yuppafubara's Journal


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32 entries this month


18:01 May 31 2011
Times Read: 948

The divine has a way of getting your attention.

They are called disasters.

When the name of God and HIS messengers are on the lips and hearts of the people you know that higher powers are at work.

Otherwise they just concern themselves with their same stupid mischief. These shall continue of course. Nature has had it with the love of money that has so despoiled her.

She is going to be expressing herself...

She is a cruel mistress and often without mercy.

Were warnings and signs not clearly shown?

Have not a series of messengers sent to point out these things clearly and leave behind them books for reference?

Do we not have the music and words of the latest crop of messengers?

If a people believes in nothing, then that is exactly what they shall become... nothing. All the bullshit people think is so important means nothing to a tornado or tsunami or earthquake or volcano... there are also other things to consider.

Other tides.

Things that have not roamed free in ages here.

Wake up.

May God help you. We may or may not considering what you have done to us over the years.

End of sermon.





01:50 May 30 2011
Times Read: 845

Yes, it typically starts with one voice. Then others raise theirs, feeling the harmony there. It takes courage to rise into your worth. More courage than most.

To raise your head above that above the monkey mind can make you a target... so use the buddy system.

Hope lives still. They cannot kill it.




Memorial Day

17:13 May 29 2011
Times Read: 850

A shout out to all those who would put themselves in harm's way for the benefit of others as they are the truly blessed here and in the hereafter.

This is love in its most refined form.

When a mean motherfucking servant of God tells you: GET BEHIND ME! You know that love is being expressed. Most will never know this kind fo love as it is of the eternal variety and lasts long after break-ups and cheating and other bullshit.

Give a moment of silence for these that have given... some even their very lives so that you may enjoy what you have here in the land of milk and honey.

1,000 blessings to all of this mindset.



17:56 May 29 2011

I second that.



01:12 May 24 2011
Times Read: 860

AS tornado storms rip across the bible belt and Pele opens some new volcanoes, the clean up in Japan continues.

For all those that have ears listen.

Get ready...

Water is going to be an important resource.

People are a more important resource.

When it is relatively calm, now is the time to organize, say hello to your neighbors, put away petty grievances and organize.

Do you have weapons?

Do you have a stash of medicine and food?

Just a friendly reminder from your pals of the Line who have protected you against all comers, sometimes even from yourselves.

Do you have batteries?


Night vision goggles har har....

Everything is in ample supply now.

Be orderly and get what you need if you will. No need to make a fuss.

What wicked thing comes this way?

I could tell you but that would ruin the surprise. We do like to see the looks on your faces when the Throne reasserts its authority over a dominion before handing off sovereignty to worthy peoples who are humble and hard working and deserving.

Judgement is a funny thing and it WILL come like a thief in the night... or rather more Ninja like.

Let everyone be what they are as that is what has been writ.

Those who would call angels demons are about to get a very rude awakening indeed. They are LEGION for they are many... more than you.

We also are a LEGION... as change occurs, hold to each other and your faith... in what made you, that made the whole show possible.

Call it what you will.

Is it God?

I think of it as Love, the greatest thing ever... for God is Love. Sometimes love will slap you around and teach you a few things about yourself. Sometimes we do have to slap you to get your attention... to scare you out of your comas... to wake you up to better tommorrows.

That the slap may come in the form of a tornado... or drunk driver, or random bullet, it is all the same. There are no accidents around here.

We would cry for you... as we always have... but right now we are very busy. I would appeal to greater powers, of the night legions, but apparently they too are busy.

See you in the funny papers.



17:57 May 29 2011




23:50 May 22 2011
Times Read: 862

This is the answer. Is there a Creator that gives a shit about you?

Is there a way to redemption?

Is there a way to be what you are with no apologies and still be worthy?

Are you all HIS children?

Are you all a miracle of blending and tranformation and evolution and magiks?

Is there help for you?

Do I give a fuck what happens to you?

Do I have a personal stake in this world?

Do all those like me have a personal stake in this?

Are we willing to give up these borrowed lives in service to Earth?

Will we fight as demons until the last of us if it comes to that?

Will we show you our ways and how to be as bad ass as we are?

The answer has always been the same though the faces have changed.

Welcome to your new age. Test your new wings. Feel the chains become brittle and fall away as you are washed clean in oceans of blood shed among you.

We are now one people and we will protect you as you are our own and with extreme prejudice. I got the apocalypse hanging right here.

All children dark and light and grey... you're no longer children but all grown up and ready for your next event.

Now stop using those weapons on each other and REACH for your rightful place in the STARS... the meek can inherit the world, we shall visit from time to time.

Keep your weapons close though. Your talent for war shall serve you well in your future young race of Arra. Your talent for peace shall also be a boon.

There is time... always time as the future lies in your capable hands. There is no place for effort in Zen. Be happy and FREE... show me your moves and I'll show you mine.

So there it is.


A mighty fountain that will renew you. Have a drink. You look parched.





15:38 May 21 2011
Times Read: 871

Are we all not animals? Like the old Mexican fella in Lonesome Dove said, I will walk. Riding is uncivilized, are we all not animals? How would you like it if someone rode you?

This comes from a man who fries a mean grasshopper, turning a crop eater into candy. There is wisdom in the older ones, so they must be paid proper respect always.

Sometimes though, the old guard has trouble letting go of their hateful ways, especially if they are entrenched behind ages of dogma.

The SEALs say that there is no problem that cannot be solved with the proper use of high explosive.

I agree with them.

Those entrenched have adopted a seige mentallity which is ultimately self-defeating. Kind of my karma just ran over your dogma thing.

This is one 7th that does not turn the other cheek, nor has the desire to play the passive role. I don't really give two squirts of iguana urine what you believe in.

Only THAT you believe in something.

The strong faith of a sovereign race is what strengthens the boundaries between the worlds.

Me and mine express our love for our Maker simply... we sing. Many of you have not found your song, or worse, know it and not sing it.

Never stop looking... and turn the search INWARD... the greatest secrets of them all were hidden HERE. So simple you would never think to look there...

The Creator is still laughing as you scour the globe looking for truth when you carry it already.

Yes, we were meant to help you but my role is different. Since I am one of you, I have the choice to serve or ignore you.

So far I've done both.

Still walking my line and doing my time.




Never Mind

15:19 May 21 2011
Times Read: 873

I have decided not to wait.

I know you too well forces of Discord. Letters of Mark have been issued by the Throne, passed into the proper hand and the order given.

It is now open season.

Thank you for the trials. Your turn.





16:58 May 20 2011
Times Read: 877

Brandon Lee... LT Michael Murphy, Peter Steele, Ronnie James Dio, Jack Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, fuck I got a list.


Have taken from us our intendeds and that is very actionable.

Did you think we would be content to just watch your stupid mischief forever?

Your mad pursuit of power has put you into bed with things that will bite you. AS the destroyers approach your door, they WILL.

Go ahead, lock eyes with them when the door is smashed and feel your mind become something not your own.

As you grope for the rope or razor or pistol, remember that what goes around comes around and it is but the beginning of a very long sentence.

Hell is a very personal thing you know.

Tailor-made with the utmost care.

Those that have been Fallen do not like you and delight in your torment... and their concept of time is something you have yet to experience.

Five seconds of their dread attention can seem like an age upon the Earth...

You Discordia with your fine clothing and dark tinted windows in your expensive cars have a reward awaiting you.

Your role in this new age is going to be an interesting one indeed.

Looking down at my watch... you have about a ten-day left to make reparation.

Methinks you are not going to do it. Your pride is leading you to your just reward. Lucifer is laughing. Michael is laughing with him. Gabriel is tuning up the band.

You wanted a war?

Tough titty.

Said the kitty.

My milk is dry.





16:39 May 20 2011
Times Read: 878

So might as well get used to the fact that WE are going to stomp a mudhole in a lot of faithless swine and walk it dry.

Do not mistake me for a Christian.

I have kept my covenants and not deified a man... nor am I a Satanist, I have not bent my knee to an angel. Revere and love? Always. Their sacrifices in service of this race are the stuff of legend.

Mighty Lucifer suffered the worse thing one of his kind could suffer and that is separation from the Throne. Jesus, well... Mel Gibson made a movie all about that.

They were not the only ones to suffer for their service. There was Joan of Arc, Those accused at Salem, Dr. Martin Luther King, John Lennon, JFK and the list goes on.

Did I mention the Impaler?

Or how about his brother?

Not all of em get killed.

Back in 2005, SEAL TEAM 10 lost a bunch of guys in the Hindu Kush, a notable among them one LT Michael Murphy, who won the medal of honor for his actions there against hopeless odds and was mortally injured calling in back up for his compromised 4 man team.

The rescue helo, carrying a compliment of special forces guys was shot down by an RPG... the greatest loss of life in the history of the SEAL TEAMs...

These living redeemers were lost but there was also something gained. Angels and Valkyrie fight over souls like theirs. Many wings were earned that day.

The sole suvivor of this debacle is one Marcus Luttrell, a bad ass Texan and SEAL medic who was taken in by a local Pashtun tribe and protected from the Taliban. He wrote a book about his account. It is called Lone Survivor.

You love the SEALs? Buy this book.

When I put it down I could not stop weeping tears of rage that I could not be there with them.

Now that SEAL SIX punched Bin-laden's ticket, there is a sense of relief... however, we are not done with them. Not by a long shot. As long as they carry explosives across the Pakistani border to be distributed into their foul networks, as long as women are being beaten and mutilated, as long as the AK-47 is the governing law... we are not done with them.

I am not done with them.

Sure God sends HIS angels to help us, but let's be bad asses and show HIM that we can sort out our own messes. Clear out the mine fields, kill the rabid dogs and stand tall and proud in this new age, all tribes, of the light, the dark and the grey.

Together with one mighty voice we answer God's love. WE LOVE YOU TOO!

As for this servant... I am grateful.

And I shall not stop.

Sooner or later I'm going to light you up. One way or another. Until then, have faith in what you believe... one size does not fit all. Be kick ass, as you are each unique and are already the best you there will ever be.

To be AS God is impossible, but you can try and be awesome. It all starts with some random act of kindness and snowballs from there.

Remember, only the weak shall resort to cruelty. The strong are kind.




A little bird

15:36 May 19 2011
Times Read: 881

My cat Corina bright in a little fledgling completely unharmed (she does this all the time so we can play with it too) So we kept her warm all night and took her to the wild bird rescue center the next morning.

THAT is HUGE karma... and I gave em 10 bucks for worms or whatever they were going to feed the little peeper.

It is little acts of kindness like that make me smile. The opportunity to do something like this that makes me bend my knee to what made me and out me here on this planet of the apes.

He he...

It could have been much easier to simply let one of the other cats eat the thing instead of driving all the way to Santa Rosa.

Corina, the tortie, is very independant and always brings in gifts unharmed. With 5 cats in play around in here during the Spring it gets busy.

My lizard relocation program has been going on for years. One of the most memorable incidents was a woodpecker... you really don't appreciate how big those things really are and how much they can kick your ass... one of my guys dragged the crazy bird in and then ran off I thought I heard:


Then there are the occasional bats, rabbits, snakes, shrews and really big assed rats. The rats are always a kill... they don't play when it comes to them.

Deer are coming up to the house now... I dig this time of year. Raccoons have tapered off as we caught a buttload of them and relocated them.

Life in the woods is delightful as I don't really like people. They lie like rugs.

That I have the second sight and can see this makes me all the more disgusted with them... So... there's that. .

There is respect here in the woods. I have better conversations with the Blue Jay troop that lives here (they like catfood) than most people.

Out there in the world of man there is nothing.

True, I want something from them and when the time is right I shall take it. Maybe if I am lucky, publisher's clearing house will drop off a big check and I can leave the woods for the jungle and raise tigers.

That and chuck a bunch of money at the SEAL teams who really could use it... and the local firehouse who helped us when we had a fire here that killed my friend Matt and his poor cat.

You see, being me is not always fun, in fact, it sometimes sucks donkey balls as NO ONE ELSE GETS IT!

In the end, there is one little girl Gosbeak that will have eggs of her own thanks to me and my lady and our huntress Corina Wintermoon.





17:17 May 18 2011
Times Read: 887

This is a cousin of ENVY, a green petty little ankle biting thing that is too afraid to show its face. It gives birth to DRAMA, another bastard child of cowards. End of sermon.





17:07 May 17 2011
Times Read: 892

Yes you are cute.

Positively yummy.

As any sovereign race on the edge of the abyss, you are like the ladies in the roaring 20's dancing the Charlseton on the edges of tall buildings.

We have always wondered what has made you as crazy as we are... could it be the blood we poured into that primordial ooze so long ago?

That the Maker has a sense of humor?

A bit of both?

We got better things than to put up safety ropes and spoil your fun but we did, however, put up some catch nets without your knowledge.

Some of you I advise caution... and use the buddy system. Some of you... I say nothing as there is no help for you... not even from us.

We can only say... so solly sailor...

Some of you are destined to hang, this is a pure truth. We have been known to be good shots though and sometimes we take a shot at a hangman's rope just because we can.

We have earned many friends this way.

Throughout our history, there are those that have called us Watchers... this is not very accurate.

We do like it hands-on. Putting our hands on you and changing you forever has been a hobby of ours for a very long time.

So, dance if you will... because you are cute... and loved.





23:27 May 16 2011
Times Read: 900

I have stated this before.


That great empires have fallen into such disarray is not only a shame but dangerous. That mighty men of faith and utter asskickery like the Draculs have been driven to madness by a small minded church burns my ass.

How forgiveness was always so damn close yet so far away, held on to by fear mongering men in funny hats.

That they concealed the truth from us, that they stood in judgement over the valiant and shut their ears to the cries of pain... and killed so many in thier ignorance...

Their stupid mischief is going to catch up to them.

And soon.

Caution always.

Strength in unity, death in division.

a very simple formula.

The EYE of the DESTROYER looks upon the foul works done in the name of the one true God and a single tear falls.

Get yer heads down.

LEGION is on the move.





22:07 May 15 2011
Times Read: 909


yes, it is a trinity... see it in almost everything here. People die in threes, there are three stooges... and so on and so forth.

It is with the Destroyer I am most concerned. It is this thing that thrives on pure mayhem that demands my full attention.

It sleeps... drowses... keeping it happy is a full time job. Distracting it with wondrous things, pretty things, seeing how the other parts of this trinity have made miracles... convincing it to not begin a dance that would end with ruined cities... graveyards emptied and generally one big mess to clean up...

So now you know why I live simply in the wine country of Northern California, reluctant to spend too much time around people.

If they get past well placed defenses with their fumbling idiocy, shit happens. If they put their hands on me without an invitation, the result is typical.

Someone gets hurt... and it does not stop there.

Nasty spirits go after everything they care about and torment them endlessly.

The thing is... I never wanted to be this thing. I am not that touchy. I like it rough. I enjoy human contact and thrive on adversity.

Being back on days is taking some getting used to. Tolerating the sheep's endless bleating is something I have to 'tune out' as they talk much but say little.

I prefer the company of monsters.



01:00 May 16 2011

I love the number three!

01:43 May 16 2011

Me too, bet you couldn't tell ;)

I prefer monsters too

17:25 May 17 2011

I have seen more true monsters produced by the flock than I can count... the balance here is way off.



21:04 May 15 2011
Times Read: 912

There is Depakote... and lots of it. So I do not ache and and become heartbroken, there is Cymbalta... so I do not crash because I use more serotonin than most there is Geodon, so I may sleep and calm the DESTROYER there is Clonazepam.

So I remember my covenants to your race, there is this heart that beats within me, the words writ upon it carved deep by seraphic metals.

So it goes, a bizarre mix and hybridation of arts and science and faith... a formula for ascension or doom, depending on the orders given me in the days to come.

For the way to the well sping of hope, a mirror.

A surging and pure fount from which pours divine intervention.

As they say in the city of Angels, where I was born 41 years agone, I got yer back homies...

Now put on yer hat and dance for me. It's gonna get crazy down here. You want normal?

There are reruns of Happy Days.





20:41 May 15 2011
Times Read: 913

Ah, a new label to go with all the other ones. Bipolar, Watcher, etc... then PTSD... how does one NOT get post traumatic stress in my line of work? Do they now know that the manic depressives are a JOINED species of matter and energy... why we run hot and cold the way we do... With the advancement of medicines to stabilize us, so they provided a means for their own future... so the mundanes do have their uses.

I got their fixed delusional system hanging.

In a country where people are about as spiritual as a box of hammers, what can one expect?

Where the unspeakable hides in plain sight, devouring as they would...

There are rules... they have not been written down nor can the battle lines be seen by most.

To the night Legions... HUNT THE WICKED and your problems shall become a thing of the past. My admiration for the unapologetic nature of evil is the HONESTY I find there. Amongst the so-called servants of God I find hypocrites, child molesters, those that would hide the truth... and not do their duty.

A reckoning is called for them.

Who better than to carry this out than those so sorely wronged by them for so many years? Better that than destroying angels being sent in.

They would level everything and so much great art would be lost forever. To be surgical and precise and so very angry...

This is love.





19:11 May 15 2011
Times Read: 916

All religions are merely cults with some time under their belts.

Religion is a trap... some of you might have figured that one out on their own.

Faith is better.

We all have a happy secret place where God speaks to us.

We all have a concept of God I imagine. Mine is of a Navy SEAL Master Chief Petty Officer that would clobber you as soon as look at you.

Who speaks in a froggish croak in the old laws of the sea and in fluent profanity how to live a better life.

This is my happy place, of where the sea is my home, treasures of the deep are given freely to lovely mermaids and mighty ships charge through the waves carrying the most lethal bastards on the planet.

Faith in my fellow man was restored by the sacrifice of living redeemers during Operation Redwing.

I has slept so long without you with only demons for my friends.

Bring me home.





18:35 May 13 2011
Times Read: 922

Yes, the God concept of the Line. Fire Earth Wind Water and the Void from which comes all things all arrange quite nicely on a pentagram... nothing wasted and you will find as we go that we as peoples have a great deal in common. We are as volatile as you are, only better at control.

We have spent more time in the 7 schools which you know as the 7 deadly sins.

We have learned to overcome attachments to pretty much everything and that makes us pretty much nonegotiable.

We are not swayed by emotional appeals nor offers of wealth or personal power. We are already in possession of things that are worth more than mere gold or hollow powers.

Each one of us, from birth here has been subjected to the horror of isolation, abuse, neglect and misunderstanding in order to make us HARD... to not like you very much. So when the time comes, it shall be no great reach for us to cull the weak and lukewarm from the flock and throw them to the wolves.

So it goes.

Opression and the shackles of convention have ever been our enemy. We break the locks yet remain appearing to be bound...

This is a tactical advantage as chains make great weapons against those that would chain you. OF course we keep busy, waiting.

Wait with us.

Do all you can as the work is its own reward me hearties. Prepare with quiet grace, make no foolish vows. To each other keep your own council and mind the strangers.

Take no orders from something without the courage to show its face. For many of you there shall come a reckoning.

I cannot help you.

Hell, I can not even help myself some times.

I am truly alone as what I am... even those like me are divided from me as there may come a time when I may have to order their sacrifice in the face of inplacable foes.

It is glorious... it also sucks.





18:08 May 12 2011
Times Read: 925

This takes me right back to the Exorcist... or 'Pazuzu goes to the movies' as I think of it... A tale of a stalwart priest dying well in service to his God, drawn into that last battle by an angel who would not see him simply waste away in some lonely place.

This was a tale of renewed faith, not horror.

The Lord of the Air is not a gentle thing nor has he ever been though as all angels, He knows compassion.

Angels, light and dark, have their own ways are all beloved and more than welcome in my sight.

This unworthy servant remembers their sacrifices, their great wars, and hears their songs.

The words demon and devil make my mouth feel dirty as they are simply one more lie created by ignorant men. I spit them out. I stomp on their filth. I ground it into a ravenous earth.

Taking shit from these liars is OVER.





The Qur'an

00:05 May 12 2011
Times Read: 931

Now I sometimes turn to the Suras in this book when I am frustrated by recalcitrant sheep and other malcontents and wicked people.

In it I find the great words of Gabriel who calms me and lets me know that it is beyond my power to turn these idiots from their own personal hells.

All I can do is wave.

Hurry along sheep.





22:36 May 09 2011
Times Read: 942

A nice read... It'll blow your doors off. You see, these little instruction manuals are just laying around for you to pick up and use.

Did you know that the people and divinity of Kemet (Egypt) were agreeable enough to bury one of our ships beneath the pyramid at Giza?

... just in case the war was lost and we were unavailable to help you defeat the gathering darkness of insanity.

It's not a heavy but will get the job done.

Be mindful though. The Marut guard it and will clobber anything they find unworthy. They see with truesight active at all times and know what is within a person's heart.

Those that seek power for its own sake have been dealt with in most unpleasant ways for time out of mind. Knowledge and defense is the best formula.

Other ways are valid but they tend not to last very well. Sure, evil can go on for ages but it is only a matter of time before it becomes something else.

In my time in the company of Evil, I have learned that they tend to be afraid of us. Which is sometimes good for them.

To cross the Line is a horrific thing and most times, petty evil cannot see our lines, or gates...

So if we show up, it means that someone has either invoked the watchers or something has been tampered with.

Either way, it means big trouble in a small place as this is a small world and getting smaller all the time.

As they say in Avatar... I SEE YOU.




Type O Negative

18:31 May 09 2011
Times Read: 945

What of this ragged bleeding hole left by the passage of Peter Steele? That he went alone and without his voice is still something that eats at me and moves me into a very dark place.

I hear his words....


So I shove away these thoughts of vengeance and move on.

I still hear his laughter, this sweet and happy music in my soul. My dearest one of the Lordly mighty voice, the thing that was always a refuge in a liar's world.

That this place would afflict you with despair and take everything away from you is an insult not to be borne.

Forgive me for what I am going to do to them.

That is all I have to say.




Your gentle healing

16:26 May 08 2011
Times Read: 947

Has been a Godsend. Every bit of positive energy is greater than gold or jewels... it is something I shall absorb, amplify and hurl back at you.

Those that are my friends... you are loved in more ways than are countable.




plight of the short-timers

19:03 May 06 2011
Times Read: 952

Now this is nothing new. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth and trials and training and brutal instruction from the First Angel have taken their toll on weary souls.

Still... the balance is off.

So many still selfish, sleeping, in denial or hostile to their maker.

There are trinities among you... lots of them.

The main one you should be concerned about is

GOD.....Generator, Organizer, Destroyer.

It takes many forms, has many names and there are more notions slung about in coffee shops but never really believed.

Belief is a very touchy subject for a lukewarm people.

Men like Vlad Tepes never had a problem with this. He manned up and slaughtered a zillion Turks with this same belief though that story was one of tragedy. I blame church dogma.

The Churches have always been the refuge of evil men. Destroying angels are looking at them sideways. When the order comes to loose them, you will KNOW who is really running the show down here.

Both Michael and Lucifer shall fly at them with their combined legions and that will be that.

If the chains of religion are broken, then people shall see each other for the first time as they really are.

With the hiding places of group identity destroyed, personal responsibility shall make a come back. Humanity shall EVOLVE.





01:08 May 06 2011
Times Read: 959

Do I dare expose myself to all these impressionable mundane idiots? Make their professors squirm under the thousand yard stare?

I wanted to go all online with Kaplan but the Vets admin says no way. They are paying so their rules.

Reintegration into society they say.

I say another exercise in bullshit toleration.

The things I do to better myself. I wish they had classes at the local junior college in poison making, head shrinking, hexes and other useful skills... it would be a breeze for me...lots of credits.

It would be nice to have a few letters behind my name as most of the crazy shit I have learned becomes engraved on your heart and graduation means you get to live.

Ah, life among the lukewarm...at least the coffee is good.

The question is when?

I am still a bit testy after last Summer's fiend hunt to end all fiend hunts. Summer classes? Learn how to make pottery?

Can't have perky little 20 somethings looking at me wrong and then getting clobbered by over protective Celestial Stewards.

The Seraphim tell me to 'let go'... but what will happen if I do this?




I wish things were different

21:21 May 05 2011
Times Read: 964

Here in California, land of the heath Nazi and every new madness that grips the country, I chafe. It is a fucking pressure cooker and when the fucker explodes I am going to be laughing the whole while.

Strong leadership is called for.

Who would answer?

tap tap tap...

I despise these lukewarm lotus eaters and verily I shall send THINGS to alter their way of looking at reality.

This is not a warning.

I are not a prophet.

I am a sailor.



21:35 May 05 2011

I have lived in California all my life except nine months in GA. I was born on Camp Pendleton and my Father was in the Navy 20 years yet I have never heard the term Heath Nazi...what is that???

What the heck are you talking about?

01:31 May 06 2011

the town of Sebastopol here in Sonoma county is a prime example... you can be sited for smoking on the street... also, it is illegal to jog...

Smokers are the new jews.

persecution in any flavor is the same old shit to me. I smoke yes... to relieve stress and ease depression. Yes, liberties are being taken away one by one and Americans do not do well with this. Governing via fear may work well in the Hindu Kush but here in the Golden state, MY state... they will get a revolt.

Oh, I been to Pendleton more times than I can count picking up and dropping off Jarheads when I was living in Westminster and Hunington Beach.

And yes, HEALTH NAZI... it is someone trying to FORCE a healthy life style on you whether you like it or not. Passing LAWS to this effect... it all started with the no smoking in bars bit and has started getting more and more silly as we go.

When all the pleasures are gone or outlawed what shall we become?

14:49 May 11 2011

As a non smoker my whole life, I think if people who smoke had been more polite about it perhaps this wouldn't have happened. Look at all the cigarette butts all over the ground. Everytime a smoker came over and smoked outside I would have to clean up after them. The medical profession has had a big hand in it because people are dying from smoking over an extended period of time. All the toxins wreak havoc to the body. That is why I have friends in their 30s dying of cancer.

The main problem was smoking when others are eating, blowing smoke in their faces, it stinks and someone who smokes smells badly from three feet. Most don't wash their hands after and their fingers are covered in nicotine. They may not see it but it's there. They handle food many times. I see people fill rooms with children up with smoke. Two of my kids smoke and they won't quit and even though they know how unhealthy it is, they subject their children to it and why one of my granddaughters has asthma so bad. I am not sympathethic to your plight in this matter but as long as they don't try to tell you what you can do in your own home that's fine.

My Mother died of alzheimers and I inherited her home for a short time (reverse mortgage) and I spent hours trying to wash the crud from smoking off the walls. Everything had yellow sludge on it from years of smoking in that house. So all things considered you can see why some might get a little testy about it. BUT I guess the bottom line is if some people choose to slowly commit suicide why intervene.



16:27 May 04 2011
Times Read: 970

Sometimes it is not.

Without balance and faith what is love but another drug?

According to one of the greatest wizards of our time Love is the Law... and love must be under will.

This is a TRUTH.

Without something to govern this dangerous and all consuming thing you will become its slave and willing victim. Love conquers all my friends.

There are better things to be than junkies of any kind. Love is one of the heavy hitters as once you get it, you cannot get enough of it.

You have to know when enough is enough.





16:13 May 04 2011
Times Read: 971

This is what the warrior born think of the liberal media idiots that hinder their efforts abroad. The politicians that have never fired a weapon that send them into missions that are without hope of success (see Operation Redwing).

Ever see Starship Troopers?

This was Heinlen's vision... that if you did not serve in the military you could not even have the rights of a citizen. I rather agree with this.

For too long have our best been mismanaged by the cowards without the balls to do the job themselves.

Now I am hearing that fall-out of the Bin-Laden operation and how the prick was unarmed when taken down... now that was the whole point. You do not allow a rabid animal the chance to bite you.

The people that died when the twin towers fell... were THEY armed? All the terror plots that spider planned... were the men women and children killed in those little excursions armed?

As a Navy veteran myself, I am happy for the success of mine. For all the efforts of the intel community and the resources that went into that op... it was worth it.

As for grisly photos of the carcass of that mad dog, they will surface eventually. Nothing stays secret forever.


I just wish I could have been there.

Glory to the fighters... the quiet professionals that make all this bullshit people think is so important possible. Hoo-yah.





20:25 May 03 2011
Times Read: 977

Sometimes helping people can be a bitch... especially if they are the kind that like to repeat the same stupid mistakes again and again and I don't just mean in the here and now but spanning many lifetimes of trial and error.

There are seven schools to go through... you may know of them as the seven deadly sins.

Most get stuck on Greed or Pride or Lust... it all leads to ruin, hell or reassignment.

CASE BY CASE in every instance.

Sloth was part of what created a ruin of many promising worlds... they allowed the machines to replace them. Vanity is another foul boon...

I could go on and on but what is the point?

Pass and Review for the race of Arra approaches.

If it has not been understood by now, it never will. It begins and ends with the individual.

No amount of protection, teeth baring or gunfire or swordplay are going to stop this.

The Archangel Azrael and all his helpers have been writing everything down since the inception of this place. Where do you think Saint Peter gets his intel from?

Taking a blindly loyal person into a round room and telling them to stand in the corner ... not good




Dern it

18:44 May 02 2011
Times Read: 981

My mother (who is one of the council of 12 and never wrong) pointed out to me that the great burning was not a fire age but the Piscean age. It sure felt like a fire age to me but then again I was in something of a rage at what was done to my brother on Calvary Hill.

You short-timers took one of our best and brightest and hurt him... scarred him.

So I imagine I was in error and I will be the first to admit it. Yes, I have hated the race of Arra. I have done horrible things to you.

It is very easy to slip back into old habits and I am doing my best to remain serene in the face of faithless swine and other idiocy.

You are all free to go to Hell in your own way I guess. If this is to be it, bring out Legion, bring out Cthulu, just bring it and change everything forever.

I have seen the face of God and death for me is but another inside joke. You need proof of these things? What do you think I am? Part of Gabriel's gentle messenger program?

The proof is in the lines of your hands, in the tsunami and tornado, in the changing world and animal die-offs... what do you want? A flaming sword up the ass? Will this be sufficient?

Shall the former fallen be given full permission to possess and torment at will? They already have their letters of mark to hunt as they will.

No more messengers.

You kill them.

No more watchmen, you ignore them.

The sentinels however never retire. The Line always holds. So... Bin Laden, a major player in the end of days has been dealt with. Kennedy's legacy, the SEALs has come through.

Fuck off Discordia.

This place is OURS and you had better clear off before the Seraphim hit you AGAIN. Not only are Linewalkers on the ground, threatening all your infrastructures, but they have full support of all the Angels.

Reparations or destruction. You crawfished an accord with the Line and now you are being looked at sideways by the THRONE itself.

You want a war with us?

I hope you do.

I have been waiting a long time to put the trident of Shiva straight up yer candy asses. You have hunted the Strigoi from the old country, scattered the Lycan and persecuted my lovely Wicca...

Welcome to Aquarius dip-shits. The MAN has come around. Whether or not I get on my white fucking horse is up to you.

If your answer is silence then I consider that an invitation to kill you all.

Even the Fae hate you... you are hopelessly outgunned and outclassed.

You have until the end of this month.




Howling at the Moon

02:50 May 02 2011
Times Read: 986

This is something best done in groups as people think you are crazy when you do it alone. Then again I am at the point where I am really not caring. I am howling with my mind. All who would hear know that I am grieving.

Part of the healing process as I scrape the sins of man from myself bit by bit. I could simply blast the shit off with pure radiating light but I enjoy the pain of the scraping.

Give me some penance when I was right the whole time will you?

Race of Arra, I got something for you.

The specials will love me and the mundanes shall fear me. I shall shame them. I shall fight against them with a two edged tongue and confound their idiocy at every turn and spring little ankle cutting traps on them until they run mad from it.

Now I know I got my directives and they are nobody's business but my own, but I do have my favorites.

If you have been knuckledragging through my wandering journals you know who I like. I like the specials because I am one of them.

Sure I can fit in with the mundanes... but only if it suits my purpose. I look great in a suit... people call me 'Sir'

My time here is going to lead me all over... to Salem, to help those there and allow the healing to begin... to purge bad memories... you are not going to find me in the company of a camera crew looking to exploit spirits for entertainment.

I hear the Strigoi are lonely... that they believe there is no living redeemer.

I beg to differ. Not convinced? Drop by and I'll share what I got. It's strong stuff though.

Dreams of Freedom and acceptance... well shit.

We got a lot of work to do. To be as Ninja and bore from within to bring down a system that has outlived its usefulness.

The ancients must be revered always as the old codes are enduring because they do work. Taking the cruelty from them though... then you got power similar to that wielded by the angels.

Love is all you need... it will clothe you, feed you, keep you warm and smite your enemies. Together we stand, race of Arra, strong...ready for what is coming to you.

divided...well it's all over.





22:39 May 01 2011
Times Read: 988

Day in... Day out... I hate being on days. Doctor's orders. Nights make me want to go fucking hunting. Boooooring... someone come and take me for a damn walk... getting frisky... and that leads to all sorts of ill shit.



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