This is silly, but I feel like a kiddie who is excited about going to holiday. The weekend is coming, and I get some time for myself! Albeit I need to spend some "family" time with Mum and Pat...I pretty well most have at least 6+ hours for me!! YAY! Weekend schedule:
It's time to send, "Leggs" into hibernation for a while, and here is a profile of my past avatars in Vampire Rave.... I wonder how many of you can remember the old ones?
Curtesy of Harpia :)
The new one is the best one :-)
They do say a change is as good as a rest lol
Great new avatar, but you know i'll still be callin ya Leggs!
i like the new one best too....*smile*
Your avvies are so sexy!
And Morri`s one is sooo funny.I know the story behind it.Maybe you should tell it here.It`s too funny!
The game keeper knocked on my door this morning and turned me into a swan, and I get to join the Menagerie Sisterhood! That's girls with spunk, to those of you who don't know what this is!.. and here is the complete Sisterhood!
Welcome dear. ^_^
Ahhhh its about time you was in the gates of the zoo. Sorry it took me so long to do it, Swan. And I swear you hinted at the swan.... really- I swear you did. lol
Yea another feathered friend for me to play with :)
That zoo is sure worth a visit. Sweet!
I don't know if I should be excited or scared?? lol
NFA the Jaguar lol
Hmm, Fucktard..what is a fucktard? Come here and I will tell you what a real FUCKTARD truly is. Yes, I was angry today but I had a laugh later under my breath cos when I called him a fucktard as I had never heard the word before until recent times in Vampire Rave! It must be an American thing LMAO!
Well! today I was driving on a dual carriageway at the national speed limit of 70mph, when the second car in front of me, braked and pulled over on a verge 150 feet away from an offical carparking/rest area that was in vision! The car behind him had to apply their brakes, and in turn, I had to emergency brake also. When I braked my car skidded to the right into the fast lane were there was on- coming traffic, and he had to swerve to get into the slow lane I had just vacated to avoid hitting me. Then he had to brake also!
My God was it scary..but the FUCKTARD who pulled his car over to the side of the road was obilivious to what was going on as he had a fecking mobile phone to his ear! So, he put all users on the road at risk because of his actions!!! Now that is my defination of what a true fucktard and freeking idiot truly is, one who doesn't give a hoot about anyone else and their safety and you know what.. I bet he could spell!
Fucktard Emmy, is the shortened version of fucking retard! I love it! I use it all the time.
Haha, that is where I learned it from M!! snickers, I had a feeling you might be by!!! :)
So many little space in hell.
Incidents like that make me want to push for no cell phones while driving.
You know how to reel me into your journal- just talk of fucktards. LOL
I also like the word dipshit for people like that. Glad you and the others was not hurt.
Stay safe sis. more to add to my list....but glad your safe.
You called??
My thanks to those who sent me and my family messages of sympathy. It is much appreciated and very kind fo you.
I will get back on top of things here again soon. I started to reply to some of the messages today and I am sorry that I was slow in's just it was difficult being social in such a climate.
Ann died today. Today is the day of love, and she was so full of that. Everyone loved to see Ann, to talk with Ann, to laugh with Ann. It fits that she died on the day of love, and yet she was so young.
She awoke this morning, washed and got dressed. Then she lit the fire and sat down on the sofa to have a cup of tea. Resting quietly she slipped into the netherland, and died as she sat.
Yes, she was a member of my family and we will be attending the funeral on Sunday.
Very sorry to hear of your loss- but the way you make it sound... that's the way I would want to go and be remembered.
Thankyou two very much for your kind messages of sympathy. The wake will start when her remains are released from the hospitial as the body has to have a post mortem to establish cause of death.
It was indeed a good way for Ann to die, many of us hope when our time comes that we will just slip like that.
Last night it wass assumed the funeral will be on Sunday.. but that depends on how busy the morgue is, so it could be as late as Monday or Tuesday but the family hope it will be earlier.
Ann was related to D's side of the family, however, I really liked the lady and spent holidays with her in Spain. I shall miss her, and I am touched with sadness and grief.
I am sorry to hear of you and your familys loss. I sure understand how they feel, at least from my past experience. That's neat though that she passed on the day of love, having so much of it within her. Being so young though....
Thinking of you x...and Ann
My sincere condolences, Emmy.
It's hard when we lose a loved one. I'll be thinking of you and your family hon.
I know I am late hearing of this, but I wish you the best during this time of loss.
I am in a twist today and so far it has been a bad least personally which is more important than the work stuff.
My sister isn't well now, and Mum and my other sister are in Spain. That leaves me. My Dad can't handle this.
I washed her, I dressed her, I walked her. It is so darn diffcult to push so much weight around, and I hurt my back which resulted in having to call the auxilary for some help. I must look into the costing of a motorized wheelchair for her. Noone should live their life without some degree of independance., come on its about diginity!
Hang on Emerald!
I just wish I would be there to help you somehow.
You are doing your best!
A bad month indeed but you did allright!
Not many people are fighting like you do, and for such noble causes, so it`s important for every one of us if you will fight on!
My grandmother wasn`t able to move either so I understand this situation.
You are great!
*many hugs*
Someone once told me the sick, the injured, the mamed were sent to test us to become better people, to learn our life's lesson.....
I don't envy you, but I am proud of you.
It's a hard way to learn many lessons.
Oh wow, I am sorry to hear your sister isn't well. What is wrong? It takes a lot out of a person being a caretaker. And men just can't seem to handle it very well, or long, and not as attentive as a woman for a woman. We all need our independence!
I am being arrested by the police and being placed in jail, unless I raise enough money for a bail bond. Bail is set at £500.00 british pounds!
It should be fun, we are trying to raise £50,000 pounds for Breast Cancer, & Motor Neurone Disease. I will be working with our local radio station, the DJ there is a hoot and he is being arrested too haha! well, it should be a very different sort of day out!
Demand to be handcuffed.
I got arrested once :) (nromally am not rpoud of it BUT the arresting officer was TASTY, think Beela Lugiousi) unfortunately the let me go :( I begged to be taken to HER cell :P
Hey I just ran a charity function last week that got about 83k aussie - that's about 500 pound isn't it? hahahahh
Oye girly! cuffs no less!
So, how much did you raise honey?
I am thinking of physical abuse and mental abuse, and I am wondering is there really that big of a difference between them? Whilst physical abuse can leave bruises and scars, mental abuse can also do the same.... I think.
Yesterday, I was not physically violated, but the pain hurt just as much in my heart from the words of someone very close to me... a family member.
You see, when the apologies came the day after when he was in a state of sobriety, and the insults and pain he delivered when he was drunk the night before by authoring them in a letter to me.
Apparently during the drinking stage he was angry, and just decided to take it out on someone that he felt he could shout at from a safe distance (like thousands of miles safe distance!) without thinking of the dire consequences of his actions and words.
Well, next day I get an apology and everything is meant to be okay??? And the excuse, sorry but I was drunk, and didn’t really mean it, and I really do love you.. I mean wtf, am I meant to accept this..?? I am just awfully confused..
:-( *hugs* drop me a line if you want a chat
It is not the actual abuse that hurts, but the perception of abuse. If it has been perceived, then it has occured. Keep or set boundaries for yourself with individual, as abuse is never acceptable.
:( I have no words, only the fact I am here to listen to you if you needed it, I hope you feel beetter soon.
Thanks for the advise, and I feel the love.. y'know this is a hard time for me, but I feel I should ride the bullet to see where it takes me. If I didn't care, then it wouldn't matter, but it does and I am concerned for him. Does that make sense, or am I am nuts?
Keep in mind that what they are saying is coming from an ugly place in their heart and mind where tons of bad experiences has happened and colored their views of life. It isn't even about you. Know what I mean?
PS--But I understand what you are saying. It hurts and especially painful coming from someone you love and is supposed to have love returned from. =
Today I have been ripped apart by the cruelest blow, authored by a savage hand in a drunken blur. It hurt like hell, and my world shakes as I try not to spill the tears my heart cries out.
Tell me who the cur is and I'll bung him right in the left ear.
I am not happy to hear that and even worse I am not there for you :( fuc*ing coward to raise a hand against a kind person like you :(
does lex need to send out a call to his world wide killing services...
Thanks guys..I will explain things a bit better in my journal entry tonight... It is good to know that you are around and with so much valour!
Aw, yikes, what the hell? I'm sorry to hear that you are hurting. =( Do they need a good talkin' to?
This very disturbing and so wrong.
I thing an international smack down is in order.
Just let me at him ::growls:: How DARE he do anything to Miss Emmy -_-
My freezer went on the blink last night. I lost an entire stock of food, including chicken breasts, southern fried chicken and a turkey crown. I am so pissed about that, and now I have to go buy another freezer on top of everything else!! I could do with a good vodka absoulute but I am of the funny stuff for Lent, *double grrssss*
But Lent doesn't start until Tuesday!
Darnit KCRC, I thought it was last Tuesday.. I am sure Shrove Tuesday was then! *bright idea* !!that means I can have a nightcap teehee!!
Tonight I made crepes for the first time, and whilst the first one went into a concertina shape the second one turned out just fine. I was proud as punch, considering it was my first time making them! I served them up with maple syrup, manadrins and a little cream. They did taste good!! Next time its brandy and flame *chortle*
Well Done!
The first one in a batch is always a "Throw Away"!
The pan needs to cook one before it will do it correctly.
Thanks KC.. AND teehee I made a second batch successfully today! served with fudge sauce and vanilla ice-cream :)
One thing I will say is that I do feel pretty comfortable with myself. I'd say that I am well balanced, and as far as I am aware liked by all who know me in real life. I wouldn't go as far to say that I am center of attraction in groups as I steer away as much as I can from that hating to bring attention on myself, but I certaintly would be the more risque, and fiesty than some others!
I like to have fun, laugh. I knew a lady from Texas once who was a friend of Cancer's and we had the same kind of humour, damn did that lady and I have some laughs the times we talked on the phone together!!
I dont like sucky sucky up kinda people, in fact it churns my stomach and I am glad I am not that type. I stand in my corner, and if there is something that I think is "odd"...well I will say what it is, rather than sucking up. Get my drift? I am odd, its easier to agree for some people, but I'm my own kind of person and stay true to my own beliefs unless persuaded otherwise by further knowledge.
Uuum, maybe I am too independent and sometimes I wish I were not as strong as I am, cos I think that I need a "breather" from that. Get my drift? umm
Anyway this journal entry is all about me, and I am growing weary..maybe I just need someone stronger than me, to take me in their arms and tell me, "It's all going to be okay, and you can just let go a bit now" Get my drift?
Don't worry Emmy, we're right with you. *hugs*
So those ain't your lip prints on my ass :P lol JOKE I think you rock the way you are and being in the Coven of Purgatory you know am on the same wavelength as you :)
22:44 Feb 28 2008
lmao....the fact that you wrote out a schedule tells me you need it....I know how you feel, take the phone off the hook and enjoy x
01:43 Feb 29 2008
TAKE IT, IT'S YOURS (sorry, just watched Troy)
19:47 Mar 05 2008
About time darlin. I've been tellin you you needed a break.