It's been interesting to observe members on Vampire Rave to see how they evolved/ grown over the years. Many have left, and the achievements of some have been thoroughly amazing. Some have become artists, authors, achieved academia, fought in wars, even a pilots license for one member. The list goes on.
Most of the membership that I know are achievers..and I am so fortunate to have watched you grow and gain over the years and to become the person you are. Well done to those who 'know' they have done well over the past 11 years. :)
I wonder if anyone remembers the charity auction on here and if so can you recall who put in the winning bid for Sabastian's chainmail goblets?
I will be travelling with just my rucksack for our Halloween adventure to Murcia, Espana and my Zombie mask will not take up a lot of space.
We would normally have a ghoulish party with our friends or go to Dublin for the Bram Stoker festival but it was less expensive to go to Spain than stay in Dublin for 3 nights! So you know me, I am always on for something a bit different!
My brother has a bar there but currently can't decide to theme it for the rugby or jazz it up Halloween style. I say a bit of both!
For me, Halloween can't happen fast enough roll on Thursday until I get out of Ireland!
Friendships must be built on a solid foundation of Alcohol, Sarcasm, Inappropriateness, and shenanigans! 💞 those days we play and looking forward to tomorrow.
Err. . Skip the alcohol bit. It's after 2am and my friend won't stop talking or drinking lol. I'm for nest.
It's the end of British Summer Time tomorrow night and time to face the winter again. Shivers. .I am off to Mum's wee house for the Halloween holiday weekend in Spain. Hopefully it will be a bit warmer. But if not at least noone can make demands on my time there. ..that's the beauty of a wee break. 😙😎
On the whole, I have a nice bunch of friends and also people who read my journal on here but it's a shame you all live so far away from Ireland!
For over a decade now I have been around this site and it is a sad it's membership appears to be dropping off. Vampire Rave is a bit like an iceberg as there was so much going on behind the scenes prior to even its online debut. The work put into it over the years has been clossal by the administration both past and present. .but it just seems a little tarnished now compared to the pristine sharp era of Seven . I miss that lady on here.
Seven and I were then and still are today- of one mind in all things concerning VR. I'm still here.
Oh, and Jason too..
Do any of you live near Kansas? I may be over there for a few days to lead an audit, and it would be lovely to met up with people I am friendly with on VR. ☺
Wish I did :(
I didn't make it over this year anyway..they sent another auditor as I didn't get my paper on chemical engineering completed on time. :( soon Pandy xx
02:30 Oct 27 2015
We're all getting old! :P
12:53 Oct 29 2015
Its an honour to have called you my friend all this time. Xoxo