they are going to need to be the ones to fix it, as well as the fact that they did something, they assumed, they were not suppose to do.

We were told to stand in line, follow the rules, don't do this, but do that. We are programmed to follow the rules that society has laid down in front of us. We need to ask ourselves, is there a reason for the rule? This question is the beginning of free thought.

A free thinker stops to ask why and how.

The Need to Feel Accepted

Let's face it we, well at least most of us, are warm blooded mammals. As so we have had built into our DNA the need to be in a herd. We are social creatures by nature. And there is nothing wrong with that. We are human and the thought of being with others gives us some comfort.

If you believe in evaluation we were, at one point, monkeys swinging from the trees. The key word there is monkeys. We have always felt the instinctive need to be with others. We also feel the need to find a mate and procreate. It is in all of us and it is who and what we are.

No matter how you look at it, we need others around us. We need to feel accepted by someone. Other then need for survival it is by far the strongest drive for people. But we need to get down to the root of the subject. We have, over the past couple of centuries, have come up with really fucked up ideas of what is acceptable for a mate. What do we look for in other people to be considered a friend, or even a mate?
Is it the like interests we have with other people that we call them friends, or is it something deeper? Does there need to be a spiritual connection, at some level, to be a friend or is it what they have or who they know?

If you are hanging out with someone, and claiming to be their friend because of what they have or who they know, be honest with yourself at least. You are using that person. I could care less about weather you are not, just accept the fact that you are. It is a means of survival. But can you really call them a friend or a resource which you are currently milking?

If you do have a spiritual connection with someone, then allow me to ask a simple question. What is that connection? Is it just the fact that you have the same things in common? Or is it something deeper that you really can't explain?

Also how deep does the friendship go? We have all, as a child, been with a friend, and swore to be with them through thick and thin. But how many times when something bad happened, your friends were nowhere to be found? Do you, in the deepest part of your heart, know that if you were arrested at 2 AM, you could call a friend and they would be there to help you out? The fact is that we use the word ‘friend' very loosely.

Remember this quote “A friend well come to the police station to help you out and ask ‘what did you do?’ A true friend would be sitting beside you asking ‘what did we do?”

If you think that is bad, think about our standards for a mate. Now before I go fully into this I do understand that as time goes by, peoples needs evolve to suit the world we live in.

When we were still living in caves and hunting wild whatevers, what we looked for as a mate was fairly simple. Human, living, able to hunt, and could start a fire. These were the traits of the most eligible bachelors at the time.

But over the years we ‘evolved' and became more ‘civilized'. These two words alone are open to definition and change from person to person and from second to second. In the renaissance, is where everything began to take a turn for the worse. We started looking for social skills and signs of status to be worthy of mating with.

Now in today’s day and age we look for some of the strangest stuff. Yes a $30,000 wristwatch does show signs of wealth, but it also show signs of pure stupidity. A sports-car also shows signs of money and job security as well as no concept of forethought.

If anything we as people should look for the basics and ignore all the candy that can be gained or lost as time goes by. Unless you are shallow and don't really care, money is one of the worst things to judge someone on. Of course this does lead to the question of why the hell are you reading this rant this far?

When we go out in the world we instinctively look for certain things on a sub continuances level. We are still animals deep inside and those animalistic desires should not be ignored. We want to feel needed and protected. We also want to know that our mate is able to help care for us, as well as the possibility of having offspring with.

For some reason we associate these concepts with material things looks, and popularity. All of which are gifts from the master called society, and all of them come with a cost.

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