The threats of deleting your profile and starting over because you are too impatient to wait while a trade to another coven is made unfortunately do not concern me. My time and life do not revolve around Vampire rave and what you do with your profile ultimately means absolutely nothing to me.
What this does though is cause you to lose all the time and effort you put into your profile to begin with and puts your new profile at risk of being inducted by any coven, including this coven again, putting you right back at step one.
Moral of the journal - Patience is a virtue, please have some.
03:02 Jun 30 2015
those who play the game of : "If I don,t get what I want cause I think I am above Cancer's rules, I'm gonna delete"
are the favorite ones I will gladly transfer toThe Coven where they can learn the FAQ
and being watch by a few allies who also think that Cancer makes the rules, not the "whinny baby tantrum kids"
04:23 Jun 30 2015
Since there is little to no activity within my forums and the majority of my time is not spent on the site threats like these don't bother me. I am just as happy to have inactive, suspended or self-deleted profiles as I am active ones waiting to be traded or willing to stay and work on becoming a sire. I am always willing to trade people as long as there is some agreement.
22:31 Jun 30 2015
The ones who threaten to delete, I let them. It's their hard work they waste when they do that- and possibly PM costs that Cancer will not refund. But, I'm also vindictive enough to induct their new account if they happen to be on when I am.
21:45 Apr 01 2016
i have seen a lot of self delete even at the start they open and then they rate and add people this has got to be hard on the admin .