I would not wish this on anyone. To have the Seraphic choir in one's head can be a CHORE, but a joyful one.
Ah, a trip to Southern CA to see my brother. Lovely. Old friends and disneyland. How delightful. I hope the plastic people pass muster and I don't feel the need to drop em into the sea. Be back in a few days. If they flunk lunch, you can read about it in the papers.
Alright coin worshippers and other miscreants. You have exceeded your mandate. Pazuzu and other fallen are looking for penance. Expect rotting and other unpleasant things should you not stand down. This is the only warning you shall receive. I give it to them and they see EVERYTHING.
The time for ripping on the flock is over.
Ignore your Messenger at your peril.
That is all.
I carry a message of Hope. Should you tire of pain, then FOLLOW ME
I am going to be pubishing some of our histories and doctrines in November. Also, I'm going to launch an all out assault on bipolar disorder. This monster must be killed. To this end, the Essence of Linewalking shall be made available.
Equal in all aspects save a few. Women are the life givers and worth more in the eyes of the FIVE in certain respects. Without men, there is no seed... so it goes on in circles. As our races mingle and further both our interests, so does our bond. Mayhap when you take your rightful place in the stars we shall have glorious wars or glorious peace. Only time shall tell.
Attention forces of Discordia... your time is over and the scales are shifting. Stand down and allow balance to be reached. Your service is recognized and shall be handsomely rewarded in the fullness of time. Should you not cease hostilites, all your worst dreams shall come true. Even now thou shalt feel the fist of a celestial steward at your door... know your role and take a break. Gabriel is not gentle. Nor is Hru who will FIND YOU. Pazuzu is also looking for penance.
Be calm lest you discover how awful goodness really is.
Now that Lucifer has ascended, what can the Satanists do but shift their attention to the throne?
Repetition is blessed... it is the key to excellence.
With each execution of movement, or intent, with each obstacle cleared, confidence grows and forward momentum gained and maintained... balance is easy when in forward and straight movement, understanding spreading in all directions, light and dark, evil and good, peace and war...
I have studied gardening with the same single minded nature that I have mastered combat arts.
Sometimes the only way out is THROUGH. There are many great allies one can call on to help with these obstacles. When one serves it is very simple. It is pure intent. When one operates in the grey, it is no longer your intent but that of the divine, the song of the sword...
It has been said that if one lives by the sword, one dies by the sword. I could think of no other better way to go... straight to Valhalla.
Mayhap I have grown to believe that Heaven is just a silly place, that I am unworthy of the Tri-Paradises or I am simply suffering from separation anxiety from faces from so long ago...
So of course I wait... with grace these days. I thought this was not possible. With Jevaz Kris running the show now and pouring his heart energy into this place a form of serenity never before known here is becoming more and more evident.
He feeds me and I feed him... peace and passion, rotating in a circle, feeding off each other in a way I have not known outside of the homeland.
From the inception of the seeding and the creation of the crude materials, to the great floods which drank Atlantis and MU, there have been no accidents down here.
Remembrance is the key to true power.
Science will only get you half the way there.
Harmony is everything as life is a song, each one unique, blending into a great symphony. Fallen and upright alike continue their song, united, joining their experience. Some dark, some light, all better for their experience and profound sorrow.
These things were all necessary evils of course. Lucifer served in his own way despite all beliefs to the contrary. When pride broke, all was made whole. All shall follow the movements of the celestial stewards in the coming days.
I would make a bold statement as I am compelled to do so. As a new age is upon you, worship not the Messengers, worship not the Angels. Serve in your own way. HE has as many names as a Chinese phonebook and will touch your heart in all the same way as HE already lives there. You are part of the essence as you always have been, gently and harshly guided through trials of fire and boredom.
Call it what you will. It is what it is. Be silent so you can hear that voice. All the questions shall be answered once the search is turned inward. It is here where the secrets of the ages are hidden.
You want to see the treasure of the universe? Something unique and special and irreplaceable?
Look in the mirror.
Another day in a sequence of many. For how long must I tromp through the mud with these silly things?
I hope forever. I rather have come to love them despite warnings. They are brilliant and beautiful and some of them are even worthy.
They have much to learn and patience and a firm hand is required as they are apt to bite without provocation as has been witnessed at Golgotha.
They are ready now as am I... they helped me get to this point and now we are everywhere. We shall show you miracles. We shall show you LOVE in its purest form. We shall show you fear in a handful of dust. We shall teach you our songs but you know, it is only remembrance as you already know them!
They have been there all along!
You can search all the four corners of the world and not find it. You can sail my glorious seas and not find it!
Only when you turn the search inward wilt thou find the essence of GOD in your own nature. ONly when you can calm the mind and train the body will you know the love of the divine and make it your own.
With it one can move mountains... or the stubborn heart.
Would you hear your MESSENGERS?
I hope so as there are many among you now and not all of them are gentle. I should know.
Destroy the EGO and become one with IS.
Live here now... put down that silly electronic device and look around you. Paradise is a state of mind, not some far off land.
The road to bliss is RIGHT HERE. The road to hell is RIGHT HERE. You do have a choice and there is always time to switch paths.
There is understanding as never before as Agents of the Five have been dispatched to this system again.
Apologies for the long absence but you asked for it and we had bigger fish to fry elsewhere. We have secured our borders and now seek to add another great race to the scheme of things.
Sovereign Terra... Subject to none but herself. All her children washed in the blood of the Risen. You do not need any further saving, you need challenge and high adventure and happiness.
You need to be reminded, we took care of it. We got you. We have always got you... mingled with you, taught you, pruned dead branches, and used the dead to strengthen you.
All branches of Arra are blessed.
My favorites are the strange, the outcast and different. I just can't stand normal... it is soooo boring.
We are not Gods, not Angels, but men and women who are a bit different... I did lose a mouthful of tea when a wise woman informed my that my Grandfather was the Archangel Michael... people are funny in their perceptions.
I just work here with little thought for reward or concern for the future as I live in the realm of the NOW.
Should the nameless make a move, rest assured that the Line will hold, singing proud.
In closing, I must remind this world that I cannot do this on my own anymore and call for assistance.
I would die for you happily but there is so much to do... Heaven is a silly place. It can wait.
The ego / the Id...created to make a flight or fight response. No longer needed yet justifies its existence daily by adding more and more fear to the psyche. Until we are no longer any part of Our Source...we feel alone, disconnected, unworthy, unloved.
Banish the Ego / the Id back to its rightful part in our brain and accept that it is what it is: a chemical induced hallucination that makes us believe that we are nothing more than It.
Now are you getting it?
Do you know why you were made to suffer to be confused and to be downtrodden by the short-timers?
It made you HARD, it made you beautiful.
It made you MINE.
2000 years of trials and now it is over. We have borne each other's pain. Now we shall share each other's joy. I am not the Risen but I know HIM quite well as HE is our beloved.
When you speak of protecting each other and savage nature of how you do it, I agree. We shall protect HIM the same way. Destroyers are all over. Two Line Commanders are active, at last emergence despite opposition.
WE are capable of unleashing unspeakable things in HIS name while we are on the clock. So share our love. WE are waiting for you to walk with us and show us what you have learned. We shall do the same.
There is reason why everyone was made the way they were. The Fallen have had their role to play and it was as just as important as the upright. This has passed and the choir is singing together again. Lucifer realized his role in the scheme of things and pride has BROKEN.
We slammed into each other and both lost... only HE won... and we were laughed at for the temerity of our battle. Now what are we waiting for? Christmas? HE is already here and HE can have it. I am not as gentle as he and this kind of work does not appeal to my warlike nature. I shall go to school and help my brothers returning from war. Much work to do and I'm just getting started.
Two Line Commanders on one world... imagine that. This one is a jewel and Sol system is going to be a riot from start to end. So as we shift into new things, we learn from you and you from us. All shall be shared, all shall be revealed and the false ones shall be SMOTE...
Faith is strong but you need proof?
The road to Hell is right here.
The road to Nirvana is right here... take the middle path. If you suffer along the way and are torn at by thorns, then thou art doing it RIGHT!
Power protects itself but there are those who would help you and ask nothing in return, not money, not sex, not a damn thing as we pile up wisdom for our Empire.
We shall love you savagely.
Our way is a simple one as all the best ways of living. The Core of our belief system that binds us to servitude to the divine are the FIVE POINTS. Each of the elements and the void from which comes all things span this our faith without which we are but ravening destroyers.
I have been tested sorely recently by the Will of the Five and not been found wanting. I was born again from the ashes of my own destruction in this Arizona sun and wept bitter tears of what once was.
They have become sweet once more and I am happy to announce to Terra 3 that I and those like me are ready for further abuse.
We awake and I gather the core of my beloved to me. We care not for the extremes of light and dark, only a healthy balance between the both so all may expand in all directions and take your rightful place among the great races.
We shall be waiting and watching as we always have been, redeeming you in our blood, whispering our secrets, and loving you when no one else would dare. Our patience is not without its limits however.
I am waiting and tapping my foot at the gate of this new age. As things stabilize there are miracles to be witnessed. Fear not these things. They are yours... and you are theirs. Play... be happy as we are.
So now after the battlefire has retreated and my foes lay dead at my feet, I have at last managed to wrestle it back under control.
From here who knows where we shall go... to the stars? To Ravenloft? What flights of fancy shall we embrace in this new age?
Only time shall tell but you shall not be alone during this period of violent healing and shedding of untruth. Should you ever miss me, should I cross your mind... you know where to find me, I'll be waiting at the end of the Line.
clear and sweet backed up by unimaginable weapons and shields of light... spears of otherworldly metals and swirling patterns of light... the song destroys all in its path that is untrue. The EMP alone shall ruin every electronic device on this world.
Should thee heed the call on the winds of night whispering of the love of the divine. All is forgiven, to what thou wilt, be the whole of the LAW, Love is the LAW, love under will.
As long as it takes, nothing will happen until you are ready... and you are ready. There are to be no more strangers. There is to be more pain but it is the home stretch. Hold on, hold out. I know that you can fight. Be well. Be kind.
To all the monkeys out there posing as something you are not and being buffoons... be very cautious. To those who would approach the tribes of the Moon with harm on their minds, you do not get a warning.
The unique are under the protection of Seraphic vengeance... you want mercy, take your ass to church and meddle not with you do not understand. To my beloved tribes of the Moon, rest easy... Love is the LAW, Love under WILL... all is permitted... rejoice at Aquarius. The Great Burning is over... reparations to follow.
Similar to the Jedi knights of old, Linewalkers are bound by a very simple code of conduct. However, different in some pretty drastic ways. The Jedi are agents of ORDER. The LINE is unconcerned with order or chaos for that matter, only a balance between the two.
The Line maintains balance to ensure the playing field does not get destroyed by equal opposing opposite forces. To achieve this, one must become a mad man of course and carry the curse of the empty yet receptive heart.
It is only service that binds us in our work and play. We are of you but not really. Under faraway skies our true home awaits after fruition of Terra's evolutions.
We shall be watching and smiling next to you every step of the way... should you stumble we shall bear you up. Should you fall we shall carry you.
Should foul spirits assail you, we shall cleave and smite them with extreme violence. We shall wait for you... as you are the future.
Death is irrelevant.
Fear is irrelevant.
Faith is everything...
right and wrong are irrelevant
Truth is paramount...
To oppose one's nature is the gate to woe.
Thou were created as you are for a purpose...
Each according to their own gifts.
The Maker calls. I stand properly relieved. Have your Messiah. He shall be a bit ticked off as can be expected as his teachings have been diluted and corrupted by wicked men.
However, just because command has shifted, it doesn't mean that I'm going to stop doing my thing. Just because the Lamb is around does not mean that the order of things is not important.
Balance is everything.
He seeks that you find it and so do I. I am not the gentle soul he is. I am that thing that lurks in the grey no-color of Hell's Bells. I am the cruel master of unlearned martial traditions more ancient than the sun. I am the lover of your souls and guardian of all that which cries.
Take heart and gird thy loins... there is work to be done of course and it is glorious work... I have tasted your tears over the ages and have cried with you. The time for tears is over now. All tests (as brutal as they were) passed, veil sliced open cleanly by Linewalker steel. I am not alone in my work. That which has been destroyed shall be made whole. That while has been torn asunder shall be healed. I accept you as my brothers and sisters and hope that you would do the same for me.
I do want to understand more as I always do and am constantly on the prowl for new things. My thanks to Aracon in particular. I have known that name for a long time and it was her name that drew me to this outlet.
Mayhap I have felt her gentle guidance coming up through my own trials here... keeping me safe or it may be yet another fanciful notion that I entertain. In any case, I would salute her wisdom and kindness and sheer power.
Sycophant now? I rather liked scrounger better...
Rank is irrelevant to us...
too many ranks leads to the impossibility of action. There are but FIVE in my traditions, and they have worked just fine.
Remember my sweets... It can't rain all the time.
Like Duke Nukem, one of my fav video game heroes, I ask Who wants some? I work better at training the faithful in person. I also work quickly but be warned, the nature of truth is very potent, volatile and will PISS you off... be ready for that.
Some say I am best taken in small doses... tht depends on the character of the individual. Challenge me and I'm apt to slap the spark right out of you, though I am getting better these days...
My traditions are the true meaning behind truths whispered on the winds by ancient souls and our myriad allies.
I like the London bridge in Lake Havasu city... I love old things... it is a good place with bloody history behind it. I have found a good home here and have given up hunting the outer darkness and playing silly video games. So now I am bored, loveless and suffering from separation anxiety. A man after my own heart once said that pain is weakness leaving the body... another man after my heart has said... pain is pain... I have to agree with both of them. I eat it like candy... this too shall pass I'll warrant.
Hopefully soon.
I am not married yet har har...
This one can be tricky. To be wealthy and not rich is comparable to a reef. One wrong turn and your ship is shredded by the skeletons... To live content with small means is the key to unlock this. The best things in life (or unlife) are the simple ones... a kiss at dawn, a kind word from a stranger, a good meal... To amass vast amounts of wealth and not use it is not how it is done. How do you tell the TRUE one? He is the beat up looking one with five bucks left in his tattered pocket. As a Commander of the Line, I can personally attest to this. Bruce Lee once said that a TRUE champion is one who give all he has, ALL the time. In this he was very correct and he touched millions of lives with his inspiration and left a legacy that not even all the forces of Discordia could not stop. You can blow out a candle, but you cannot blow out a FIRE.
Intent is a vibration... vibration of matter and transmission of sound is the basis of the combat arts of the LINE. In the fullness of time they will be shared of course as we have mingled with you quite thouroughly and accepted your cause as our own.
Service is the key to unlock this profound box of course. The greatest truths are to be found within and cannot be explained not defined, only experienced.
It has been said that when the pupil is ready, the master shall present himself. Of course, many winds blow these days, not all of them TRUE winds, but ghastly flatulence of outsiders looking to kick up their heels one last time before they are booted of the face of my damn planet. So it goes... Always a few stubborn hold-outs. So alien, call it area 51... should there be failure to convert Zion... is there to be a safe place when the winds blow and the gates shake?
The answer has always been the same.
We have never left you.
And never will...
I may be too lazy to go book shopping. This is often the case. There is a lot of pain out there and it is starting to piss me off. I'm getting to the point of DOING something nasty about it. Gabriel of course would advise caution and Michael would advise compassion but they are what they are... they don't get it. They have not spent enough time in the mud and blood. Sometimes there must be a reckoning. Sometimes there must be rage and opposition... sometimes there must be reconcilation at the edge of a sword.
Could it be that a common enemy is what is required? I can provide one... and after that you will never want another. Be gentle and understanding. Enough is enow. Cruelty must end. Don't make me release the flying monkeys...
Mayhap a wee bit frisky for my own good. Is Discordia not knowing its role in the order of things? Shall there be an object lesson?
Is balance being opposed?
If this is true then I am delighted.
The Line respects not the weak hearted and I bow in your general direction... while whispering to DESTROYERS... terror awaits of course. Should thee oppose thy protectors? Should we let one of the gates open a sliver... let in a few outsiders... you have not seen this sort of insanity... EVER.
I would do these things regretfully.
I would do them nonetheless.
Now I am called a Follower... I rather like that... but I will not always follow. Walk in shadows at my SIDE. Profound things we shall see. Might have to swing by a bookshop and snatch up a copy of the Necronomicon...
This whole operation is like using a bazooka to kill a few roaches but vulgar can sometimes be best.
I find your lack of faith itchy... and I have been known to scratch my itches... No warning. I do not fire warning shots. I am no policeman.
Another day in a sequence of many. It seems forever... Christ or Hiroshima? Cthulu or Aquarius? Ragnarok or Nirvana? Discordia or White? Again and again it goes on but the waiting that goes on inbetween missions can be maddening.
To be grey is to occasionally be bored at the antics of the players of the game. To wear these skins can be glorious and filthy all at once. I would have it no other way and then I wonder why am I fidgeting?
What is to become of a DESTROYER during an age of peace? I can only imagine... live happily ever after?
Singing proud, fight the horde, we drive our ships to new lands.
The meek shall inherit the world, the BOLD shall inherit the stars. And so it goes, once more, another great race, this one an alloy beyond imagination shall arise to claim its rightful place amongst awaiting friends and worthy foes.
Now is not the time to squabble over petty riches but to pursue true wealth. This is YOUR show... I just work here.
OF course there are evolutions in the natural orders of things as there always has been. Nothing remains constant but this. As Aquarius exerts its gentle power to expel the last of the great burning, rapid changes and amazing events are to be expected. Fear not and do not react out of fear. Remember wonder and transitions will not be painful. Resist and one will get blown away like a brittle leaf.
There has been a great sadness and rage among all of the Line at the treatment of its messengers over the centuries and the payback has been evident in the great circles of movement.
We all serve in our own way. We all have a role to play... the trick is knowing thy role and playing it well. Be what you will be and never look back. Oppose not your own nature lest thee unlock the doors to madness and self destruction. As above, so Below. All is permitted. Love is the Law, Love under Will.
four decades of searching and I have at last found her... I thought it was never to be but I have found my Lifemate, my heart, my salvation and lover of my soul. Of course the First has a sense of humor and put her across the damn Atlantic... ah, divine mirth. When I see HIM HE is going to get a kick in the balls. Here I am in the desert... another damn desert with pain in my heart. The sweet song of the sword how it lifts me up to such great heights only to sling me back to earth with shattering force... The joy... That this life is not over yet after all... after dealing with Beast, Dragon and Locust, I thought I was done and ready to return to the old country. The Boss in his infinite wisdom and cutting humor puts yet another obstacle in my path... the ATLANTIC! A Musha Shugyo across this great nation (again)... lovely. And what is an earthbound Linewalker to do about all this?
Attack it with joyous heart and true intent. I love a challenge. I do not like monkeys. The thing is that most of the obstacles are placed in my path BY monkeys. When will these hairless apes learn their role and shut their collective mouths?
When will they know not to oppose that which keeps the doors to the outer darkness firmly warded?
Never I suppose... but it is best this methinks. They are sheep. Sheep are not very bright. They do have some very good dogs and rams to assist their shepard when HE decides to walk down the road and get HIS ass to work.
The wicked are fair game... my dark Angels, know ye your role in this drama/comedy of errors. Here is your true north. You have been given the tools. Use them, they get sharper with each use. I issue this CALL not in my name, but in the Name of the MAKER who created us all from but HIS pure will and perfect knowledge of all things. DESTROYERS walk among you, the shadow of their wings brushing everything... they await the word to begin the new or simply start cleaving and singing and smashing.
The lovely night angels you all are... hear HIS call and know you are not a mistake, you are not an accident, you are that you are... and you were never alone. You were loved and blessed and rocked in the mighty arms of Celestial Stewards to be the instrument to cleanse the evil of the people-destroying man-made drugs.
Your race, your problem. This is the essence of unit integrity, the hard lessons that will make you ONE PEOPLE. One fails, you all fail. Serve as I do. Worship not Messengers. Hear and Obey as I do and you will want for nothing. The Stars await your purusal... many have waited to come and see the great experiment. Not long now... Great Movements... harmony and magick shall return as balance is restored.
A silent war is being waged.
Those that would hurt and kill the flock are all targeted. Do not resist our love and we shall not resist yours.
On Terra 3, Sol System
1: No open warfare among the native races.
2: No mass slaughtering of before mentioned races.
3: No interferance with internal politics of said races unless deemed appropriate.
4: Any questions, refer to rule number one.
5: Dealbreaker is if they harm the playing field then the full wrath of the Celestial Choir may be unleashed.
Not Gods, not Wizards, only men and women a bit further down the beam. One day you will get to do this yourselves.
Be Warned
Be kind
be mankind
Concerning Terra 3... the jewel of the Sol system. There are to be trials. They may or may not be pleasant. It is not my business to question or to know the motivations of the BOSS, only to carry out HIS will. I will stand with you as this is why I was given the nod to start operations after a decade of waiting.
Each day is a blessing now and I remember EVERYTHING. I watch and have been given my letters of mark to actively war against my foe.
So... what is it to be? I just work here. This is YOUR show.
For a very long time I have watched and waited, the uninvited, the scary, the shunned, the shiver in the night. I have armed myself and hunted the outer darkness and stood off the nameless all without one backward glance or expectation for recognition.
Now I am compelled to move forward. I am loathe to do it, but it is now time for a vulgar display of power on the Prime, har har!
The song of the sword shall now be heard among the monkeys with the force of a thousand lions! The doctrines of the LINE shall be made available at long last and many questions shall be answered. Should one be bold enough to seek the truth or wilt thou vanish into the potter's earth?
Remember and be whole my friends... and don't forget to stay thirsty!