This is the name of the new kitten. She's a little girl, a bit on the loud side and apt to climb up your body to sit on your shoulder.
Just fine with me.
I'm glad the energy surges from the 11th to the 20th are over and I don't feel like my mind has been caught in a storm anymore.
What's next God only knows.
That or the guys paying attention to solar activity. Alot of information to process and I'm still sorting through it all. Feeling less or more than human these days and it comes as no surprise. The normal days have always been few and far between. What is normal anyway?
More like minded people have found their way to me in recent days and it feels like something is really coming together. Using the electronica to reach out and find those you thought lost long ago is a bit of a rush though it is not the same as breathing the same air as them.
We are still scattered across the leylines, holding, watching, waiting. We wonder what will come out of the outer or inner darkness as they have had time to wax strong since their initial defeats so many ages ago.
We have been evolving and improving this whole time as well. They have also had ample time to pull their games here, dividing people up into little camps with religion class and caste systems.
They have driven underground the true defenders of mankind. The shepards are on the take these days.
There are exceptions to the rule but more often than not they stand alone and that is a dangerous position.
As for me I'll be here playing with my new kitten.
No one seems to be needing my services or thinks that they are going to be just fine without them.
So many questions. You are filled with them. You see clear cut evidence and still you question. Does God exist? Well you're here aren't you? The Earth still supports you despite all the foul things you have done to her. What is the relevance of 21DEC12? The polar shift is already happening. There are signs of this everywhere despite the media's attempts to divert your attention with trivial shit. ...Do ETs exist? There have been countless sightings globally and still you question. Even the ancients knew about them when they walked amongst us, teaching, modifying and otherwise introducing a bunch hairless apes into a larger world.
Will they come down here and solve all our problems?
Why should they? They did not create these problems.
You chose war over peace countless times and further stalled your advancement as an enlightened species. Sure, you became more proficient killers but have you learned a damn thing about respect for things that do not look like you?
Who can be called the alien if they were here before you?
Miracles abound yet your arrogant leaders sweep them under the carpet because they do not want to appear to be powerless.
Aliens... I bet you personally know more than one person who is not from here. Take a look in the mirror. It might be you.
You are so easily influenced your basic rights as human beings have been taken away while you were not looking. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are in a trash can in the Oval Office.
Truth be told there are aliens here already and they are not the of the friendly variety. They are infiltrators not invaders. They have been with you a very long time and feed off your misery.
Are you ready to be free of them?
All you need do is get rid of their proxies that are in control of the planet's resources and puppeteer the politicians. I see that the bankers are starting to feel the squeeze from good men and women here and that is a start. These people that create money out of nothing have long made you their slaves.
An alliance of sorts has formed to assist you during your next great leap forward but they are not going to do all the work for you. You are not children. Do your own homework. Clean up your own room. Respect your mother.
The time has come for humanity to stop operating from the brain and start operating from the heart. This is something that must occur or the human species might not make it through the coming days and years.
That is something I am sure you can all find a common ground with. Survival of your species. I was not sent here to blow sunshine up your ass nor perform miracles. Aquarius is not all bunnies and rainbows. You do not need another Messiah. You are going to have to take responsibility for your actions, smarten up and do something about the deep shit you are in as a planetary entity.
Humanity has gone from being children with bloody knees to psychotic teenagers to young adults that are now fully capable of being a danger to themselves and others.
Higher powers are paying close attention now to what you will do next. You can choose which path you take.
Make a good choice.
Refrain from the dragon of darkness and take your place as a sovereign people in a larger community.
Do NOT fear.
That will get you into all kinds of trouble. Time to take back your power from those elitist swine that have taken it from you. This is not going to be easy. Nothing worthwhile is. They are dug into you like Alabama ticks and sucking the blood right out of you. They repress cures to keep you sick for the sake of profit. They poison your food to lower your immune systems to ensure that you get sick and then deny medical care. You are nothing but a flock for them fit only for shearing and slaughter.
They have you living in fear from paycheck to paycheck.
They could easily solve world hunger, war and all the problems plaguing mankind but instead they hoard their wealth and profit from the wars.
It goes back farther than you may want to believe but it is truth.
I may be many things but there is one fact that is certain. I am no liar.
They are liars.
And they are in league with infernal powers. The hateful old guard is on its way out as the bill for them is coming near due. Some reckonings come early. I hope that this has stirred something in all of you. Remember that love conquers all and even these horrible men are not immune to its effects. Perhaps they may change their tune. Perhaps not. Either way, we will get to every last one of them in due time.
Wakey Wakey. Already the wheels have been set in motion and the criminal banking Cabal is taking hits. Iceland is your template for stability. They got rid of the corrupt bankers, issued debt forgiveness and are fixing their country. Amazing things happen when you rediscover your backbone. No longer is Iceland in debt they can never repay the the Rothschild empire. We can all take a lesson from th...ese people. As the arrests and investigations continue more and more of the monkey business comes to light, you are going to find that none of it is being covered in the main stream news. And why is that?
None of the global protests are being covered here. They just kill the story. Only here on the Internet will you find some truth... and they are looking to censor that as well.
Talk to your nieghbors.
Become aware. Be sheep no longer. I'm just waiting until they nail one of the big fish like a Rockefeller. Mark my words the money leaves a trail that a blind man can follow.
They rule via fear you know.
In class warfare you got to unite and overthrow these tyrants. It's the only way it can work. Elitists just don't have the numbers to combat a widespread uprising of the people. This is not China and they would not dare to run over people with tanks with the eyes of the media on them.
Otherwise it will continue, this countdown on the doomsday clock these globalists have in mind for the majority of the population. Got to nip this shit in the bud.
Your brothers and sisters are already out there doing what they can. Will you stand idly by and be a debt slave the rest of your life? Is this what you will leave your children?
If there are children.
The agenda of the new world order includes eugenics. That means in a nutshell killing a vast number of people. Don't take my word for it. There are standing stones in Georgia clearly stating their goals and manifesto as it is.
You are already slaves. What do you have to lose?
Apocalypse is derived from the Greek. It means 'lifting of the veil'.
Now when the veil is lifted and all truth comes shining through you're not going to freak out on us are you?
Part of my job is to reach out and help people get ready for ascension. To dismiss the trivial shit that distracts you and help you prepare your minds for something divine coming in.
The Earth has long been cut off from the divine rays coming from the galactic central sun by a kind of shield being emanated from the moon. These rays are what inspires peoples to evolve.
For ages humanity has been trapped in a sort of hamster wheel of death and rebirth with a few exceptions.
Divine ascension was the only way to break free of this enslaving field which we call the veil.
Well source of this has been destroyed. All attempts to repair it have been met with military intervention.
Something huge is about to happen and we are all coming into our own.
But please try not to panic as you finally stop just rearranging your enviornment to suit yourself and actually evolve.
There is help out there to guide you through these changes and it will find you. I have known to be one of these guides though of course my intentions have been questioned in the past.
We are not like you and misunderstandings do occur.
A total lack of bullshit and guile some people find like a slap in the face. Since most of you have been conditioned to lie since you were small our ways may seem utterly alien to you.
We do not think as you do.
Yet we ARE you... we on the ground anyway.
We never understood your need for all the bullshit and drama.
It will be stripped away, washed clean by the waves of Aquarius, burned off by the rays of the Creator at the center of the Universe.
I have bared my very soul to you in these journal entries and stand before you as one of you.
The time is drawing nigh and decisions have to be made.
When you are called before your Maker will you lie?
Quite futile because He knows everything.
There will come a time when all the secrets are laid bare before you and then you can make an informed decision.
Nothing will happen before you are ready for it and you are ready. You have been ready to be reborn for quite some time.
You have just been blinded and enslaved by something that hides before you in plain sight.
Everytime you turn on your TV there they are.
When the veil comes crashing down all the way what will you do?
Either way we are playing the long game here and are not going anywhere anytime soon.
-Your pals of the Line
Is it true that you can taste an entire life when you drink from someone as was proposed in the Anne Rice novels or is it just feeding?
Just curious. I am not a sanguinary.
Because of what I am I am highly energy sensitive and tend to go after the biggest power source in the room. There is a huge amount of empathy that goes on in my world as I do not take positive energy but rather the negative.
I process this through a series of filters and convert it into something I can use, often resulting in a surplus of energy. Converting it to neutral energy is effortless. Positive takes some effort. You would shit if you saw what I can do in a crowd.
What I do leads to the belief that I am actually possessing the power to heal when in fact all I am doing is removing negative energies that are making the person sick in the first place for my own use.
I don't need much to make the hunger go away and often surplus is directed right back at the person I took it from or at the planet core itself.
I do not hoard energy.
Having that kind of attatchment to power is corrupting. I get it, use it and move on.
I live away from people in the woods being empathic and sensitive to all sorts of things. I have to maintain boundaries when out among the mundanes and it can be tiring. I will not have it when I am at home putting my feet up.
I have however in the past few months been getting visitors.
Seems some talented folks have finally managed to find the frequency I operate on and been able to talk clearly to me for the first time.
And these are humans.
Highly trained humans but still mere humans.
If they can get into the 5th dimension, the realm of the spirit, this is just the start of something special.
This opens channels of communications that before were not possible. Since they are coming from all nations I making it quite clear that there are no borders in my realm and to leave their baggage at the door.
I have communed with angels and demons and God himself but this is different. Perhaps a solution to all these manmade problems can be arrived at at the root cause.
With men.
In my realm I can break their conditioning and their chains to the conventional and get them to think about what they are doing... about who they are really serving and get them to do something about it.
These psychic warriors initially came in for threat assessment considering that I am not on the reservation and to see if they could gain positive control over me of course.
Lessons had to be taught.
The wisdom of the ages met the wisdom of the moment and they were quite chagrinned to discover that what they knew was only the tip of the iceberg.
Communions continue with the enlightened souls here of course and sometimes I have to resort to medications to sleep at night as they would go all night if I let them with their endless questions.
They want to know if mankind is doomed of course. If there is something to be feared headed our way on 21DEC12.
To be quite honest, I do not know. We have never attempted this before and there are so many parties with so many agendas the game is in a state of constant change.
If the Illuminati has their way there will be a third world war. If the lightworkers have their way it shall be averted. It's all about awareness and getting off your asses and doing something about these foul secret societies that are practicing eugenics as you read this.
So far their infrastructure is being attacked as loads of bankers are resigning or being arrested, part of the plan to cut off their flow of ill gotten wealth.
These evil people are not completely unopposed here. There are other organizations that are taking steps to check them. What better way to oppose evil than with another evil?
I'll pick the evil I know over the evil I don't know.
The powers that be here have been with us for a long time... since the old gods departed. They are tyrants that hold you under their boot.
Free your mind and the rest shall follow.
Earth is in a pretty sad state right now.
I am a huge deal where I come from and I gave up divinity to come here and see what I could do to help.
You're going to eventually have to let me in.
Respect is what makes the universe go around smoothly and that is a lesson that needs to be learned here and learned fast.
What do you have to lose?
It's not like I can make things any worse.
If the shit hits the fan which is a possibility we are going to have to trust each other if we want to survive the coming days and years.
If humans are getting into my frequencies then it is a sure thing they are going to be able to see into the secret world sooner or later.
These psychic warriors and spies are but the latest production of evolution and training. Each generation they are going to get sharper.
I don't have to remind the older among you of the purges that drove many to the new world.
Bridges must be built.
Understandings must be reached.
If the NWO gets the bloodbath they are looking for it will be bad for business on all accounts. Peaceful efficiency trumps a state of continual warfare and exploitation in any case.
Another lesson that must be learned.
My council would be to move away from the Illuminati. They have been targeted and the forces that come for them will attack any that are dealing with them.
They have been offered the chance to surrender more than once but they in their arrogance have refused. So now we move on to harsher methods of dismantling their power base here.
They and their masters are on their way out whether they like it or not.
They have driven the planet into the ground to the point where interventions have been called for.
This is turning out to be a really trying couple of weeks. Typically I'm the one sending out healing energy and dispatching war angels to sort things out, now I'm leaning on my support apparatus as I find myself under attack more and more these days.
The negotiations are only good if they are backed up with strength.
I find my hand dropping to the sword hilt as things are getting stupid both in the spiritual realms and the mundane.
I've tried to be nice. God knows how long we have tried to be nice and use gentle means to get our messages across. Our messengers have been met with derision and stones, even death.
I mean really, how much more of this shit can we take until we simply just cannot stomach the bullshit and strike back with all the considerable powers at our command?
God knows we have done that before too.
He knows that the center does not always hold and sometimes the only option left to us is to wipe the slate clean and start all over again.
I ask God 'how many chances are these people going to get?'
His response to me in my suffering is 'As many as it takes'
We were once like you, savage and apt to bite at the worst possible times but we came out of that and learned to coexist with things that did not look and feel like us.
A lesson to be learned and learned fast if humanity has any real hope of making it through their ascension in one piece.
I came down here not to start yet another career of making living things into dead things. Times have changed and mankind is slow to realize that the winds of change are indeed blowing.
Forgiving those that have wronged you is indeed divine but forgiving yourself for what they made you become is even harder... it is the gateway to what's next.
If you can let this hatred go you got a better than average chance of ascending as a species and becoming part of a larger community.
Don't worry about the powers behind the powers here. They got you outmatched in a technological sense but they are to us as you are to them and eventually we will liberate you from their iron rule here.
We will not be doing this all at once.
We shall be surgical and precise as they are not above using the innocents as shields.
When we come for them you will notice the air get a bit lighter. You will feel the rays from the galactic central sun inspire you as they have been blocked for a long time from you.
My people are all for simply killing them all.
The coalition though wants these invading beings before tribunals. Delicate work taking them alive. These slavers themselves do not want to spend the rest of their days in exile or making big rocks into little rocks on some hellish penal asteroid somewhere.
We are but one part of a liberating force and we all got our own ideas about what is best for the planet and its many peoples.
One thing we do agree on is that you are outgrowing your world and must dare to expand beyond it. Many parites are just filled with anticipation to begin helping you along these lines and we are one of them.
You've got the technologies, they have just been supressed. We send through the dreamlands ideas and inspirations to you on a daily basis.
We are seeing a lot of lightbulbs going on over alot of heads these days. This is just the beginning of another golden age. It was promised to you afterall and we keep our promises no matter how many of us have to die here.
We work both sides of the veil. Death is a joke to us... an inside joke. We may have been slown down during this so-called age of reason but never stopped. We continue to work among you, above you and below you.
It was your prayers that brought us here.
Blessed be all of you that read the words of your emissary.
Know that you are not alone and never have been. We have always been here and are not going to leave you in your time of need.