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blood vengence

23:51 Apr 20 2009
Times Read: 526

I woke up in a room. It was dark. I could see the red eyes watching me. Waiting. "Yey! Babys awake!" His deep menacing voice made me jump. He laughed at me. It was a creepy sound and sent violent shivers up my back.

He was walking. Getting close. He reached out to touch my face causing me to jump again, which led to me hearing that evil laugh again. "Phoenix!" he yelled. Only moments later another male walked in. He turned on the light above my head.

I noticed I was chained to a wall. Not a good situation.

The male known as Phoenix walked into the light. He had raven-black coloured hair. His eyes were deep blue. They reminded me of the water in the river that flowed behind my house, just slightly hidden by the woods. He was very muscular, almost scary muscular.

"Josh" Phoenix greeted the other man formally. "Why dont you watch her for a while Phoenix." Phoenix smiled a crooked smile, "My name is Tazia." I whispered unable to breath once Phoenix smiled at me. "I'll stay here." Phoenix said answering Josh's question.

Josh walked out. Just as the door shut Phoenix asked "Are you hungry?" "no." I answered almost immediatly. After a few minutes of thinking my stomache started growling. I hadnt ate since yesterday morning at about 1:00 in the morning, or close to that.

Yesterday? I could hardly remember what happened. I was over at Tommy's house hanging out with him playing cards on his bed listening to music on the radio. Some men came in holding guns. Tommy tried to fight them but was no match. They easily knocked him out. One of the men grabed me and was trying to drag me out. I was histerical, crying, screaming, and as blond as I am I even tried to fight them. One took a syringe out of the black bag he had carried in. He jabbed it in my leg. Before the darkness fully crept over me I saw them pull ropes out of the bag and began to tie me up. Then it was all darkness.Sometime between then and now they had untied me and chained me to a wall.

I tried hard to get out of the chains but they wouldnt give in. Phoenix sat in front of me in a chair. He had an amused look on his face. Then I remembered there were 3 when they kidnapped me so there was another one around here some place. I didnt know I was about to meet him. "Are you cold?" Phoenix asked getting up off the chair. "No" He laughed at me. What is this? A laugh at Tazia party? "you can tell your cold. Your shaking. Well unless your that afraid of me." He mused. He went and got a hoodie that looked very warm. "Dont run unless you want to be in big trouble." He said. Like i would take his advice. He unchained me and I put the hoodie on. Once I thought he wasnt paying attention I made a run for it. I ran as hard and fast as i could. I got the door opened and was running.

I didnt notice him until I ran into him. He was like running into a wall. I tried to run past him but he grabed me by the waist and pulled me back into the room where I was chained up again. "I warned you not to run. Know you know what its like to run into a wall." The dude i ran into chuckled on his way out. "where am I exactly?" I asked absolutely curious. "Here." He gave me that crooked grin that completely took my breath away. "V-very f-funny." I stuttered still unable to breath. "I know I am." "Smart alec." I said finally breathing. "Go to sleep. We wont mess with you while your asleep." he promised. I didnt believe him but I was tired and agreed to go to sleep. He undid my chains and pushed me in front of him to a bed on the other side of the room. I didnt notice until I herd the click of metal hitting metal that he had chained me to the floor so I couldnt run. There was just enough slack to walk to the bed. I climbed in and fell asleep realising how tired I really was.

"Wake up sunshine!" someone exclaimed. I sat up to see it was the guy I ran into yesterday. I blushed wondering how long he had been standing there. He walked over and unclamped the chain around my ankle. He made me follow him. He walked me to a room. It had a stove and sink et cetera. I guessed it was a kitchen. I was sure it was a kitchen when the guy I ran into had me sit down at the table and they gave me breakfast.

It had gotten so quiet that when Josh spoke I almost fell out of my chair. " see Elyte I told you she wouldnt run from you." Josh sounded like he was trying hard not to laugh.



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