My Research on Precessional Correlations

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Author: GMOnyx
VR Publish Date: May 26 2006

Precessional Information

½º of precessional shift: approximately 36 years (35 4/5 years)
1º of precessional shift: approximately 72 years (71 2/3 years)
30º of precessional shift (one zodiac sign or Precessional Age): approximately 2160 years (2148 years)
60º of precessional shift (two zodiac signs or Precessional Ages): approximately 4230 years (4296 years)
360º of precessional shift or one Great Year: approximately 25,920 years (25,776 years)
Number of constellations in the zodiac: 12
36 plus 72 equals 108 which when divided by 2 equals 54
Obliquity of the Earths Ecliptic: between 22.1º and 24.5º
Obliquity cycle (from 22.1º to 24.5º and back to 22.1º): approximately 41,000 years
Earth orbits the sun at approximately 66,600 miles per hour, about 18 meters per second
Earths equatorial circumference is approximately 24,902 miles (1 mile equals 5280 feet)
Earths equatorial radius is approximately 3963 miles and its polar radius is approximately 3950 miles, about 14 miles longer.
The Earths magnetic poles have shifted positions, referred to as a geomagnetic reversal, over 170 times in Earths history. The last reversal was completed around 10,400 BC (approximately 12,400 years ago). The next reversal is predicted by scientists to occur around 2030 AD.
The Earth passes through the Taurid Meteor Stream between June 24th and July 6th (this meteor shower is invisible to the naked eye because it occurs during daylight hours) and between November the 3rd and 15th (this meteor shower is visible to the naked eye, because it occurs during the nighttime hours). The Taurid Meteor Stream is a torus (TAWR uhs / a donut type shape) about 30 million kilometers wide. On June 30, 1908, a comet fragment ( that originated form the Taurid Meteor Stream ) exploded over Tunguska , Siberia, in the Soviet Union flattening over 2000 square kilometers and causing huge Earth tremors. From the 22nd to the 26th of June 1975, the Moon was splattered with a sustained barrage of ton sized comet fragments (that also originated from the Taurid Meteor Stream).
There were episodes of chaos, disruption, and rapid climate change at around 7,000 BC, 5,000 BC, 4,000 BC, 2,500 BC, 1,000BC, and 500 AD. Each case lasting several decades or even a century and involving repeated collisions with multiple comet fragments of at least Tunguska’s size, up to a rate of 100 collisions per year.

Spherical Geometry, Precession, and the Great Pyramid of Egypt

The simplest way to divide the surface of a spherical object (i.e. the Earth), so that each section can be represented in a series of two dimensional shapes, is to divide the surface in to eight triangular sections. Each triangular section is made up of three ninety degree angles, totaling two hundred and seventy degrees per section. More interesting is each hemisphere (4 sections) and the whole sphere (all 8 sections) when divided this way each contain 1080º and 2160º respectively. (The number 1080 is a multiple of the Precessional number “108” , and “2160” is a Precessional number) It’s this way of dividing the surface of the Earth that is suggested by the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The Great Pyramids original height was approximately 483 feet, which is about 1/43,2000th (43,200 is a multiple of the Precessional number 4,320) of the Earth’s Polar Radius, and the original perimeter of the Great Pyramids base was approximately 3036 feet, which is about 1/43,200th of the Earth’s equatorial circumference. Also, the perimeter-to-height ratio equals 2 pi, and the relationship between the Great Pyramids perimeter and the Earth’s average distance from the sun yields a multiple of the number 1.618; which is phi, “The Golden Section”. The Great Pyramid models the triangular divisions explained above, each of its faces corresponding to one eighth of the Earth’s surface. The Great Pyramid also mirrors the hemispherical degree total of 1080º. The Great Pyramids surface consists of four triangles and a square (roughly). This comes to 180º + 180º+ 180º + 180º + 360º = 1080º, a perfect match.


Now, where did the symbolic concept of the Trinity come from? Or the Star of David for that matter? Here is what I think. The trinity is represented by a single equilateral triangle, the Star of David by two. The trinity’s value is three or one-third. The Star of David’s value is six, two-thirds, or .666. This would beg the question, “What would be a whole, three-thirds, or nine?” The representation would logically be three equilateral triangles, orientated 40° to each other, set into a star configuration. I call it the Star of Christ. This star has a nonagon at its center. Nonagons interior angles are 140°. Its degree total is 1260°, one-third of which is 420°. Now, let’s play with the numbers. We get 40, a prominent biblical number (it appears 24 times in the New Testament); 420, which is a multiple of 42 (see Revelations 11:2 & 13:5); and 1260 (see Revelations 11:3). This can not be a coincidence. Another interesting point is that 14, 42, and 1260 are all divisible by seven (which appears 48 times in the book Revelation alone, compare with “24 elders” and “12 churches”) so that the quotients are 2, 6, and 180 respectively. Now, 2 x 6 = 12 and 6 x 180 = 1080 (which is a multiple of 108) and 2 x 180 = 360, but most of all 2 x 6 x 180 = 2160. One-third of 2160 is 720 (which is a multiple of 72) and two-thirds of 2160 is 1440 (which is a multiple of 144 and/or 12 – both of which are prominent biblical numbers).

Also, an interesting quote: Mat 27:45 “From the sixth hour on a darkness fell over all the land, until the ninth hour.” That’s a total of three hours. The numbers three, six, and nine.

I Ching, Precession, the Bible, and the Mayans

The I Ching trigram for Earth is made up of three lines, each with a value of six. 666, isn't that the mark of the beast. Earth is the beast, makes you wonder. So, let’s play with the numbers. 6+6+6=18, (6x6)-6=30, 6+6x6=72, and 6x6x6=216. All of these are precessional numbers. 6+ (6/6) =7, and 6+ (6x6) =42, which relates to the Star of Christ (see above). What’s also interesting is this: The Trigrams are made from either solid or broken lines, so line 1 has 2 possible designations with four possible values (6, 7, 8, and 9) and from these lines all 8 trigrams are made from the bottom up. So, we get 1, 2, 4, and 8. That bears a striking similarity to the Mayans number writing system; and if you replaced the broken lines for dots, it would even look similar.


A tribulation is a state or time of great distress or affliction. A Great Tribulation of seven years is going to prelude what is referred to in the bible as Christ’s second coming. In Daniel 12:1 we are told “…And there will be a time of trouble, strait ness, and distress such as never was since there was a nation till that time…” In Revelations, the Great tribulation is divided approximately in half. The first three and a half years is the time of the two witnesses. The two witnesses symbolize those who are spiritually awakened and testify during the Great Tribulation. The last three and a half years is the time of the Beast’s dominion. In Matthew 24:34, Jesus says “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away till all these things taken together take place.” Now, a generation for people is about thirty to forty years. But Jesus was speaking of a generation, or span of time, that applied to the whole earth. The word translated as generation is the Greek word gĕnĕa (Strong’s #1074) and by implication can be defined as an Age. One Earth Age is a period of 2160 years. This measurement comes from the science of Precession (i.e. Precession of the Equinoxes). One Precessional Year is 25,920 years. One Precession Month, or Age, (twelve Precessional Month’s, or Age’s, in one Precessional Year) is 2160 years. One Precessional Day (thirty Precessional Days in a Precessional Month) is 72 years. As I Stated previously, the Great Tribulation’s going to take a total of seven years to reach its conclusion. But, this time frame of seven years is figurative. Now, in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6, a day is made equal to a year. So, seven years becomes seven days. In John 11:9, Jesus says that a day is twelve hours long. So seven days now becomes eighty-four hours. Eighty-four Precessional Hours is equal to 252 years. Now, the Precessional Age that began with Christ’s birth ends at the end of the year 2160 AD. So, the Great Tribulation will begin 252 years prior, in 1908 AD. (What’s interesting is that in 1908 AD, in the month of June, a meteorite of over one ton in mass detonated over Tunguska in Asia. This event flattened and set fire to over 2000 square kilometers of land and caused earth tremors world wide.) With a starting point of 1908 AD we can estimate the following: The time of the Two Witnesses will be between the years 1908 AD and 2034 AD. During this period of 126 years (compare the numerical similarity to 1,260 days i.e. 3 ½ years) the seven seals of the scroll will be opened and the first six trumpets will be blown. A process of cataclysmic upheaval not seen since the days of Noah (see Matthew 24:37 and Luke 17:26) will be set off by the opening of the sixth seal! The opening of the sixth seal is described in Revelations 6:12-14 and is as follows: “When He [the Lamb] broke open the sixth seal, I looked, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun grew black as sack cloth of hair, [the full disc of] the moon became like blood. And the stars of the sky dropped to the earth like a fig tree shedding its unripe fruit out of season when shaken by a strong wing. And the sky rolled up like a scroll and vanished, and every mountain and island was dislodged from its place.” This is a description of what is called an Earth Crust Displacement. What an Earth Crust Displacement entails is a slippage, or movement, of the entire crust of the earth; not just one tectonic plate. This will cause a geomagnetic reversal (Magnetic north and Magnetic south will be altered from there current positions), massive earthquakes world wide, and intense volcanic activity across the planet. The ash and soot thrown in to the atmosphere by such unprecedented volcanic activity would diminish the amount of sun light that would reach the earths surface (i.e. give the sun a blackened look); and at night, the moon would appear dark red (i.e. moon became like blood). Scientists have documented over 170 geomagnetic reversals in earth’s history. The last one occurred during the time of Noah’s Flood. The next reversal is expected to occur in 2030 AD. The Mayans predicted the end of civilization, to be destroyed by fire and earthquakes, to occur on December 23, 2012. This date is the date of a very rare planetary conjunction (only once every 45,200 years) that will exert strong gravitational and magnetic forces on the planet earth, which might accelerate the process of Crustal Displacement. So, the events of the sixth seal can be expected to occur between 2012 AD and 2030 AD, but no latter than 2034 AD. In Matthew 24:13 Jesus say’s: “But he who endures to the end will be saved.” And in Daniel 12:12 the Archangel Michael says: “Blessed, happy, fortunate, spiritually prosperous, and to be envied is he who waits expectantly and earnestly (who endures without wavering beyond the period of tribulation) and comes to the 1,335 days.” One thousand three hundred and thirty-five days would be around 2041 AD, after the seals and the six trumpets. So it is clear what is to come, and what it is we are expected to and must do. But are we doing it? Are we preparing to endure what is to come? I don’t think we are. We have become trapped by doctrine and dogma, relying on others to tell us what the Bible say’s and mean’s. True spirituality comes from a mind which has wisdom, a mind receptive to truth and possessing spiritual understanding. It is not a product of doctrine and dogma. Read the Bible, then study science and physics, The Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Mayan’s and the Ancient Chinese. Only then will you see the full picture that has painted.

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