What happens during the shift from one age into another is this. The angelic/higher realms are approved to grant special dispensations. Upgrades. Resolution. Transmutation of past grievances. IT is a given to be free and sovereign beings here and it is up to the self to sort out what one would like to be in the new golden age... whether one wants to move into abundance and all that or remain in the ego driven world of 3D...
This attitude is going to drive a lot of souls right off the planet.
Don't have to surrender a damn thing.
Do not have to give up the flavor of what you are as we are all composed of the same basic stuff.
Some shift into service to others rather to service to self.
Some keep on with the parasitic world of service to the self and spin their wheels.
In or out of divine law. All a choice naturally as we move ever forward.
Karma is a lie.
Monopoly money that means nothing when one stops playing the game.
All this shit does not work without your permission. None can enslave others without consent.
Power of intent and unconditional love is key here.
During a shift all is possible.
Even those that are soulless created by the fear of the collective have a shot at becoming better versions of themselves now.
The door however only remains open so long. How it works. You can credit the 144,000 with this.
The powers on manifestation are going to be on the increase so be mindful of that fear based shit the lamestream is pushing.