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DUALITY (and cookies)

05:01 Jul 13 2019
Times Read: 525

To the essence of the Destroyer there is a duality.
By day... happy, going to the water... feeding the birds... writing singing and maybe even the mantras...
Yes. Shiva is a priest of sorts and not the nice kind.
IT is like having a terrible temper.
To never belong here really and to hold the mundane in contempt for what they have done.
At night... it is calmer. Cooler... but there are... issues.
I am sorry... for the amount of mayhem that once went down here.
For the lost... for being star crossed and filled with rage under the veil.
Karma... so I would cut the veil and come back even after it was over to be divinity here.
For the lost... again and again. Thing is... they too had a thing or two to learn. Kali would slip through my arms time and time again.
This time though... I know where she is. Who she is... she is safe after barely making it out of India alive.
Again... another black mark next to the names of the soulless minions of cabal.
Archangels tell me I am a co-creator and that I have been touring the lower densities for aeons to understand them... dark and light.
The last two years and even before that been becoming awake/aware again. You cannot come in with full remembrance. It would blow your head off.
This is human gear you start with.
Does not stay that way of course.
The path of spirit does do things to you.
I was not designed to be pleasant all the time. REAL... this is what I am. THIS is why I am leaving California. Been there done that here. Heading back to the east now.
True family is there.
St. Michael is there.
Brothers... sisters... Cali has fallen.
Cabal take over here. Evil 5G... indoctrinations... pedo rings... You do understand that 5G WILL get you the yellow king and pals, right?
That is some great old one grade shit there.
Seen the bird box?
THAT is Cthuga... insanity from beyond the stars.
THIS kind of thing is what got Mu and Atlantis smoked. This is why Naacal is a lost tongue.
This is why our star brothers and sisters are fighting the cabal as you read this.
Consider me and mine ground forces.
We provide ground and diffusion of incoming energies from the central Sun. Stabilize ley lines... coming close to us will wake things up in you. How it works. Think of us as lightning rods.
Never before has this happened.
This kind of victory of the light.
Forces of the WHITE, meaning reason...
Light light and dark light are the same to me
Both special and unique.
Hand on chest...
That beat... that breath... this is part of Creator.
What you are.
The blood that moves through you... all connected to source. There are different ways it works... but it WORKS.
So.... Shiva.... can gather and send this energy... I make sure he does not lose his temper.
Remember... you are all LOVED and mean beyond belief. It scared the shit out of me too and I do not scare easy. First time Uriel pulled me out of my personal hell and threw me at Michael... I thought this was not possible.
To be a SEVENTH sucks balls.
IT is a massive kick in the balls... and just when you think you have achieved mastery they change all the questions... in the hope that one day you would refuse to play the game anymore...
Then... they nod... no fucking spoon.
I am not THE one but part of a very large collective.
If it is not my voice you hear, it will be another. We are kind of like a choir you know.





07:14 Jul 11 2019
Times Read: 537

Well... sometimes the Throne gets sick of all the bullshit... so many hurting... so many bad things.
So.... the Line gets mobilized. Geburah Line... Corinar Line... dread protectors. We start making assessments, evaluations.
We do not judge mind you.
We only serve as emotional context for higher powers. Yes we are here in the flesh... you can touch us, we can touch you. We can dance and drink and sleep in a pile like old days.
Since 14 books were cut from the Bible... there is next to nothing on us. Enoch detailed the fall and the Grigori but what about the ones that were too busy to go chasing ass?
That worked hard shoulder to shoulder with the other divinities like Bastet and Thoth?
solomon did not want that getting out.
Other cultures did not allow this kind of censorship.
What of the true essence of Lilith?
Was that ever mentioned?
OR that the Grigori remained bound beneath Rome even now?
I have made all my recommendations. I have served countless tours here. Advancement... retention... guidance... shit... freedom and all the good shit that comes with it.
Akashic wisdom.
Love... blah blah blah.
There are things that are going on that are wrong. Bioweapons... same shit that got Atlantis destroyed. You do know the nature of the Throne? He sees one fail the test and will smoke the entire squad until you all pass.
How He is.
Maker also make other makers. He loves diversity so it does get weird. I see beauty in all.
There are certain things though that will get Shiva's trident out though.... you do not hurt the innocents... especially the squirts. Yes... I will call the storm over shit like this.
Some have called me the devil.
This is NOT the case.
Angelic traits are kinda intense.
Just another weird hybrid running around on good ole Terra.
People here from all over.
Wonders abound. I am no longer in the outer darkness. Going to be out and about. For you Strigoi... the Prague medals were a nice touch... used several of them to heal the waters. Bad ass. Kept a few.
You are most welcome in this world.
To be blunt about it... where I come from there are worlds of darkness. Yes we are friendly. We have arrangements. They drop a dime and a heavy cruiser is there instantly. We bring them the dregs of the Empire. Slavers and the like. Necromancers... pedos... of course after we are done with them they are quite mindless.
Of course we trade art and tech... though the thing I have most traded with them has been myself... in true form... there is no tasting... lethal to them... but we do seduce the hell out of each other. Play music for weeks on end.
Now Terran ground... different.
Here there are no rules save free will.
Why I keep volunteering.
Will I go home after ascension is over?
I look up and shake my head... after party.
Groove is in the heart.
Sing that shit with a Taygetan accent...
These higher beings... they are not angels and hate it when you call them that. They are just people. We can be on an equal field and look on each other now. Smiling... thinking of cookies.
There are things that are always a common ground.
My duality is this. I walk in both worlds for the benefit of all... My CURRENT MISSION.
Establish respectful boundaries?
It can be done.
My services have already been paid for AEONS ago.
Anything else is gravy.
There are 144,000 of us you know. If you read this you are one.
Thing is with us we raise LEGIONS by simply being around. Inspiring presence is one of our powers. Remembrance is also another... Commence Pleiadian Operation PANDORA and get some sleep... happens FAST.
If you have not already done it.
Archangel Michael is burning up youtube if you seek further guidance.
Book of Revelation says FACE TO FACE no BS. I shrug.
IT is true. The vibrational and thought language cannot be done over a computer.
So... remember... I am the nice one. Many of the others will put those that flex with them on a pig pole with jinn guarding them.





17:09 Jul 07 2019
Times Read: 551

Yeah yeah... Line of Michael... essence of Kord, the stormbringer... Shiva the dread priest.
It goes on and on gets piled up and this past 2 years after taking a pick hit to the head from my old pal Uriel to unblock my pineal gland... connection to source and ascension... So we cut the veil...
Above the Taygeta Pleidians and their allies capture the construct they call the moon and follow our hostility towards cabal and the veil they have used to enslave all for 150,000 years and feed on your suffering.
I see A Perfect Circle release a video called 'DOOMED'... see their faces... the genuine despair and perhaps hope seen there.
He looks up... then back to me...
Yes... we see you.
When Peter Steele was taken by the match stick men... it created something. IT woke up LEGION.
Something that is all encompassing.
I hear Lacuna Coil... I hear them feel... as never before.
Veil is shredded and now destroyed forever and you can SEE the scalar matrix. You know that 5G is evil.
There is dark then there is evil.
Me... personally... I am NOT here for the beautiful people. We clash. They are already saved in their minds and cannot be persuaded other wise.
I am here for my fellow veterans.
The lost.
So many have slipped through my fingers.
Now there are adamantine particles... expanded abilities... and the crazy shit that comes with being a SEVENTH SON... yes... they all get to be James and I get Jason... always hated that name... implies Argonauts.
Archangel Michael points out the tons of shit I have been carrying around for ages... this alone lets me drop it all... step back while destroyers vaporize it.
After AGES I can breathe.
Breathe you in.
From Ashtar I get massive amounts of power. I cannot get rid of it fast enough... to Gaia... to whomever happens to be close...
Yes... it does get crazy.
Would that someone else be tapped for ascension duty here... would be nice but unwise.
The whole Messiah thing has been DONE. You do not need another. You need a LEGION... of brothers and sisters that have been in the shit with you for AEONS. So we are awake/aware... and ready to stomp and conquer or even go fishing.
We are GLOBAL... a force against what is left of cabal who is as a cornered rat and VERY dangerous.
Our star family is very watchful. I have seen Taygeta light ships do things to cabal nukes of lates... lovely... the energy become safe and goes into the true matrix... to Gaia. She is past the tipping point and will be healing stupid fast.
As with most star seeds... originals and so on... we are hard at work.
CURE. CANCER is B-17 vitamin.. nothing can take down and alkaline body... so have some baking soda.
Do not use nazi created fluoride... it will make you blind and as sheep.
When a destroying angel is standing at the foot of your bed... do not fear. They are not here to hurt you...
IF I extend a hand to the tribes of the moon... MY FUCKING TRIBE... do not slap it away. The Archangel Sariel will take exception and she does not play. I was born in Cedars of Lebanon in LA on March 21st... 1:21 into Aries... Spring Equinox meaning I belong to her.
I come back from the most horrific shit ever to find an ass clown like Nixon in office. See cabal in full swing... so I work hard to return to my navy... only to end up shafted same as any who would see things better.
You will get it... if I am a touch hostile to people in general... or have trust issues. Those that can communicate without lies are best... the rest... they get their shit ruined everytime.
Again... the Generals do not play. Some have discovered this over the years.
Typically I will not bother anyone unless I am on mission.
Nowadays... I am ALWAYS on mission.
I can feel and hear the sweet and happy Strigoi songs and they are a good thing. Would that they keep me out of the outer darkness... a place that Uriel is not allowing me to go back into.
yes... me and mine... you and yours.... that shit is over.
It is ONE.
Cabal would call in the horde.
Shall we let them?
The heavies have been REMOVED and the only fallen left here are the ones that can be redeemed... and redeemed they will be. Love to the unloved?
Damn straight.
I will clobber you with it hip and thigh.
And if it is not me... it will be a Seraphic hit squad.
There are no safe places here. We WILL wrap you in joy. We will make you happy song... or we will sing a war song... either way... happy for you.
So solly sailor... it is Aquarius now.
Now if you like to be dark... GOOD. Love that shit. It is exquisite and haunting. On other worlds it is the norm. Some of my favs. Here on Earth among Wicca and the others... here is a sense of home though not really... it works for now.
I look up to answer the choirs...
my feet on the ground to hear the Nephilim... all wronged so badly by the solomon line... We are not coming... WE ARE HERE.
So love you... miss you.
Peter... for you... There is a terrible reckoning as there was in the Summer of 2010. For me... it is never enough.
You tell your people to leave her alone.
I will take it under counsel.
The wings only come out when they get tribal with me.
They forget the faces of their fathers... we kill them all.
They can try again.
But not here.
Yes... power and wrath...
There are those that oppose the natural order of things. Instant karma now... however there is something better... NO KARMA. That too is trap. Another belief system (BS).... step back from it. Without you it is nothing.
There are little parasitic cords going into you from all over... HERE... golden scissors... get to cutting.
I know it has been rough.
This too will pass and there will be no more crying.
There will be respectful dominions here.
The killing of the innocents... the divisions... the zionist agenda... we can stop is stupid easy.
You choose.
I get another cup of tea...
Perhaps a cookie.



11:04 Jul 08 2019

We have cookies in the dark side. :) Awesome rant.

06:39 Jul 11 2019

Ah lovely snickerdoodle... had to light a smoke after that one.

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