Staci Grim Interview

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Author: LordBloodMoon
VR Publish Date: Oct 17 2008

Well for Halloween I have checked on a few people and decided to go with Staci Grim. I first seen Staci playing with Wednesday 13 on the Ghouls on Parade tour in 2007. Since then he has released a solo E.P and has done a tour and plans to do some more. I asked a bit about how he got started so young and how it is on the other side of the pond. So here we go...

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1.- Ok first off You play guitar, bass, drums, piano and sing...were you musically trained or all self taught?

All the instruments I had learned I taught myself. It began with piano when I was about 7. Then followed drums, guitar, bass, and vocals. After I learned everything I needed to learn how to record it. That was harder then learning any instrument. Still working on that haha

2.- So at 15 you played with Sammy Hagar's guitarist Brian Flynn..How did that come about at such a young age?

It's funny actually. They were getting ready to play at a club in which my father had worked at. I was wandering around the club during their soundcheck in a DW Drums shirt. The drummers cymbals had got lost on the flight over so he approached me and asked if I had some he could use. So I ran home and got him a couple of cymbals. During their set that night they called me up on stage to play a few songs with them. I was terrified haha. So that is pretty much how I began talking with Brian and joining his band in the later.

3.- I seen you playing with Wednesday 13 during the Ghouls on Parade tour when in Detroit...How was it working with Wednesday? and how did that come about?

Wednesday is one of the funniest motherfuckers I know. It was great. I always looked up to him as a front man and also looked up to Racci as a drummer and being on the same stage with them every night just seemed unreal. I had a blast and learned a lot.
I had met W13 a few times before I joined and they had known about me from previous auditions. I guess they finally decided to let me come out on a run with them haha.

4.- You have an E.P available that was produced by Stitch of Mushroomhead...you are currently in the process of finishing your solo cd...when and where can we expect to hear and buy it?

Well, my E.P. is my first solo release. It's been a long time in the making. Every time I sat down to get it down something happens haha. Last time I sat down to get it done
Alex from AntiProduct called and asked me to join them on a tour playing drums. So after that tour when I arrived home I sat down a finished the cd. I had my mind made up I am going to get this done. After it's completion I did a tour promoting it in Sept. and going back out again in Jan. I plan on doing extensive tours though most of 2009 then later in the year releasing a full length album featuring the songs on the E.P. and more.

5.- For people who may not know you can you tell us a little of what to expect from the upcoming CD?

Well the upcoming album is going to be an extension on the E.P. so if you've heard the E.P. then you can get a general idea of what to expect. Loud drums, powerful guitar riffs, a grooves everywhere.

6.- Do you record everything yourself or does your backing band the X-rated record with you?

No, everything you hear on the E.P. is actually me. 100%. The X-Rated is the live band I personally piece together. The members of The X-Rated have become like a family to me.

7.- Now that you've toured the U.S. and made it to Europe also with Wednesday....any favorite places you played and definitely want to make it back to?

Definitely overseas. A day doesn't go by that I receive 3 pages of messages in my inbox from fans wanting me to come back haha. So ?I'm excited to get back over there.

8.- How do you see the receptiveness to music in Europe compared to the U.S.?

Fans over there are REALLY dedicated to attending live shows and purchasing albums. It's great! It reminds me of how it was when I was growing up. Having that product in your hands and seeing that person live was just an amazing feeling. Now it is all about iTunes and iPods. It sucks. Music has lost it mysteriousness. Now you can get on youtube, look up your fav. celeb/musician and watch them eating ice cream or walking their dog. It use to be the only time you seen them was on stage or on the big screen. It ruins the mystery of that person. Sad. But back on track. U.S. fans are just as great. On my last run in Sept. we all had a ton of fun and can't wait for Jan.

9.- What are your thoughts on the music industry vs. doing it yourself using the internet?

Internet has made it so beneficial to struggling bands but when you start to move up in the industry the same thing that helped you begins to hurt you. It's a fucked up catch 22 situation. I have always preferred doing things myself. I guess it goes back to "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself"

10.- Who are some of your musical influences?

I love anything that catch's my ear. Wither it's Motley Crue, Skid Row, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Miyavi, Elvis, Misfits, etc.

just for fun...

11.-Okay your stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you have?

My girl, My guitar, My laptop.

12.-If there was one song you wish you could have wrote...what would it be?

I remember you Skid Row

Since it a vampiresite...

13.- What is your favorite vampire related movie, book, TV show..etc...?

Probably Nosferatu. It is so fucking creepy with time era it was shot in and Max, just everything about it is creepy.

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