Author: | Aracon |
VR Publish Date: | Feb 05 2009 |
In a modern neo-listic world the ancient arts are becoming less intense as most traditions are evolving fast and globally. This in effect nullifies the reverence of relative skills that are imperative for a true mages survival. Everything in nature, and sup(ra)nature exists as it is a fight, the survival of the fittest. The art of shadow walking was traditionally, in the most ancient of senses, carried through bloodlines, and/or the incarnations of the community’s shaman/witch doctor (etc). Nowadays this is not necessarily the case. Although I myself have been tried and tested by many within a set tradition, and have found to be indeed a reincarnation of an ancestral lineage – this makes no difference to the abilities that can be taught and learned by others outside of this lineage. If one is prepared to sacrifice and to revere what is being taught on a daily basis AT LEAST then there is no reason that you cannot attain this same ability for yourself. But be warned, I have already taken two students of this, teaching them in real-time (as opposed to virtual) and only into their 5th week, and they have seen dramatic life changes within and without themselves – one has experienced a breakup in partnership while the other stands to loose their partner in life. So as the transformation has begun they are now seeing the true potential of such power and skill. I will post again, as I have had some off-group queries regarding this particular skill, in which I thought I would share with the whole group (exclusive of the queries themselves as to respect privacy). If anyone has any specific questions please do ask, so that I may respond in kind as opposed to babbling on. But anyone is capable of shadow-walking and I would be happy to guide those as I do as a practical hunting skill. As everyone has the same potential as the next person, this skill is not hard to attain if you have the desire, or the need to do so. This requires great sacrifice and even greater dedication to achieve. I first began shadow –walking as a child and my mother had no understanding of this – always thinking that she herself was going crazy, telling me off for things that I was doing in front of her, when in fact I was no-where near. This skill began to fully bloom merely 6 years ago when I came into contact with others of my kind, and that is when I began to fully realize the potential that it presented. I began to realize the variations that this skill could incorporate, from merely representation of astral travel to the more extreme sensory transmutations. To walk between the realms requires a safe-zone, one that has been created effectively to protect the human form from harm whilst on journey. I have a specific ritual that I nourish each day, to keep my safe-zone charged at all times- and when I enter this safe-zone/sacred space I can quickly attain alternate states (depending on need and desire of moment), knowing that I am fully protected and safe in my own physical surroundings. This is good to keep in regards to intentional and daily regimes of practice. However, if one should have the need of spontaneous, or un-prepared journey (in case of attack, let’s say) – then to develop a “quickening” to enhance your protective sphere and to ensure full gnosis is reached, whilst normalized physiological movement is carried out. This is much harder to achieve and I am still in the stages of truly mastering this myself. But in saying this - what I have been capable of obtaining, well you can read via my journal. *chortles. For those who are interested – please feel free to comment or ask questions where you need to for further clarification. For those of you who are not interested – well thanks for getting far enough to read this part - *winks. Let’s begin at the basics, shall we? The art of shadow walking is the ability to disconnect from physical to wander the worlds between in spirit form. Easy enough said. But to fully understand the ideology, and hence the art of shadow-walking, one must know the “nature of the soul” to begin with. If you are unaware of the nature of the soul then, you have some catching up to do and I will briefly discuss parts throughout my posts regarding this topic. In short - The Soul is merely a small section of the Higher Self - which by some others is also termed Fifth Dimensional. This means that it can operate at the fifth plane of existence, (above the forth/astral plane and below the sixth/monadic plane). The Soul is the part of the being which, arising from the Monad, differentiates itself into a single stream of experience and persona which it develops. Other things that the Shadow-walker should realize too is that what we perceive as “reality” is merely an illusion, created out of a combination of factors. This is not to suggest that the illusion of “reality” is in any way negligible: indeed, it is as binding as one believes it to be. If you believe “reality” is solid and immutable, it will be utterly concrete to you. But, once you begin to realize that it is an illusion, and with a great deal of dedicatory work and practice, “reality” then becomes as fluid, as flowing as you will it to be. But this does not come without danger. There are reasons that we create and limit ourselves by the illusion of reality. By doing so, it allows us to order our experiences in a fashion that our human, conscious minds can comprehend. In surpassing the illusions, we must be aware and take care not to move hastily or beyond that of which our conscious mind can comprehend – or it has been seen by many – that our world will cease to make any sense to us at all. This then forces the shadow-walker to become more aware of time and the essences carried within it. The nature of time in itself is a fairly complex attribute, and one that we can discuss later if so wished. In regards to the world that we perceive as reality – it is manifested by the Soul in concert with the subconscious mind through the medium of the astral plane. For those adept at metaphysical skills, the conscious mind also becomes a greater factor in the creation of reality itself. Everything which exists takes this form first in the astral, then in the physical (most would know of “thought forms” being manifested at some time during/after a work). Only that those things into which vast amounts of energies are put actually do manifest. When a shadow walker applies these attributes to time, energy, intent and exertion then we can move beyond the boundaries previously limiting our skills and awareness. |
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for the shadow walkers