If there is one thing I have learned about dealing with divinities is that alot of them have a God complex. Some of them have egos like a damn octopus.
Sure the Creator may have created creators at one time or another and they may have gotten too big for their britches and lessons had to be taught.
Ungratefulness is something that really pisses off the powers that be. Will the Big Guy let everyone back into the pool after all the clusterfucking that went on before with poor humanity caught in the middle?
Remains to be seen...
Though many of them got to know just what it feels like to feel helpless. He figured stripping them of their powers and letting em know first hand what it meant to be a puny human was a fitting lesson.
I hope we all learned something.
I know I did.
Without the horrors how in the hell would you know joy? Knowing everything is way overrated.
Make mine corporeal.
There are certain things I don't wanna know.
If God decides to drop judgement on the heads of unsuspecting humanity, that's His business.
Anyway, that's my take on it.
I'd say 'screw you guys, I'm going home' but it's just starting to get interesting.
So, to the old pantheons I can only say, mind your manners. This is not about you.
This is something that is kinda hard to deal with.
Now unless you have been cultivating some serious discipline (like I do) you're apt to get yourself into a lot of trouble. The appetites are and senses are also enhanced with this burning away of all the bullshit conditioning Earth lays on you.
It is a feeling of unbridled freedom and even the slightest touch sends energies crackling through eager nerve endings.
Holy shit.
Divine love.
There is nothing better, not orgies nor drunken debauchery or the pounding of the war drums in your ears that is your core.
It transcends all this.
The joy is a thing that vibrates through every fiber of your being. I can count the ones among the masses that are like this. These ones are MINE.
Take all the sheep you like.
Mine are lethal things, playful things and without a doubt not from here. Their souls were conceived by a brutal God far from here.
We are created among you as a kind of safety net during times of upheaval. We've done it before and have been brushing up of late... piggy backing our thoughts off those of others.
Achieving our aims quietly though of late it has been a loud kind of quiet.
We team up with locals, like minded and before you know it there is a hidden LEGION among you.
They, like me, have heard the call.
When the slavers are targeted try to keep your heads down. All the money in the world is not worth your life or your soul.
Yes, we are among you as never before.
Aware Awake Alive.
We are calling you to join us, add your own songs to the choirs... they will listen.
Beckoning from the shades of grey between the light and dark where the thunder of Hell's Bells rings hard.
There is so much more to you than you may suspect. Children of monsters and divinity.
May you remember well... may harmony be yours. May you know the fire... and fear it not.
They go back... it's been a gradual thing the transmissions of these... as getting them all at once would simply drive one straight out of one's mind. Though every five years there is a huge dump that typically takes months to a year to sort out. Clawing back to some sort of normalcy in the wake of the destroyer is something that takes one hell of a support network. Everything from archangels to hard menofwarsmen to top psychiatrists have all had a hand in in this.
They may not understand what I am but they sure as hell do not want me running mad. Not in America or anywhere else.
I can remember the Mekong Delta... the smells of that muddy place... I can remember great battles all over this planet, I can remember other worlds and what we have done there.
I was born with Post Traumatic Stress after a war to end all wars that raged all over the Heavens.
I had rather hoped for a break... a very long vacation but it seems there is no rest for the wicked... or the brutally efficient.
So I am here again wearing another loaner, a stranger in a strange land with lots of other strangers all trying to make our way day to day.
Somehow this time is different.
Normally the veil is closed to us, we liv our lives, accumulating wisdom, watching, things looking through our eyes and feeling what we feel to gain understanding of the created and their interactions between them.
To be this horribly aware now, half mad with the power of it, means something is going to happen. That I am attracting others of my kind means something as well.
Through this electronic world wide spiderweb of information so many have been found.
It would have taken years if not for the inventions of modern man in this age of science.
Also advances in medicine have stabilized me and many like me so that we do not go the way of men like Jimi Hendrix, self medicating to death. That we get ourselves under some kind of control what with the thunderous voices of mad war angels in our hearts and minds. The kind words of the Throne calming us before we do something stupid and become yet another headline.
As stated before, we are war children, lost children of the sea and air and earth. We carry with us the wisdoms of the ages and have been commanded to share them as ascension draws ever closer.
To help you weather the storms.
You see, we have done this. We were asked to come and help with a younger race and after some debate amongst ourselves agreed.
Some view you as a threat.
Some see the potential of a great race in the making. I do.
I say give em the stars. Watch them grow. There is plenty of room for everyone. The resources of one small planet are nothing compared to what awaits you in this system alone.
There are aliens among you. You may be one yourself as this is a melting pot. Universal understanding is accomplished via several methods... and each of you has the capacity to link up to the SOURCE. Call it God, call it the Force, call it Jesus call it whatever you like, we all have a spark within us that is divine... kinda like a pilot light.
All are welcome... there is a new world order but it is not this insanity being sold by the illuminati.
It is people trying to better their lot simple as that. You can refrain from the dragon of darkness if you so desire.
It was advised in the start to take the side of the winners and it is sound advice to this day.
Now if everyone gets on the love train, there are no more enemies and there need not be an end of days... just another beginning.
Lord of Mercy is one many titles.
To forgive is divine.
I am a warrior and wonder at my place in this new world. There will always be a need for those like me as long as there is free will naturally.
Until there comes a time when me and mine come together and sort out more problems here, there is this.
If you are reading the words of the Linewalker Kord with hope then I am doing my job. As for America I've done my bit for king and country.
As for God, well, that's another story. I'll retire when I'm done with this crazy place and even then it is simply home and on to the next.
We are living in amazing times. Be happy.
This is not something we are uncomfortable with. We, since we are able to reason are instilled with a certain simple code of conduct that has been in existance since myself and the other founders wrote the damn thing.
All of the generations that have come after have known this simple doctrine and it works.
Self discipline and emotional control are things that are taught from a very early age, not merely how to count, that personal responsibility for all one's actions are the very basis for a life of quality.
We come here and you seem very strange to us... like a bunch of children fighting over toys in a sandbox, the biggest ones hoarding up all for themselves and the others making do with only their imaginations.
Sharing has always been a very crippling issue for the human race. Haste has also been something that has kept you from really taking flight.
So we see the really good toys in the hands of those that are unwilling to share and they cut corners. Lives are lost... talent is lost.
Talent is really the most valuable commodity here. Not things. Talent creates all kinds of things. Given the right resources, talent creates all kinds of things which brings us back to the subject of war.
This book of war that you have been writing since the day the first monkey slapped another monkey are all very useful and impressive.
Talent for peace is just as vital as there are some forces you just do not want to cross.
We are very firm believers in the second ammendment and are not asking anyone to give up their arms.
Being able to defend yourself and your interests is very important considering the forces that are aligning against you.
I trust not politicians to make right decisions as they are in the pockets of the bankers.
We too have written quite an impressive book of war and have been at it longer. We are a warrior people and maintain Empire. Only through eternal vigilance and adherance to certain codes is this successful.
A council without an enforcement arm is but a hot wind blowing. We've seen them come and go here and imagine that democracy is a better fit for you.
We are different in some ways but have lots in common.
The same capacity for love exists within us, the same compassion, but also we can do what needs to be done when the shit hits the fan.
We shy not from war. The wars we fight tend to be very short ones. We do not appease tyrants same as we do not give in to bullies.
Pack mentallity is for animals.
We are not animals but understand them just as we understand the reasons why humans find it so necessary to lie all the time.
So you are merely treading water as you are now. When one of our destroyers shows up and starts pulling you out of the waters just as the sharks start coming in, will you thank us or try to hijack the ship?
Just wondering.
You have bit the hand that has helped you before with terrible consequences. We can help you but are reluctant. You are unpredictable and often dangerous. This is a time of danger for both of our peoples. The shadows have deceived everyone to the point where we are leery of our own.
So... if it is war they want then it is war they shall have. A war with us however... it is one they shall not survive. We have taken losses of late and have been cleared to do whatever we like in response to this.
Waiting.... watching.
of course we are concerned about you... we are designed to give a shit what happens to you.
It is hardwired into our very souls to care for you as you are a part of us. You may be struggling now but this too shall pass.
The tyrant removal program is in effect.
How do you like those apples?
This wondrous device is also a great tool as far effecting positive changes and coordinating things goes.
Flash mobs, Occupying corrupt places... getting the power out of the hands of the hateful old elites and back where it belongs.
Of course... it is a natural progression towards something better and it spreads all the time.
Freedom has a certain sweet taste and for some things to blossum they must be free to grow.
This is how it has always been.
There is a struggle for this as once freedoms are taken they are never given back without this. Remember that blood is freedom's stain.
In the States the founding fathers challenged the greatest empire in the world at the time and were quite willing to go all the way to be free of tyranny...
Well guess what?
It's that time again.
A select few own your golden rule.
Everyone out of the pool. Hostilities by fiends are not going to be tolerated... not with the peace process in effect and severe penalties are going to be incurred if there is not immediate stand down and tributes and removals of controlling runes.
You get me screwheads?
Just because there are some power vacuums and reshuffling of personnel and awakenings does not mean that the old guard are not paying attention to this kind of thing.
Some of you may be thinking that the new power of Aquarius is something to be wielded like a kid that found his dad's gun and this is unacceptable.
Sure the mana is rich again but there are rules for a fucking reason.
There are three universal languages here... music, mathmatics and power.
We can speak to you in either of them. Your choice of course which one we use.
Discretion is the better part of doing whatever the hell you like but there are limits...
The wars are ending. Start another at your peril.
So there it is.
Either abide by some simple directives or be thou smote. The Celestial Stewards are in the 'take no shit' mode these days and they are enforcing INSTANT KARMA.
If you want to feel the eye of the destroyer look into your soul keep it up.
Other than that you are all doing quite well. I expect frictions between the factions here of course. You are many different peoples and to think you would all just get along is silly and unrealistic.
However... incursions of outsiders are detrimental to our work here and shall be answered in kind. We have been known to do things that make even demons blush.
I know everyone has to eat but please limit yourselves to the stupid and wicked for your own sakes.
There are certain Lines you do not want to cross... certain areas we have mined quite well over the years... our children are quite able to defend themselves. You do not want to arouse them.
In a world where everyone is armed to the fucking teeth it makes sense not to fuck around with each other don't you agree?
As Peter Gabriel once put it, you can blow out a candle but you can't blow out a fire.
There is shelter from the storms where you can find it but this is limited to the milk of human kindness which can be in short supply in a world gone mad.
When the old gods of avarice and murder are worshipped in secret with rituals of blood it does create certain problems here.
Now you see the problems we are facing?
Sure we can shut all the gates and hunt down all the walk ins but the real problem here is not them.
They are only doing what come naturally and are perfectly honest about what they are and what they want.
A fiend will not lie to you when you got his/her number. It is mankind that lies endlessly. Friends and lovers lie to spare your feelings and leave you out of the loop concerning information you need to nip shit in the bud.
Such is the nature and sanctity of freewill. It leaves the door open for perfectly good people to degenerate into assholes.
All part of the point of being here.
St. Lucifer is not dishonest... he does not need to be. Not to the likes of mortal men. He has been testing this race for a long time and has been making life here quite interesting since the start.
Everything changes as the great circle comes around yet again.
Even hearts of darkness come home eventually.
That they be receieved with open arms is a good thing. That their forgiveness is something that is an earned thing as there has never been an angel that opted for the easy way.
Unlike humanity who take the easy road all the time, gaining the world and losing their souls in the process.
That the Princes of Heaven can put aside their differences after aeons of conflict... well, perhaps people can do it too.
There is hope there.
Then there is the sword.
There is always that.
Some of you are impressed with the awesome appearance of the demonic and the night courts. This is probably because you have not seen their lighter counter parts.
They have fallen out of favor a bit.
It makes them no less dangerous.
So... harmony or destruction? It is a simple choice really. WE all come from a source and we all return to this source eventually.
Sometimes reckonings come early.
What you want and what you need are often not even in the same damn zip code.
We tried to give you what you wanted and it turned out that everything you ever wanted only made you miserable.
Simplicity is the gateway to the divine be you light or dark or grey. The less things that can fuck up the better shot you got at getting to where you need to be and WHEN you need to be there.
Be strong in the coming days and years.
Changes are coming.
Dark waters stir.
Desert winds blow.
Great powers walk among you so remember manners always.
Love and kisses,
Your pals of the Line.
We have not come here to kill anyone.
Quite the opposite.
We do however defend ourselves quite savagely. This has been a lesson taught several times. Recently too.
We are done 'just grinning and bearing it'.
We got better things to do with our time.
Keep this in mind as we work closer with you as we go. Mutual respect is something we are well versed in and that it is a delicate thing best maintained by old codes... Hell, ancient codes.
There are rules even for us even though we do tend to bend them quite a bit when they get in our way.
There is an old saying that there are no heroes in the Line.
This is a true thing.
We are not glory hounds.
We do not sacrifice ourselves for ideas and notions. We adapt and improvise and overcome all odds.
Sooner or later, we figure it out.
Humanity is complex yes but not really.
We are pretty much the same basic components. We cry, laugh, fight and fuck...
Same as you.
In fact in the case of ground agents, we ARE you. Buckle your seatbelts in the coming days, massive amounts of energy and other good stuff coming in.
Hope that makes you happy. It sure as hell has me tickled. I may not be roaming the Earth with a bunch of bloodthirsty snake eaters these days but I can't complain.
After ages of blood things are improving and my thanks to those who are helping us out.
Love is best shared.
Be thou loved and keep your chin up. It may get rough.