I am wondering... would anyone, anyone at all who lives in the sun like to swop places with me for a while? I would exchange living in your place...even wash dishes! if you take my environmental exams on the 19th of May and a practical assessment on the effects a construction company may have on the environment?
22:28 Apr 28 2010
hahaha.. Don't think anyone would agree to this :P
22:29 Apr 28 2010
It's sunny and warm here (actually, it's raining like hell, but you wouldn't know that until you got here). I'm game, for a chance to visit Ireland! ;P
19:13 Apr 29 2010
Done! El Paso fucking Texas... Desert and asshole of these here United States!
Texas doesn't want to claim it. Mexico doesn't want to claim it. And I hate being stationed here.
I'll trade with anybody right about now.
22:46 Apr 30 2010
There you go Fatality.. you were wrong! but, but Bones.. the Emerald Isle is so green because it rains all the time! I hate rain unless it is so hot I want to walk in it heh!
El-Paso? I ain't got any gun-training honey!