Well it has been awhile since I have been on VR. This place is definitely on the back burner, but never forgotten.
Life is good, and interesting.
I love my job. I am back in apartment again, and living with my boyfriend. The guy I mentioned before. Unfortunately, we do have to move because this building is adult only.
That's right.
Pinky has a little brain in the oven!!!
It's my first. The morning sickness was horrible. It's finally calmed down a little. Next week I go for my mid ultrasound, and hopefully my little jelly bean will behave so we might be able to find out the gender.
Whoever said pregnancy was magical, is full of crap! The end result is magical and beautiful, sure! But all the in between is HORRIBLE!
I am glad that I am having a baby now instead of when I was younger. I don't think I would have dealt with it very well.
So life is crazy, yet wonderful. And in a few more months will have changed completely once again.
06:02 Mar 27 2015
09:32 Mar 27 2015
Congrats,Pinky...I'm happy for you!
13:01 Mar 27 2015
I had morning sickness for most of my pregnancy it was awful
so I can relate Anyway I wish you well with the time left carrying your baby boy/girl Awesome news :)
22:11 Mar 27 2015
Thank you! *nibbles on Payne*
We are so happy that we have a Lil one on the way. I found out a week before Christmas, so it was a surprise gift to his family.
I called my mom to tell her, and she is excited too. That was about the only real good reaction from my side of the family. And I am glad baby daddy took it well, cause I was so nervous to tell him lol
And work has been great and supportive as well and helping me when I need it.
Just sucks we have to move cause I love this apartment. Its cheap.