Honor and Humility

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Author: Aracon
VR Publish Date: Nov 19 2009

There has been a world of illusion and delusion that reached far beyond any mundane comprehension this past week and it is to no surprise that our physical friends(forms) have most certainly betrayed us as much as the spiritual ones have. But it is with this, that basic human nature, be it true or falsely guided, is primal and mostly without thought.

The humility that we embrace, and to which is of the virtues not, is that of recognition of that which is within each. Every moment of everyday humility rebirths anew to give an omnipotence more superior to that of those gone before. But with each circumstance, it too brings about a deeper understanding and appreciation of more profound.

Each day new challenges, each moment new emotions, each second new thoughts, and it is so that would not encounter without to which most doth embrace within the presence of the myriad (or indeed the magnitude) of foreseen tests and trials.

In fact I have my own trials to count within the multitudes of unforsaken losses. But not the majority would see that within, there are tribulations also. To achieve such tribulations after such trials, enables clarity within perception, acceptance within deception and in hope, the embracement of ascension (if it comes at all). There has been many who I have seen all too commonly be ripped to threads beyond recognition of what they started out to seek in. They all too quickly became caught up in the romanticism of what was, to them, mysterious - yet little did they know then, infamous.

Even I myself, on a daily basis struggle with honour and humility. Attempting to overcome the self-hatred that is a constant within mine own life. People have spoken to me about how 'spiritual' I am, as THEY see me, but little do they now of the true consequence that lies within mine torments.

For me there is no balance, the predatory vs the preyed. Darkness over Light - whatever one cares to percieve - there is NO balance. There are three things that I believe that does not exist in reality, or in fact, in illusion.

They are: Time, Space and Karma. None of these things exist on any level - and to these goes too with balance. The equilibrium does not exist - the lineaments blurred between the multifaceted aspects of existence and non-existence itself.

But humility has become too much of a moral issue, especially within the systems that I have studied. Pantheons detract from the true virtues of such to enslave it into a more structured, regimented way only to beseech upon the attributes to serve their own. For some it is the quality which is to that of being meek and submissive, in accordance to those virtues in guidance with actions per se.

In the more church(ian) way of thinking it is humility as a virtue that asks that you act pathetic, lowly and ignoble. And what is better yet, it is true humility that requires you to believe it.

Morality or Stupidity?

In some sects humility is also is indicated as that being the opposite of pride. For most it is every act of virtue that causes for scorn - as it seems so because you are endeavoring to be good. Allegorically speaking for others, instead of accepting yourself as a lowlife worm, you are trying to be human. This is most definitely the greatest sin in many ethical systems. If you are happy with who you are, what you are, you will want to live for yourself. This, by some (as stated above) is quite unacceptable, especially in the so-called altruism, where you are to sacrifice yourself for others. It is then that pride gets in the way. Only humility is said to serve that end.

** Note - It is altruism that has corrupted and perverted human benevolence by regarding the giver as an object of immolation, and the receiver as a helplessly miserable object of pity who holds a mortgage on the lives of others - a doctrine which is extremely offensive to both parties, leaving men no choice but the roles of sacrificial victim or moral cannibal... Ayn Rand, The Objectivist, June 1966 ***

They misunderstand where 'they' say humility is the hatred of oneself - that this is the ultimate sacrifice. True it is the sacrifice of one's own ego, but there should be no self-hate involved. To look beyond that of the limitational pull of ethinicities and eccentricities that strive to conquer each of us and that which is around us, would only but lead us to a kind of self-deification that we endeavour.

In raising humility beyond the levels of confinement as a mere virtue and replacing its misconceptions as a sacrifice to self-hatred, then we may just see a rise back to the normalities from societal distress.

So to the microcosms (and macrocosms) - to what end does humility (or self hatred) conquer? We are merely ex-animated in worlds and realms we do not comprehend completely. Do we journey merely to become the epitome of the ideal Mage? Or allegorically speaking, are we simply the grander epistolary in a linear alphabet?

The answer to these questions should be NO.

We each experience ourselves as we should. We each are as individual as the next. We journey upon many paths, and whilst doing so, these paths all but lead to the same source eventually. Cultural stigmatas are all too common, and the communal dis-ease that these create, are created forever, as they go beyond the now current generation. So, I say it is up to us to make aware that there is such differences - and that we are embracing them to our own end. Humility vs Equanimity? (no - they should be entwined).

And now I ask but three questions:
1. Is there Honor in Humility?
2. Is there Humility in Honor?
3. Is it Morality or Stupidity?

What would your answers be?

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