xxxblackauraxxx's Journal

xxxblackauraxxx's Journal


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2 entries this month


all about me

07:43 Jul 15 2009
Times Read: 562

All about yourself...

First name?:: karilee

Middle name?:: marie

Like your name?:: yeah. its unique

Named after anyone?:: no

Any nicknames?:: honey, kari, and kari. the second kari is pronounced differently

Age?:: 19

Birthdate?:: december 23rd

Birthplace?:: providence

Time you were born?:: between 11 and 12 at night

Current location?:: Home.

Height?:: 5'0-5'2

Like your height?:: IM SHORT

Eye color?:: not sure

Contacts/glasses?: no. im supposed to use glasses but they dont work. and doctors dont seem to understand that.

Hair color?:: Brown

Natural hair color?:: Brown

Dye your hair often?:: i like to dye my hair yes. but i have not been able to dye it recently.

Righty or lefty?:: Right.

Your favorite...

Type of music?:: metal, rock, and country

Band or singer?:: i like alot of bands and singers

singer. u just asked that

TV show?:: king of the hill and family guy

Movie?:: i like a select few

TV channel?:: 36

Radio station?:: any rly. as long as a good song is on

Place to be?:: with friends and the hubinator

Thing to do?:: chilax

Food?:: FOOD

Non alcoholic drink?:: i dont have a fave drink i dont think........i like coke

Alcoholic drink?:: i like a few things

Animal?:: white tiger

Holiday?:: christmas and halloween

Season?:: Winter.

Sport?:: wrestling

Place to shop?:: walmart i guess. lol. cuz they have like everything in one store.

Clothing brand?:: none. brand names are stupid

Scent?:: pomagranite

Restaurant?:: ruby tuesdays

Fruit?: hm.......honey dew melons and grapes and cantalope and cherries.

Vegetable?:: corn and carrots and potatoes

Fast food restaurant? wendys

Pizza topping?:: pineapple!!!!!!

Ice cream flavor?:: i like a few icecream flavors

Magazine?:: none rly.

City?:: idk. vancouver. heh.

Color?:: black

Number?:: 15

This or that...

Chocolate or vanilla?:: both

coke or pepsi: both

Hot or cold?:: Cold.

Black or white?:: black

Dog or cat?:: both

French toast or pancakes?:: both

French fries or onion rings?:: both are good but i like fries a bit more.

Hamburger or hot dog?: eh. either i guess. idk

Pepperoni or sausage?:: Pepperoni.

Britney or Christina?:: Neither.

McDonalds or Burger King?:: both.

50 Cent or Eminem?:: Eminem

Canada or Mexico?:: canada aye.

Hug or kiss?:: Both are nice. =]

Movies or TV?:: Movies.

Truth or dare?:: Dare.

Do you...

Shower daily?:: Yes.

Sing in the shower?:: No

Like to sing?:: Yeah.

Like to dance?:: no

Smoke?:: yes. im a nicotine addict. lol.

Drink?:: sometimes

Cuss?:: Yeah.

Talk to yourself?:: On occassion.

Believe in yourself?:: eh

Play an instrument?:: not rly. i used to play the keyboard. and like the guitar too

Go to school?:: i graduated

Go to college?:: Not yet.

Have a job?:: Not yet.

Like your job?:: i hope i will when i get one

Want to get married?:: i already have

Want to have kids?:: i do i do i dooooo

Get along with your parents?:: yeah

Get along with your siblings?:: um......sure?

Drive?:: yeah ok.


Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yes.

Think your funny?:: i can be

Ever toilet papered someones house?:: no

Gone garbage can tipping?:: no

What are your parents names?:: joan and lee

Siblings names?: which ones?

Do you wash your hands frequently?:: Yes.

How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: once

Collect anything?:: Souls. Mwahahahaha.

Ever been in love?:: Yeah.

In love right now?: indeed.

What color pants are you wearing right now?:: black of course

How does your hair look?:: down and messy

Ever had your heartbroken?:: Yes. Who hasn't?

Ever broken the law?:: I would assume so.

Been arrested?:: No.

Been out of the country?:: yea.

Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: actually i believe i can....well like half of it. i can get it in but i cant put it in down to my wrist or anything. that would be sick. lol

When was the last time you got drunk?:: idk. almost never. i have a high tolerance

Do you do drugs?:: define drugs. lol...

When was the last time you were high on anything?:: hm.........

Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: whatever

Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: Never.

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: dont matter

Do you like to laugh?:: i love to. i wish i did it more.

Ever had a bloody nose?:: oh yes

Have you ever caught a fish?:: Yes.

What was the last thing you ate?:: bk

What time do you go to bed?:: whenever i want to

What's your favorite color?:: black

Do you like to give or recieve?:: both

Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: um....not that i know of

Do you live alone?:: No.

Do you own a blender?:: um.....i dont remember

Do you like the snow?:: I love the snow.

Ever been up a mountain?:: yesseroo

Ever been rootin'?:: wat does that mean???

Do you like surprises?:: sometimes.




for my soldier [old] [from chicken soup for the military wifes soul]

05:47 Jul 08 2009
Times Read: 570

red, white, and blue christmas

honey, you're gone, you're so far away!

and you know that i miss you each and every day!

things are so much harder this special time of year.

because you are my gift, and i wish you were here.

now dont get me wrong, i am so very proud.

and i'll be the first to say it out loud.

although im lonely, i'll get through each night.

knowing you're out there to fight for whats right.

baby, i love you and think you're so brave,

and this christmas i thank you that my flag proudly waves



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