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Author: Mischka13
VR Publish Date: Apr 19 2010

LGBT is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. There are many people on VR and around the world that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Many have to hide that they are LGBT due to people not understanding and being close minded; therefore, they have to “stay in the closet” so to speak. In addition, they would not be accepted by family and friends as well as many others because they are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender.

Someone who is Lesbian is a woman that is attracted to other women whereas someone who is Gay is a man attracted to other men. Gay also means happy; therefore, there are two different meanings that are no where near the same. However someone who is bisexual is attracted to both genders although he or she may have a preference towards one gender. Someone who is Transgender is someone that was born in the wrong body. On the inside a male may feel like a female and vise versa. In turn, one that is female wanting to be male will go through a process to become a man. It is the same with male to female. All who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender want to be accepted for who they are not their sexual orientation or wanting to change their outward appearance to match who they are on the inside.

Discrimination goes back decades and slowly (very slowly) people are coming around and accepting people in the LGBT community. In recent years there have been laws that have been passed where Lesbian and Gay couples can marry in different states. To further explain, many people outside of the LGBT community as well as friends and family of people that are LGBT do not seem to grasp is that they are human beings with feelings with the only difference is that that they have a different sexual orientation or had been born in the wrong body. People are unique in their own way and should be treated as human beings instead of aliens.

Often times after “coming out of the closet” a person that is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender feels better, gains confidence and speaks more openly about their sexuality. Hence, they don't have to hide their emotions and can freely say that they are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender. Being true to oneself is better than being a mold to society. Furthermore, everyone is unique in their own right and should be free to express themselves instead of having to hide it. For example, how would you feel if someone treated you like an animal instead of a person? You would want to kick their butt right? Treat others as you would want to be treated. There are different ways to cope depending on the person. One person may talk about it but another person may write it out by way of poetry or in a journal. Others may draw to express their feelings as well.

Being supportive for those in the LGBT community helps in the process of coming out of the closet later on. Having someone to talk to rather than keeping it in helps in decision making as well as taking a stand. One may feel alone and out of place before, during and after coming out of the closet. Having someone or several people that are in the LGBT community or friends in general is a big deal to most in the community. It is someone to go to and can help no matter what. Support is a key role in many decisions overall in life especially one as big as coming out. For instance, many may commit suicide if he or she cannot come out as easily as others might. Depending on ones situation he or she may feel that there is no other option but suicide. Furthermore, without proper guidance and direction one may also not see that there is help and he or she can go to someone that will be able to help. Also, doing the right research will also help and eventually one will find a website where help can be found in the vicinity of where he or she lives.

Love is love no matter what state one lives in. It should not matter what gender one is or who one have feelings for. If one loves another of the same gender that is fine. If one feels that he or she was born in the wrong body there is nothing wrong with that. No matter where in the world one is, one should not have to be afraid of who he or she loves. Being a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender is perfectly fine. Everyone is unique in their own way. The world would be a very dull place if everyone were the same.


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