You are going to be sorry... as for now, I am not going anywhere. These words... this body... it is all borrowed gear and I am far from home. On this liar's world I ready myself for some major ass stomping.
The nod is given from the throne...chains are sundered. I got bridges to build. Going to make fear my bitch.
That's right... it's not going to be pretty. Truth is inflammatory. Second coming?
We never left.
When you were children, it was alright to slap you to correct you. Now that you are all grown up, getting ready for your pass and review, we are no longer feeling the need to hit you.
The toughening process was long and hard I know. It was necessary. There are things waiting out there and not all of them are friendly.
The meek can inherit the Earth, the bold shall inherit the stars. Drink deeply of that last offered cup.
We aren't here to save anybody really. That is up to you. It always was... we did step in front of you and a kill order though... we are not doing that again.
That a night legion would be good, true and clean, dripping with the blood of the wicked. This is a good dream.
Where is this coming from? Who cries in the outer darkness? Don't you feel the joy of acceptance? It is looking for you but you are hiding.
Never Again Volunteer Yourself... that's what it stands for. I got to learn that the hard way, along with all the other lessons I have learned over ages it seems.
The human condition they call it.
No one is getting out alive I call it.
Sorry Jim, had to steal that one. For the grey, we are waiting for the shit to hit the fan... or not. IF the shit hits the fan we are waiting to wade in and restore order in our own nasty way.
Dark Councils should take heed of this. Harmony or else. We have done this before and most here are but a shadow of what they are elsewhere.
That I am a huge fan of honesty is no secret. Be square with me and I shall return the favor. I will rain blessings on the eyes of the tribes of the moon as I am pretty disgusted with the flock.
There are a few groups I really love... the sailors, the marines, the soldiers and airmen... those that would risk their asses for others... my favorites.
Since the flock is about as spiritual as a box of rocks, I like this place... here in the dark... the soothing dark, caressing lethal things with rough hands.
Ahr how scurvy it is... paying the bills, chopping the wood, doing the dishes... dealing with government agencies... the Vets Admin just took a bunch of blood from me... not even a kiss first!
Struggling as always... don't even own a bathtub and the hot tub is on the fritz!
Part of our doctrine is to live content with small means... it makes one self reliant and less apt to be a greedy bastard.
I did, however, take no vow of poverty!
No royalties until May on my book... maybe college will provide some diversion. Now that spring is here and the flowers are practically shouting... things are looking up.
Spring in Aquarius.
1,000 years of peace?
Really. This is EARTH... I'll believe it when I see it. How many lives have we poured into this silly place?
How many sacrifices of angels have been made here? Now we tried it one way, we try it another.
Messengers... all dead... we bring the HAMMER now. Sorry Gabriel. They are not getting it.
You have a flare for writing. Even though this might crack a smile, you are quite poetic in your own way if not a little cryptic at times. I would organize all these thoughts and write a book. I don't read many journals but find this one quite interesting.
They have gotten a bit out of hand haven't they? They invented Meth, Crack and another assortment of family killers. YIKES!
They have created monsters... real monsters.
Hmmm... I wonder if they would cover the entire Earth with their senseless bleating. Shall we suffer this to continue? This senseless cruelty?
I've had some time to consider this.
The answer is NO.
Hmmm... alright we tried this one.
We gave you what you wanted. Turned out it wasn't what you wanted.
This time we give you what you need. Hard taskmasters and equally hard challenges. Devil take the hindmost and let's see who makes the cut for the new teams.
Verily we got all the time in the world. Contrary to popular belief, there really are no divisions in Heaven these days.
Faith is being restored all over the planet.
Love is being unchained.
Cherubs are carpet bombing Earth with divine love cluster bombs.
Mighty war angels are speaking to each other again... clearly, without malice... why? Because the THRONE said so. God was Stone cold Steve Austin before Stone Cold was cool. Lucifer was batman before batman was cool.
Seeing the direction of the great plan? Angels created for men, men created for angels.
Then the wild ass hybrids as a buffer zone between each layer. We all serve in our own way.
Yes indeed so many of us are awakening from the sleep of the mundanes, our dreams filled with grand wars and visions of a verdant and dangerous land that is our home.
One the other side of the Crab Nebula (WE call it the swan) you will find us. Some of us like being here... a lot of us don't. WE burn out and drown in a sea of lies, leaving the world poorer.
AS a Commander of the Line, I don't have the luxury of pills, gun or the rope. We Corvas-Tar are different animals. We give a shit. We have the thoughts and dreams of our brothers and sisters in our minds and hearts.
They call us bipolar... true enough... we run hot and cold. Only a true Linewalker finds the middle ground. We are easy to spot... our glare has behind it AEONS of wisdom.
Hendrix, Joplin, many others are this... you will be amazed how many of us are among you, ready to do violence on your behalf.
We are not messengers... we see what you do to them. We can be messiahs at will.
Why should we? We see what you do to them as well. Congrats, Terrans, you have been infiltrated.
The hugest infiltration in our history. We have gone native and taken up your banners and causes as they are our own. We are one race now for the most part.
Kisses from yer pals of the Line.
Where is your heart race of Arra?
What has happened to you?
Has the trials of the fire ages extinguished a flame that hath burned so brightly?
I look around and see APATHY...
Where is your head?
Your minds your souls?
I guess I'm going to have to find some new ways to motivate you.
Of a better way... I have navigated oceans of lies and broken my keel on the reefs of betrayals...
Is this how they treat a 7th?
Is this how it is going to be?
I am not my brother and do not have a problem using dread powers on recalcitrant faithless idiots. You think you get to put your hands on me without invitation or permission?
You think I came here alone?
You are in trouble if you believe these things.
Some of you have already made enemies of us.
I feel for you.
Yes indeed there are many. Glory to be restored to a stagnant pond? It is simple. You dump a bunch of algae eaters and mosquito fish in there... crawdads too. You want a thriving eco-system?
It takes work.
You have to give back to it. You have to heed the old codes. There is a reason why they endure. Without codes it all goes sideways and war is the result.
How do the ancients get that way?
Old ways.
They have their merit.
I am a firm believer in the old ways, hell, the ancient ways. I wrote Line doctrine when this place wasn't even cooled yet.
My name... it is very simple.
There are given names of course, there has always been given names. Is this godhood?
You think the Mayans thought the Spanish were god like?
You bet. You think the ancient Egyptians who buried one of our ships beneath a great pyramid thought we were gods?
Most likely. See the book of Urantia for details. That our alliances with gods and other divinities is well documented is no surprise, buried under aeons of bullshit.
Here's a shovel... go find something.
Hmmm... was reading something interesting about this.
Counter myth. Adam was married to Lilith. Adam sees Eve and rapes her. Lilith takes a powder and Eve in her rage gets em all slung out of the garden.
Hell hath no fury, neh?
Adam just couldn't keep it in check, huh? Typical. Men are dogs unless properly trained. Hear that ladies?
Train em good. I'll do the same. They get nothing until they show you their worth. Class is back in style.
Being a lady is back in style.
Don't like it? Take it up with management.
Nothing wrong with blowing off steam ladies... you too men. Have fun... that is the whole damn point of the exercise. Try not to take yourselves to seriously.
Leave that to me.
Sinning is the essence of corporeal wisdom... you just don't have to take to insanity levels. Hell, I dig it that you are having such a lovely time and posting it on the web... gives me an outlet sometimes.
As for Lilith, Adam was an idiot who thought with his dick. She is HOOOOOT. I got my favorites you see.
Oh my goodness... crazy sand rat is running for its foul life...
My question to you all as a community, is what do you do when one of THOSE shows up and starts doing his thing?
Resist the will of the THRONE or be in compliance?
Thumb your nose at authority or pay proper respect to the Maker of all things and worlds?
You know that a 7th is a direct link to the divine you know and shit happens we one is near you. They do not come along every day. They are not swayed by riches or offers of power as they carry the wisdom of everything within them.
Know that a 7th is very different by day and night.
A 7th walks in both worlds for the benefit of both, builds bridges and makes the pain go away. A 7th will step between you and divine wrath if He thinks you are worthy.
He will restore great houses to their former glory.
Warrior born and fearless as they have seen the Kingdom... and often a bit mad with the constant song of the Seraphic Host, light and dark in their minds.
By day, the 7th is a happy child of the sun... by night, a predator. Such is this duality. Such is this burden to go to one side or another.
To pursue divine directives, a balance must be struck and carefully maintained. This is done through faith, courage and utter love for the Maker.
I should know.
Now warnings are in the Qur'an... lots of em... spelled out clear as the blade of a scimitar. EXACTLY what will happen to the bad people.
There are however ammendments and constant change involved in a very complex dynamic that is Earth.
This is my job.
To sort shit out.
Kind of like God's Mechanic. I sort shit out. I do not have to be brutal. I just have to get upset... and something ancient and winged gets physical.
I stay away for now... only leaving my home when I need something. I imagine it will change when the Vets admin sends me to school and I am on campus.
I have varying effects on people... such is my heritage.
My thanks for the venue and I shall without a doubt be reupping before my due time. I can be myself here. It is a lovely thing and through your site I have found what was once lost to me. Consider me a FAN...har har!
Ah, the first day of Spring... when stompeth the Linewalker Kord, the Corvas-Tar of the Third Order unto this unsuspecting world... and with him all his brothers and sisters...
Awake aware and alive...
We are among you... looking at you as you look at us. We ancient lethal things that have guided and guarded and loved you always...
Now that the wars are ending, we can pick up where we left off.
Love to all. Come as you are.
Ah the hysterias of the Puritans. How they have hurt the sisters... the blood still cries from the Earth there. This too shall be sorted.
This in the eyes of the Line was an act of war.
There are rules in war. Reparation is one of them. Were there ever any apologies ever issued?
While we were concerned in larger matters, this horrific injustice was allowed to occur.
The only question is what shall we DO about this?
I have my ideas of course... insidious ideas... ancient feathers twitch awaiting orders... otherworldly metals gleam in low light. Claws click, tusks pop in anticipation.
I would weep for them but they brought it on themselves. They did not cry when they bore false witness, neh?
For you alone Bishop... I would make war upon them. For all the rest... let Legion have them.
Hold the Line.
Once upon a time when the world meant business, there were great empires that existed in harmony with each other... in an age undreamed of they grew so poweful they thought to challenge that which had given them this life.
Well we all know how that turned out don't we?
Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria all destroyed...
You find a piece of debris in the Mediteranean and think that's it? He he... pieces went everywhere. Still after all that history?
When these places were smote... there was a reason. Are you ready for that kind of discovery? To stand on the shoulders of giants when you yourselves are better than they.
At least I am hoping you are.
Treasures sometimes are not always left unguarded if you take my meaning. Sometimes things imprint on the very earth and sea and air itself. Evil is a very subjective term... it is what it is.
You go in showing teeth, you're going to get owned by the ancients. Part of my job is to drop warnings... I wonder on this.
Why bother?
They already have been issued by countless others just like myself. Writen in stone.... carved in bloods of blood... etc etc... if people haven't gotten a clue by now, they never will. Souls are indestructable you see. Many have been through the training cycle endless times and repeated the same mistakes over and over again.
I am not a pious man, I am a sailor and can be quite the vulgar sinner mind you. I will never stand above anyone unless it is a last resort. I will never ask anyone to do anything I will not do myself.
Do I have the same emotional problems those that came before me?
I can also be ZERO.... feeling nothing... this helps when all hell breaks loose mind you. Do I feel for those of my kind? Yes... like no other. I feel the thoughts and dreams of all my Linewalkers, some more strongly than others as they awaken from the mundane.
That we are serving here is only a matter of course. There are great plans for you race of Arra. HUGE plans. A recent war in the heavens has created many new possibilities both light and dark.
Many seats of power are vacant, stood over by Line dominion, a job we HATE. Our greatest enemy is boredom and supervising a crushed people is booooring.
Many of you have the tools and talent to be these leaders the greater community needs. Sort yourselves out and GET OUT THERE.
You understand, you are needed in other places than simply these. Inventing faster than light technology is your passport to the rest of the Universe. You are so clever I am sure it won't take long if take a break from killing each other for a bit.
The people here that I am sure may be reading my words will nod sagely... there is not a rush... take your time and play and have fun. We're not going anywhere during a time of emergency and nothing untoward shall make a move on a Line held dominion if they value their souls.
Remember, warrior and wizard both are the Line, book in one hand, sword in the other. We are very patient. I can wait for you... I am comfy in my little slice of heaven I take everywhere with me... here on the mighty and tempestous Russian River...
In the wine country... so lovely is this north coast... I miss Virginia Beach though... I miss Israel... I miss a lot of things.
How we have survived... and won victories most profound. We have offered up the heads of our foe on dread spears, awash in the songs of divinity screaming within us.
Seeing the face of our savage creators in each other, the grey, the watchers of the trinities and avengers of the unjustly slain have been always a touch mad.
Our fast dogs nip at the hocks of sheep too stupid to live. Those suffering from supreme stupidity strengthen the pack without.
We hear their sweet songs and sometimes answer them from across our worlds. How long has the great burning kept us apart?
I'm done checking my watch.
Strength and Honor to all tribes...each in their own way. Mind the snakes... they WILL bite you. Mind the scorpions... it is their nature to sting you.
Walk well your ways and fear no further reprisal from the Line. We are done with it if you are.
From Heaven to Earth we embrace our sacred line, expanding in all directions and moving ever forward to stay on balance.
What of your heart, Arra?
Are you weary of the struggle?
Did you think that you would come through this unscathed? What you are is ready now.
The wars were a necessary thing you see. The insanity was to make you know reason. There is a purpose to all these things as there are no accidents around here.
The conscience of an empire waggles a stern finger at you. Try not to take it personally and I'll do the same. We have tested each other and are better for it.
Methinks that one day you shall surpass us in some ways. We are a savage people and fast to war. Only the Line keeps the empire from becoming warring states.
Congrats on growing a set with Libya... you know, with each people freed from tyranny you are one step closer to a larger community.
The winds of change blow hard sometimes... sometimes there are storms... circle your wagons... be thou of sound mind and slow to wrath.
One candle in the darkness can light the way... along the path we find others... this light becomes brighter... even the darklight joins this... all along parallel lines... eventually leading to a place where all become one.
Here is the realm of the smiling madman.
Here is the realm of the Line.
Hurry along... we have been waiting.
To a Linewalker, this is our faith... fire, earth, wind water and the VOID from which comes all things, our God concept.
Without our faith, we are but maddened destroyers. Without the Line we are nothing. There has never been a time when we have not been here, behaving as the character of age dictated.
We are quite delightful in the water ages.
Can you not feel the power of the mighty among you embracing serenity and peace after the great burnings?
Heed mighty nations...
WE are among you in number now.
We are your calvary should it come to that.
Where there was once one there is now a Legion.
We see your world and know that it is good.
Aquarius is having its way with me and the land is responding to this new serenity.
Feel it in the air?
In the sea and the breathing of the trees?
Holy shit, it has been long and long since I have felt this damn gooooooood.
Let the healing begin.
Long live the fighters.
I shall build a bridge and we can fill the chasm with the corpses of the foe.
To me my beloved Line, to ME.
Oh my... this series of hits in the Pacific rim puts me in harm's way... Oh California... what's the worse that can happen?
That's what.
I'm really enjoying this shit way too much... but what can I say? I am the wrathful wargod of the new age.
We like our surprises
If they knew what was really going on they would shit.
I hear they have been waiting for our lines to be among them ONCE MORE.
Are they ready for this now that we are weilding dread powers?
That we have learned just how savage entrenched dogma really is?
I hate to tell them, but my karma just ran over their dogma.
So much pain, so much isolation and hatred... and for what?
So they send us to help you into your new age... Aquarius, of healing, discovery and STRENGTH. I could have stayed home and helped with the rebuild of my beloved fleets and home but I was coerced.
I could never leave you alone for long.
I never wanted to love this world but you are seductive.
Damn you for being so damn lovely.
Bless you for helping me remember that all souls are worthy of a shot at greatness.
You have helped me heal my wounds.
Now I am mighty again...
I shall help you and I will bring friends... lots of em.
You are never alone. You fall, we shall catch you.
I'm observing Japan through a variety of means.
This is not good. There are those who want to march us straight towards the end of days. Their power structure crumble as you read this.
Not even the Crimson King can crawfish an accord reached with the Line. Illuminati has also been doing some stupid things.
Do they not understand that the laws of instant karma are in effect and that the Seraphim will smite them for messing about with the great work?
Too late for many of them.
They have crossed sacred lines, attempted to throw wrenches into mighty gears only to be ground to dust. They want to tamper with the gates?
They shall not see the eyes of the demon until they come calling. There are safeguards that are older than the world itself.
People can be so stupid.
Legion is enjoying this shit I am sure as they go with the blessing of the Throne itself.
The sheep have created many monsters but these monsters are still nothing but sheep. Sheep are tasty.
They are useful for wool... there are too many of them and they will be thinned.
Hear this tribes of the Moon?
Enjoy the protection of the divine as you cull the wicked from their bleating ranks. I hope you are loving life as much as I am... I exist no longer in the outer darkness and invite others to follow.
I do penance HERE.
I correct my errors one by one HERE.
My love affair with this Earth continues. Heaven can wait. We have a paradise to build HERE.
Relax, indulge, know corporeal wisdom... this was the whole point. Love without restraint. Be generous.
Dread protection for you is here on the SEA AIR and LAND... Have fun because you know that WE are out there ready to do violence on your behalf, to bear the brunt of the battle.
Some of you may want to join us.
Come on then, show me yer moves. Come as you are. I like unique, I love how you have evolved into the wild things you are.
Let us share.
I am for you of course.
Love and Kisses from yer pals from the Line.
Remember us who walk a line when we could fly. Hear us when we sing our war songs on your behalf. Heal our wounds so we may again serve as we were meant to.
We all have a part to play in this great work... this bizarre experiment of flesh and divinity... Remember your own divinity... hold it close like a shiny coin and give it to none but yourself.
Two birds tied together cannot fly as the saying goes. The gems you are were always the treasure we sought. Now you are sparkling so very brightly... a savage glint in a long night that is now ending for us all.
We died for you... repeatedly... and would never take back a damn one. Without regret, without hesitation, without remorse we have watched and protected you, often from yourselves.
You, race of ARRA are going to be better than us eventually and do what we do. Some of you have reached from the gutter and taken a hold of the stars.
For this the kingdom and the glory is yours.
Second coming?
We never left.
Do we love you?
What does it take to convince you? I'll fight you for it and I will kick yer ass har har.
Look at each other and see the GODS you are capable of being. Some nod sagely... some scratch their heads. Some open their mouths and idiot winds issue.
How wondrous you are. Welcome.
Ah, Blossumland Japan, the land of the Gods suffers.
May the unified Seraphic Host go to them and bear them up, give them the strength they need to remember their true heritage... Samurai, Ninja... TENGU... Onimusha... They shall be great again in the face of this common tragedy.
They will awaken fully to the reality of this strange new age. Great heroes shall emerge from this...
Bless and Keep them... never forget the fallen.
Send em some bucks too.
We are one great tribe afterall... this is the object lesson that is being taught here.
Ragnarok can go on for 10 years or 10 minutes depending on what you decide to do with your gift of free will.
And yes... this is a test...
Is a fine person for a mundane.
She helped get me out of the outer darkness though I do miss it. Praise be to her that helps our wounded warriors.
And not that idiot with the bad hair... one by one they sound though what you thought is not really the case here.
We shall honor our Covenants to you.
Does it matter if you believe or not?
Not really.
We never cared about all that.
We only wanted you to love one another.
You have failed.
We are going to remind you.
So it starts. Ready or not. You've brought this upon yourselves.
Those who claim to be something they are not... the god of murder for example, should be strapped to gurneys and castrated sloooowly with dull fishing knives.
I know this is not my typical nature as my way is harmony but truth is truth.
The old gods of avarice and murder are not these lukewarm things that are atheists... they know full well the Lord IAO and what happened during the great wars.
Goths? Hating given life?
Who has made these idiots?
Would they see Cthulu making a beef HERE?
Would their tinkering with things they do not understand make my job all the harder?
Hunter killers will be dispatched should this bullshit continue. Mine regard death with humor. It is a joke to us... an INSIDE joke.
Be careful as we are EVERYWHERE.
You want the great old ones? That can be arranged you know. You want a walking plague?
That too can be arranged. You know our wrath. It has been well documented.
Be real or begone you bloodless faithless things. We shall rain fire upon your heads, send the stinging things that always sting in the same spot over and over again.
Ours can invade your bodies and turn your weapons on each other leaving only a confused monkey.
Japan has already known what it means to not heed our warnings.
Hard to deploy whaling fleets when your country just got clobbered.
As for the rest of you, we are just getting started. Unified now, we are singing... not many of you hear us. Those who do... know love.
Those who choose to ignore it, doom shall come as a thief in the night. Dereliction of duty is without pardon.
Get thee behind me Satan, I got a few new ways to motivate them. They want to resist? GOOD! I expect nothing less from the souls that crucified my beloved young brother.
I expect defiance.
I demand it!
Here on Earth, this divine training hall, I expect the best and the bravest souls to venture forth from their own personal hells and into their true worth.
The rest... chaff to be burned off. Washed out. Send em packing back to wherever they came from.
So many of you are lost.
Don't you know that lost is THAT close to being fucking FOUND? It is always darkest just before the dawn and HELLS BELLS are ringing.
You do realize that when God calls home his angels, there is a lot of shifting in jobs, vacancies, new jobs created etc... contracts?
There are tons of em to be had.
Light, Dark, Grey... and every shade of the spectrum. This is Aquarius, the great awakening and still this world is filled with posers.
I got a salute for you... a one fingered salute Johhny Cash style. It is open season on the insincere. It is open season on the wicked.
From the THRONE itself comes these mandates. There... my duty is discharged... I'm going to go and peel something. Maybe a potatoe... maybe something else.
Grow a spine you Jack-wagons and get on with it. Your world is changing. FYVM.
The faithless, and those who pretend to only have faith in "themselves", make for worthy targets/opfers to the new Aeon. Destruction is blowing their way.. and death shall they bow to in submission.
I a warm bed, a happy woman and unlimited powers... is this too much to ask?
I bought me a long sleeved shirt today (the poison oak on the Russian river needs a walloping) You should all do the same. He is undertaking a GREAT work... you think that this kind of work easy? Or cheap? Gonna get me a hoodie next.
You are looking for them?
Come to me.
You need new questions?
Come to me.
You need new dreams?
You need things to set you on?
Come to me.
I am not my brother and do not have the ego issues he did. There are many ways to your own paradise.
Am I for the sheep?
I am for the tribes of the Moon.
The Sheep are stupid.
Would I have the balls to love the terrible?
I always have.
I am real.
You can touch me, I can touch you. I AM THE SEVENTH. One of many. WE are all here for you.
We have heard your cries so we cannot turn a deaf ear to your suffering.
Shatter your chains and lead you to the throne for forgiveness. It is YOURS. Take it. Take me.
Verily all I am belongs to you. This borrowed life, these dread skills are all at your disposal.
Did you think it would be the same?
We wear black now.
And grey... and yellow and black. This is a cruel world and it grinds on us.
My name is Jason... in the old tongue that means HEALER.
So here we are again now in Aquarius... no more wars bewtween us. Peace, expansions and treaties to be struck.
I would ask you to hunt the wicked.
Those that move these man made demon powders that kill souls.
In return... well there is no return. I was pledged to you at birth.
Do what thou wilt be the whole of the LAW.
We have NEVER left your sides.
Our grandfathers and mothers have always helped you.
All the Seraphic Host sings together... The Lords of Hell itself quake at this. Balance restores and all shall be made well.
Sovereign dominions shall be strengthened.
By night and day there shall be clear borders. One trinity by the sun, another by the moon.
Old and great orders to be restored to their glories, I shall be a builder of bridges, mediator or disputes and servant to both.
We are the grey.
Those that the doomsayers never saw coming as we were already part of the furniture.
Mighty statues just awaiting to do our part and CLOBBER those that would hasten doom to all.
The powers that be shall know again the fear of the THRONE... when that was what was never what HE wanted. HE wanted love, not fear.
It is all up to you of course.
Love or fear?
Look who is all grown up now, mighty race of Arra who can tell an Archangel to go fuck themselves. They were made for us, you for them and so a broken circle is whole. We add our circle and create infinity.
I have waited long and long for you.
Give us a kiss and hug.
I am waiting.
If you want to understand what motivated Jevaz Kris (you know him as Jesus Christ) and countless others like him who time and time again showed you the way, sometimes with words, sometimes with swords...
Five lines of five.
This is the core foundation of all Linewalkers. Our compass, our sword, our shield, our foundation and immovable castle.
You want to know me?
There it is. That is what makes me tick.
That is what keeps me going in the face of all adversity. It is this that allows me to cleave through the bullshit and SEE you for what you are.
A miracle.
Be ye light or dark, you are all a part of the sacred Lines. Mind the outsiders as they want to rule here again. The cults are the way for them to get at us.
The insane are their ticket at this creation.
Would you sit idly by while things await to starve you and devour your extended families? I know for sure that I got my plans lined up. I also know that I am part of a larger whole here and bow to the wisdom of those incountry.
Many of you know me already.
Many are not quite sure what to make of me.
I am quite a few things.
Grandly stupid at times, singing with the angels, weeping at their return to the throne... It all boils down to this... I did not come here for my health. I came here to do a job...
I, again am many things, but above all the silly titles and marks,
I never wanted to fall in love with this silly place... this little blue ball in the Sol system but you have your charms damn you.
I guess for now we can be damned together. There is comfort in that.
Have you known love like mine before?
Oh yes.
Take no prisoners kind of love that rocks you to your foundations... this is the LINE. That I love you and care what happens to you, as a sovereign race, is my curse, my blessing... my greatest joy... well mayhap second greatest. There is HOME... my ultimate reward.
I do not mean the city of Angels...
I do love them but my heart is not for heaven... but a place far from here, building my ships, throwing my nets and planting new gardens on the edge of a savage Empire.
Pure simplicity is the gateway to the divine.
Pure-blood is not a privilege, it is an earned birthright.
To be righteous is to be humble before all of creation.
To love all creatures… not just the cute ones.
To know that if it foams at the mouth you HAVE to shoot it.
To live content with small means.
To listen to wisdom from all.
To offer the glory onto the Maker… The Five Points that are all things.
To seek elegance rather than refinement.
To be wealthy, not rich…
To hear, not listen.
To see without filters.
To jump blind at every opportunity.
To win without effort.
To know the essence of it all
To do, never try.
To acquire power… and give it back.
To share without thought.
To give without reward.
To know without explanation.
To serve never asking why.
To GO when you are called.
To OBEY without question.
To know that which does not show its face is untrue.
He He... there is a bit of insane laughter here.
The Sixth SEAL is the one who founded SEAL TEAM SIX... so it goes... there is history. To date, the time to attempt to break them has come and gone.
So solly Discordia.
I was to be the 7th... SEAL SEVEN was my baby... but I got shut down before I could even get to Coronado... such is life. Still... they DID try to break me and separation and despair was their weapon of choice for they have not the balls not the skill to have a stand up fight with a Linewalker.
Guess what?
I'm still standing.
The 7th SEAL is open.
Lo! Joy is here to stay.
Even the Crimson King sees the error of his ways.
Shall I rain doom upon those that worship the beast? Oh yes. However, we roast no swine before their time and it is not time yet.
There still is time to hop off the skillet and onto the party wagon. There is always time. I got no questions. What you have done is between you and your maker.
Let those that are filthy, let them continue... let all be as they are as, in the end, Seraphim have been writing all this shit down anyway.
When the whirlwind lays the smackdown where else is there shelter?
When the Rock of Ages is among you cleaving and singing and smashing, who do you think will be spared?
The ones WITH him... all else are targets. Smile REALLY big so you can see where you are at honeychile, we'll get to every last one of you sooner or later.
Lock eyes with the Destroyers and you will KNOW at a glance that either redemption or doom are a heartbeat away.
We deal in lead and steel and adamantite wings... so there you have it. in a nut shell.
I have found peace... it is very nice and fine and shiny. With me the choir weeps. It is healing after much abuse. That a child of the Line breathes relief means you get to live a while longer.
It also means a CALL has been issued.
War OVER... forgive each other. It has been too long. Cry no more in sadness but in joy.
Hoo-yah baby... never forget us that still hold the Line. We do it for you.
I love it when you issue warnings. I love the fierce loyalty and consumate I WILL EAT YOUR HEART attitude that you carry on around here.
It is like medicine for my fucking SOUL.
It makes me glad I answered your cry and came down here to have a look around and see what I can do for you all.
You think the Man Jesus was sorry for what he did?
Not for a damn second.
He took care of it, standing between divine wrath and you... glorious sovereign race of Arra. This victory was won ages agone... it is yours... TAKE IT!
Warriors, conquerors, the stars await you.
We do like to fight... we are one race now... a long process. The distinction between us fades more every day into Aquarius. Evey second the mana flows as it once did, pure and free, wildly waking up the ANCIENT.
Lovely Earth... bits of life from EVERYWHERE all in one place. Your pain has made you HARD... made you WORTHY if not respectable... some of you are both.
You are all WORTH it...
Depending on the works of your hands, of course all that a very personal thing between you and your maker.
I am not my brother.
I have no problem tasting of the fruit. I like it hands-on... I am a sailor afterall.
My name is Jason... always looking for a few good Argonauts, and my crews are and always have been co-ed! Another excuse to throw a party?
You bet.
Golden Fleece to heal the sick?
Grail to pour upon a thirsty Earth?
Tower to right?
Bridges to build?
We can do all these things together. You are all loved... if you believe otherwise, you are not hearing the voice of the divinity screaming within you!
Throw down the chains of opression and value.
Remember the faces of your fathers... they are smiling. I like being here... among you in the mud and the blood. Perhaps I always shall... it IS hard to stay away. Love is power...
What's not to like?
Funny how the Doomsayers never saw us coming... it must be the grey... we're hard to spot.
End of Days, huh? Who do these idiots think they are? The world has been covered in darkness for a long time already. We all know this. With the introduction of Aquarius and the Coming of the White, the end becomes apparent... and end to a beginning. Trials PASSED... flying colors. You learned how to die well, live well, protect each other and be the gems you are.
What more could I want other than a valiant death and a way home?
The powers that be seem to have something else in mind. What are you waiting for? Christmas?
I am weary, beat-up... but unbowed in the face of the insane. They want more? I got lots to go around and then some. We Cartwrights do not fuck around when it comes to certain things.
The so-called death of Peter Steele was one of them. The world is poorer... it only moves me to work harder to take up the slack. That I have to live life with no new Type O is a shame but he is in my heart as always.
That he left a fine legacy is enough until I can see his eyes in another place. That he loved this world that much was his mistake.
I am not so easily seduced.
Be thou warned.
To his boys... I feel the deep pain... that he left us here... without his voice... his mighty and gentle ways.
Try not to worry. He's doing more than fine.