I think I am all set for the cruise... just a few more things to do, and family to say bye to. My friend and I had a lovely time this evening! so holidays is off to a good start :) yeaaaaaaaa!
I think one of my faults is thinking the very best of people and then expecting them to live up to that mark. Perhaps, I should have no such expectations and not rush into pre-conceived perceptions. It hurts too much when the thoughts and views of a person I considered the best, doesn't live up to my expectations... but then perhaps that is selfish of me to have expectations of people or friends.
It is extremely unfortunate that Mummy fell and broke her wrist. I am really devasted for her as she was so looking forward to getting away on holiday with me. The poor wee mite bruised the side of her face, ribs and cut herself above the eye also. Right now she has a plaster on her arm and is in a lot of pain. Thank goodness the insurances had all been settled some time ago!
Ouch! I hope she is better soon. It's a shame that she'll miss the vacation, but at least they weren't dreadfully serious injuries.
Hmmm...no one to look after now on the cruise? But who will look after you? lol
Thanks to Images for correcting me! please replace the word favour with bonus in the post below when reading!.. Thankyou!
I have a thought... what if the posts (forums) carried a different value in favour? For example it is all too easy to earn favour with posting to the Sandbox which requires little intelligence than it is posting to the main forum were thought, knowledge, research and time.. are required for posting, and yet each post to the two different forums carries the same favour value :(
Would it be an idea if the posts were valued differently in terms of favour? I think it would be an encouragement for members to post in the main forum then diddling around in the sand-box to earn a quick favour for not a lot at all!
Posts don't earn favor. The only things that earns favor is page views and time spent.
Do you mean, merely post count? The reason all this changed is because the whole system is different now. People can earn Sire without rating, or posting, or submitting to the database. All that other stuff is now *bonus*, so you can just consider the forum is a place for site activity in general- if you are interactive, you get a bonus in your leveling. And Cancer only went back to the earlier times when the Sandbox postings did count towards posts. The only thing that's changed is that there is no RIA and there are more categories.
What is a good conversation and what isn't in the forum has become pretty subjective these days. Some of the VR related stuff can be just as nonsensical as what you find in the Sandbox- so now we don't have to be subjective about what gets deleted, nothing will (unless people are causing trouble and posting against ToS).
My mistake.. I meant the bonus for posting in the forum.. oops!
So, I get some of my silly sandbox posts deleted... well they are better than some I seen there that did stay like "hehehe"!! So consider yourself suitably slapped!! lol
Threads are no longer being RIA'd, but posts are still being deleted. If there are one word posts that remain, they just haven't been gotten to yet.
I am just messing around, it is such a devilish way to earn favour lol! .. but I do have a suggestion and will post it next in my journal. Thanks for the comment Images :)
Over the years that I have been here Hawk has been a best friend to me :) Overall he has been sincere, consistent and is always there as I am for him whether we be happy or blue. Thanks Hawk-a-bee! You are a great fellar!
Okay so, we can now pick up brownie points for writing sillies in the sand-box..lol, and to think I used to close threads for that sort of thing back in the early days! How things have a changed! Now I must go type some one-worded sentences and earn a bit of favour ;)
When, I was down the gym this morning I pushed 60kg with my legs, but I am still on 17.5kgs for arm lifts. Cardio excerise with S was fantastic with the boxing, I am losing so much weight because of that sport . I really enjoy that work-out so much that I have even ordered my own boxing gloves..of course they are pink leather ones! :)
I have always had a thing about dental hygiene and health so getting my teeth lazered today was completely against my mmm *teeth karma* heh. But man it made a great job on them but when my dentist finds out he is going to go bananas! lol
Did it hurt ?
I'd say, just a tad heh.. mostly for about 6 hours afterwards but it was okay, I took a pill, some anti-imflamatories, and went to sleep with a tube of sensodyne under my pillow for those times when I woke up with sensitivity pains! Great now 'tho, it was sooo worth it!
when ppl bite me i normally respond with "Did you brush your teeth and use mouth wash before you bit me!" I guess i am a hygiene freak myself.
I am not into playing stupid, immature childish little games.
Things aren't sll bad... I'm off on holidays to the sunny Med for a couple of weeks. I am 'escorting' my Mum on a cruise but the good thing about this is that she goes to sleep at 9pm so I get to play! and the absoulute 'bestest' thing is that I get my Mothers love for an entire two weeks and the chance to love her back! What better holiday could I get! :)
Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your Mom :)
I'm soooo jealous...enjoy !
have fun with your mom. Those are the moments that I miss. Hope to see some pics from the cruise.
Oh and yea, C & V how could I ever of forgotten you two!!!! Those are the best blocks and 1's I ever gave on here! Your bad reputation exceeds your in-ability to succeed in here and is probably the reason why you don't have a staff position in the Rave and why you don't have a successful group with prominent members in the Dark network as I do, as well as my House position. Idio is straight up your street and bound for Purgatory I bet!
Okay now I am curious...
I assume you are talking about Chiaroscuro, well if it is I bet the only reason he rants about you in his journal is because noone would read his journal anyway unless he writes entries about popular staff members to draw attention to himself! Keep on blocking and ignoring, you are doing a terrific job Emaerald in not lowering yourself to his standards!
Heavens above if you should ever rate people like Idiosyncrasy an *8* on here, you get blasted with 1's in return! lol how pathetic and twisted can some people be on here but hey, also so low to first block and then release the block to pretend to discuss the issue rationally in an effort to try to make my VR activities underhand. Get a grip of yourself n' lighten up girl, thats never going to happen! and who cares anyway.
Read from the bottom up..
Oh, I can read okay but thousands of people like me may have difficulty reading white writing on a partially white background Idosyncrasy. Sorry, this is not even worth arguing over as you said.
On 17:53:10 Jul 14 2009 (-0 GMT) Idiosyncrasy wrote:
So you rated me low because you have a handicap? I'm so sorry that you can't read, but that seems a bit unfair.
On 17:51:01 Jul 14 2009 (-0 GMT) xxEmaeraldxx wrote:
Hey, Idiosyncrasy it was not me that started it. You were the first to do the blasting with 1's! even on this profile and not me.
If you wish we can fix things as we both worked hard for the favour, and I am sorry for your loss. However, I don't use the Emaerald profile to hurt people in the least... in fact you are the first person I have rated a 1 in the five years that I have been here.
Now, I wish I could read your profile to find out what happened to your children but I can't see the white print as I have a visual impairment....
On 17:46:13 Jul 14 2009 (-0 GMT) Idiosyncrasy wrote:
I wish you saw things differently. I am going through way bigger things. Down rate me if you will. None of it brings my babies back and that is all I care about right now. This is just a waste of time. I'm here for the amazing friends I have not rating wars. Rate me as you wish, I wish you weren't being like this. I think it's pretty low and mean. Your Pammy profile deserves what I gave it. I saw you down rated others too because of what they rated Pammy. That's pretty sucky of you. Esp when you use your Emeraeld profile then to hurt people who rated Pammy low....
Again, this will not bring my babies back and that is where my focus is. I shouldn't have even wasted this time on this topic. If rating me low makes you feel good so be it.
On 17:37:25 Jul 14 2009 (-0 GMT) xxEmaeraldxx wrote:
Look.. everyone's system of rating is different and I am no different. If i were rating the Pammy profile sure I'd give it a 3 to 5 purely because its a premium and is supporting the rave and secondly cos it does have a paragraph and a photo. It is not like its a whelp with absoultely nothing there. Sorry for slow response but making dinner for hubby at the same time as talking here.. .
On 17:34:05 Jul 14 2009 (-0 GMT) Idiosyncrasy wrote:
It is not what I want on bit. But the Pammy profile to me deserves a one. If you want better than at least but an ounce of effort into it. How can you expect something for nothing? I have seen another one of your revenge rates for the Pammy profile, so in closing I reiterate how do you expect good rates if you have nothing in the profile?
On 17:30:46 Jul 14 2009 (-0 GMT) xxEmaeraldxx wrote:
Hi Idiosyncrasy.. it is not my natural reaction to weep on your parade, but I had difficulties reading your profile and that is why I rated it an eight orginally. I only ever bought the other profile to support Vampire Rave as mentioned in that profile, and only ever ever give 1's back to folk when they give me one. So, it is not a matter of me stooping so low. It is a pity it has come to this and each others profiles and favour suffers but if that is what you want so be it.
On 17:24:33 Jul 14 2009 (-0 GMT) Idiosyncrasy wrote:
I never thought someone like you, or at least how you are rumored to be, could be so low.
Oh for shame Emmy for giving an 8, you naughty girl you *winks*.......I think you handled yourself quite well, hats off to you my friend...
One thing is, it wasn't even my Sire account I used to give her a profile an eight it was my other account which is only one step above a whelp and the rating of 8 accounted to nothing much!
Some people it seems all they are here for is there status. I am on my way to there profile to see what i rated them now. I may have to re-rate them.
Well, sighs it is not her rate that bothers me but the fact that only a few who I thought were friends knew the 'pammy' profile belonged to me..it's a cheap betrayal.
Mostly I am visible online but if you see me and I suddendly dissapear into "invisible" mode then it just means I have the kids on rating things. They were on today and probably will be on and off during the school holidays :) The love looking at all the profiles and do have a good giggle rating which one they think is the scariest!
lol My 12 year old neice like rating the books in the database since she finds all kinds of young reader one's she then tries to find in the bookstore.
LOL! what would we do without kids!
Aww that's cute! :)
Weird, just dropped from 119.75 to 119.69 and yet nothing has altered other than a few more people adding me to their friend list. I think it is time to bring the kids back to do some rating lol, they love getting to do that!
I have emptied my work diary for six weeks from Friday, and I am happy my studies have been cancelled. I feel my safest online but know I have to get back into crowds and other people soon or I will feel lost.
Holidays are booked for the end of the month and I must say that I am looking forward to the cruise. Not so much getting of the ship when it docks, but the very fact of lazin' around in warm sunshine letting my mind drift to happier times will be good for me right now. I love my Mum :)
22:08 Jul 25 2009
yay holidays!
15:45 Aug 08 2009
You better be having a wonderful time :)