Seriously, what? Have you ever even talked to her? Has she lost her bleeping mind? Oh, wait... yes, she has.
Omg are you fricking serious. I think someone should read her lastest Journal she has decided to call our Dade a sex offender.
You gotta be sh*tting me.....
:: Shakes head ::
Totally over the hill.should seek therapy and get a job to pay for it.
Well the ramen noodle bowls turned out good. i know there are no ways near what japan's noodles would be, they wasn't spicey, didn't want mine to be. but they was better then the store bought packaged kinds.
Well, went shopping ......
food shopping.......
Got the stuff for the ramon noodle meal.
The soup base will be homemade.
It seems in one way alot of work.
Time involded more so, but i think will be worth it, healthier then the instint ramon noodle bowls.
Idk why I am looking fowards to this so much lol
BTW, still smoke free as well
this will be awesome! let us know how it turned out:)
You go gurl! I am so proud of you *huggs*
05:52 Mar 19 2020
Back at ya 3 fold
06:41 Mar 19 2020