Well... that was interesting.
Just a couple weeks and the new Doc wants to run a pile of tests... end up taking 5 vials.
Then the jackwagon wants to throw FDA poison at me for whatever.
Something else comes up he has no idea what the hell it is for one reason or another. Like the Western Doctors have any clue what it means to be a healer.
Or encountering anything different from the norm.
Off the specialist.
6 more vials.
Knock yourselves out.
They were on edge with the whole Corona hysteria and had the compound semi-locked down.
Remember we are all going through some changes. This is quite normal during a Kaliyuga shift into much higher states of vibration and consciousness.
Some are hitting DNA ascension symptoms and will be eventually shifting from carbon to crystal based. These are the ones that are willing to do the work. Those that wish to stay in the lower vibes and continue playing the old game for the most part are going to be dragged and not have a good time.
It can be stupid easy.
All a matter of preference really. The intensity of ascension is something that scares the shit out of most though.
Social engineering and all that has taken the heart of many.
My council is to fear nothing and get on with it.
Say YES to unconditional love and put on the seat belt.
People from everywhere are here to assist with the journey.
Your personal vibe attracts your tribe.
As they say, when the student is ready the master shall appear... and in most cases, simply remind you that you ARE the master.
01:34 Mar 11 2020
Healing energy your way, brother.
The Ascension isn't too smooth, I'd say. It's causing a paradigm shift.
22:01 Mar 29 2020
Team effort around here... it is right side up now after ages and took some getting used to. Not my first ascension but this one is a special. Never been such a crazy arena of all souls. Going to be a party.