With great sacrifice comes self-mastery. My sacrifices of past has been reasoned well with the ever-developing sacredness of what can only be assumed, thetan evolution. There is great power to be gained from such an evolvement, but that said – the overall attributes that are gained, far outweigh anything within the mundane realms.
An associate who has been diligently aiding me with this has noted on the outward emanations that have indeed awed them in ways that they themselves are still attaining an understanding of. Proof of the evolvement has been treatised in many forms and has validation moreover than anything yet before experienced by any.
To travel to realms beyond that of the mere conditioned consciousness, (and to an extent, that of the sub and unconsciousness), to fully embrace that of sacrifice in its totality, has resulted in the enhancements of morals, altered awareness, heightened and frequenting life mediums, greater creative powers, and a neutralized grounding of previous disciplines that were apparent in the conditioning of the normalised human characteristics.
However, this creates not satiety but hunger for wisdom for many other attributes and as sacrificed by many before, are now obliged to drink out of the infinitesimal sea of knowledge gained from such enriched sources. These past have opened more gates of yet unknown horizons and as with the mundane sacrifices made allow the embraces of absolution in the process of transformation becoming dominant within any Universe.
If not the need to prolong and to further enhance such an effectiveness of arcane accumulations, but yet the greatest sacrifices are yet to come.
Sacrifices that are not only of body and mind, but of, or rather for, Spirit.
Sacrifices should be given wholly as an act of completeness, one of free will and one of the continuums of the service that one commits and dedicates to.
One should consider sacrifices as a warrior that is resolved in death. Consider sacrifice in all of its forms and yet not only mundanely. Or not merely in the worlds which we are forced to reside, yet that which can most certainly be traveled through.
Sacrifices are complete, yet incomplete as it allows those who join – the ability to move beyond limitation and comprehension.
Sacrifices are eternal, yet by living each day; it will lend those who join access parts of themselves that were unfathomable and that which laid dormant previously.
Sacrifices are binding, yet comes but a strange freedom is always present – allowing all those who come here realization of realms beyond, of infinite infinity.
Sacrifices are immortal, yet disposable and that which allows the consistency, procedural processes that can be made manifest in all realms.
As sacrifices are indeed complete, eternal and immortal, whether or not the body survives will greatly depend on those who traverse here, but moreover, the sacrifice humanity makes itself. But sacrifice will be far more than merely spiritual, far beyond one’s own current understanding.
Universes exist that are rarely known by the masses. Sacrifices are made with reverence, honor and humility, yet if complete, TRUE potential is then gained.
The ToSa exists to protect others, to stave them from themselves as they each are their own worst enemies, yet still unknowing of that. This is our own mundane sacrifice as within the human realm whereupon we give lots of our lives in this endeavor.
We sacrifice all that we once were, all that we are, to strive to be the best of what is yet to come, this we must do in order to server the Greater Sacrament of the Triune.
We also exist to train others in the art of sacrifice, in all its forms. For instance, the training of Servitors. The training of warriors and intellects in serving to the best of their own best abilities.
And yet, and as everything has a balance, we are also the jackals, ensuing others in respect to their own former sacrifices made and keeping them bound by oath, in order to save them from any further sacrifice as classified within a Rogue element. (Preparing them for elimination if protocol is not followed??)
Master Aracon E'Kerion.