Saying this now.......
be safe during the holidays
Don't drink then drive.
Just be safe.
Be merry and happy and healthy.
I fully agree with you.
I wish people cared more for others.
Instead of trying to kick them off the site for whatever reason, they may have just because they don't like you and they don't give a fuck.
I have never hated a soul in my entire life, I wish that part can change but people have shown me how they really feel about me even in the worse aspect of things.
I lost my fur baby a few months back and I had to put her down and people in VR made fun of me for her death and claimed I lied when her kidney failed and that's how her death came to be.
I just don't know what to even think about this place anymore.
Sure, I've done bad things in the past, but you don't make fun of someone's dead pet. and they're past relationships. That we're bad.
You may delete this comment if you want to and I won't comment again like some people over and over just because it's deleted.
I won't be like everyone else I can't step down to that level.
I won’t delete this. Yes I would like people to be kinder, would make the world a nicer place to live.
05:46 Dec 23 2020
OKs.... I won't drive....
But I'm getting hammered at the first chance.