Brief life update.
I am doing well. I had to move out of my apartment of two and a half years because I quit one of my jobs. Then my hours got cut back at my second job so I had to move again.
I have been sleeping on a couch since July.
I got a new job and quit my other one.
I started seeing someone LOCAL!!! We met actually 4 years ago and I have had a huge secret crush on him for 4 years! And now I am madly in love with him and have the most amazing boyfriend. He is my soul mate.
Even though I have no private space I get along great with my roomies and I feel like family. I am going to be spending Christmas with them and my boyfriend and possibly his family.
I am seeing my mom and more family in February. I haven't seen my mom in about 3-4 years. I am hoping the boyfriend can come with as I would really like him to meet my mom.
I don't even remember being this happy.
Next step is finding my own place again, nothing available yet, so I will be keeping my eyes open.
I probably won't be logging on here for a while again. Just thought if anyone was wondering where I am....I am out enjoying my new life! :)
04:51 Dec 07 2013
thanks for the update, I'd often wondered what happened to my long lost Canadian friend =)
couch surfing is rough, I've been there. I once spent a summer slept on friends couches, its murder on the back & neck but its kinda humbling & good for the soul, makes you ask yourself questions y'know?
your gonna be ok hun =)