I've noticed that a good many of the VR members or Pagan, and the large majority I've met or spoken with seem to hold themselves to a higher set of standards than most people. My journey on that path began in the early 70s, and over time I developed my own set of rules for daily life. These are entirely my own, but they work very well for my. I thought I'd share them here:
1) Speak softly and clearly. Never use profanity. Profanity is a sign of weakness of conviction and lack of education.
2) Do not become angry. Anger steals your power and focus.
3) Fear is a power source. Do not be paralyzed by it.
Use it for energy and focus. It marks a place to grow.
4) Never bluff or brag. Bluffs will be called, brags will be checked. If you say it, be sure you can do it. If you’ve done it, time will speak for you.
5) Smile. Laugh. Nothing disturbs an enemy like good cheer in the face of his anger.
6) Never threaten. Threats are tools used by those who have no real power and are trying to intimidate you into submission to avoid a direct confrontation.
7) Never make a promise you can’t keep. Never commit to something you have no intention of doing. Others will hold lies and broken promises against you. Your honor is in your word.
8) Never knowingly lie. A lie goes against everything you are trying to be.
9) Don’t reveal all you know, but know the effects of what you reveal. Information is power. Share it only to your advantage with people you know you can trust. Time will reveal them.
10) Never reveal an advantage until the moment it is to be used, and then use it to full effect under the cover of surprise.
11) Choose the things you share with discretion. Experience, strength and hope are things shared we share with the public. Personal crisis and indecision are things that should be shared only with a mentor and nowhere else.
12) If something isn’t practical, it isn’t spiritual. If it isn’t spiritual, you shouldn’t consider doing it.
13) Sometimes, the smartest thing to do is NOTHING. Many times, the smartest thing to SAY is NOTHING.
14) Remember that in life not everyone is out to help you. Some are friends, but only in name. Some you will come to trust and others you will quickly see to be untrustworthy.
15) Remember that no one can make you feel angry, happy, sad, afraid, or lonely. All of these are things you chose to feel. Only you choose what and how to feel moment to moment.
Perhaps these won't work for everyone, but, for me they make life a lot easier.